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It is a common tactic among trans activists to justify their hate/violent threats against women they disagree with, by dehumanizing said women. That, and in an attempt to turn 'misgerndering' back on those of us who are gender critical, it's a common tactic for transactivists to call the women they disagree with them 'he' or 'it'. Again, not to make it about the detractors, but I know there was some confusion around this.

17 thoughts on “CH3P12

  1. “It is a common tactic among trans activists to justify their hate/violent threats against women they disagree with, by dehumanizing said women.”

    I mean, you literally represented trans people in your comic with these villianous strawmen. You intentionally drew them as ugly and sinister as possible, complete with hooked noses (antisemitism), evil smirks, and dramatic lighting. That is dehumanizing, and it’s hypocritical. As a reader, I’m interested in your PoV. But when you resort to using strawmen, it muddles whatever point you’re trying to make. It just makes the comic look ignorant at best and hateful at worst. I can’t take it seriously. You’re a talented artist, but I hope that in the future your character writing will contain more compassion. Or at least more nuance.

    1. Okay, so a lot of these links just lead to screenshots of TW who are talking about kink stuff and/or anime on twitter. A ton (and I mean a TON) of cis women are also into anime and kink stuff, so I’m not sure what the issue is other than “eww, icky.” I understand being adverse to this stuff (esp the gross “little” stuff), but it seems like a double standard to me when you single out TW who are into these very popular things. Most of these posts appear to just make fun of the way these TW look; a lot of them are older, they’re GNC, or they have the audacity to act confident and flirtatious while being trans. Some of them are obviously disabled, which isn’t a crime. Like. Leave them alone. Some of the posts that get screenshotted have barely any notes, but then they get reposted to an audience of thousands for the sake of cringe comedy.

      I’m much more interested in the first link, which leads to a post containing cherry-picked articles about TW committing violent crimes, including rape, pedophilia, and murder. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that these monsters aren’t “real” TW. The “no true Scotsman” fallacy is stupid. It’s more useful to acknowledge that humans are capable of committing atrocious crimes, and TW are no exception. I’m not going to bother with linking to a bunch of articles about cis women committing the same type of crimes, since anyone who knows how to use Google can look that stuff up on their own. Due to double standards in the justice system, (white) women who commit these crimes seem to get lighter sentences (if their crimes are acknowledged at all).

      It’s also important to acknowledge that way more women (cis and trans) are victims of violent crimes. Violently criminal women (cis and trans) are the exception, not the rule. But when it does happen, trans women and WoC get used as “proof” that the whole group is bad. Minorities are only as good as their worst members.

      I think that popular trans-activism should be criticized. I think it has a misogyny problem because the entire world has a misogyny problem. People of all stripes of life, including cis women, feel entitled to female bodies, often without even realizing it. (As an example, a lot of religious cis women feel entitled to dictate what other women should do with their bodies.) But let’s talk about the specific misogyny of trans-activist twitter culture, which I wholeheartedly cannot stand since twitter is pure cancer.

      The concept of the “cotton ceiling” is outrageous: nobody is entitled to sex. The “Punch/Kill a Terf” rhetoric is dangerous, since people seem to think “terf” is another word for lesbian (or any woman who dares to say no to sex). Even if a woman says mean things, she doesn’t deserve to be assaulted (I’m not a believer in the “talk shit get hit” philosophy. Always use your words and only get physical if it’s self-defense against real physical violence.) It’s men who are being violent against TW, not women. To be more specific, it’s mostly black TW who are being killed by men who felt sexually confused by them. From what I’ve seen, it’s mostly white TW who feel so entitled that they equate being rejected or being made fun of with experiencing violence. (There are exceptions of course, I’m speaking very broadly.) It’s an insult to anyone who has endured real violence, especially sexual violence.

      As for the nose stuff, I’m gonna take back my initial criticism. Although the character designs here remind me of typical 90s Disney villains, I think my reaction to their noses was a little… well. Reactionary.

      I’d still like to read your comic if that’s okay, but as a lurker. I’ll keep my comments to myself, since I’m sure this isn’t your first rodeo and you’ve already heard it all. Even if I consider these trans characters to be bad representation (to say the least), I’m still interested in seeing a perspective that I don’t usually see. The lesbian characters are written very well, and I can empathize with their frustrations. There’s a lot of resentment and division within the LGBT community, and I don’t want to run away from that by staying in my own bubble. I want to see a different side.

      1. As a libertarian, I disagree with the radical feminist view on kink, porn, and prostitution; I believe that consenting adults have the right to do things even if others find them “perverted”. But people don’t have the right to force themselves on others, so I agree with a women-only club such as is illustrated here excluding “transwomen” if they wish. And on this issue I find the “radfems” more congruent with biological reality than trans activists. Back in the ’80s and ’90s I was very much against radical feminism for its censoriousness (and they did seem to be part of that era’s political correctness movement) but in recent times I’ve found things to agree with in their beliefs even if I don’t buy them entirely.

        1. If you think radical feminists’ issue with kink, prostitution and pornography is that they’re perverse you are incredibly ignorant. Consent cannot be bought. When you buy a prostitute you are using financial coercion as she would not sleep with you otherwise. Coercion for sex is rape.

          You’d do well to look into the psychological effects of both pornography consumption and the extreme abuse suffered by the women and girls who participate.

          Turning of your critical thinking because an adult “consents” to something like a harmful kink (achieving orgasm to hitting/being hit for example) is as ludicrous as claiming a person who consents to smoking a cigarette is no longer in danger of all the harm’s it brings. Consent is a bare minimum but is not a shield from criticism.

          Your position of support on the trans issue specifically doesn’t mean a lot to me when you lack such basic critical thinking skills and empathy for women.

  2. People really want to pretend that trans women never look like this… Why?

    I mean does your support for trans women lessen when they look like men in wigs and makeup? What’s your beef with this portrayal? Are trans women only valid to you when they look like cis barbie dolls? I’ve seen plenty of trans women that look like men, because well… C’mon.

    Especially when they “transition” well into adulthood and don’t have the money for cosmetic surgeries. Are these kinds of trans women not valid to you TRAs?
    Stop pretending these people do not exist.

    1. there is some thing, and this things is, that biology just don’t care about people identifications, you can say that you’re pineapple, but you don’t become a pineapple, the same thing with trans people, they are just thinking that they are somebody else sex

  3. The author is anti-porn but this reads like a fetish comic

    1. This woman is criticising a group of men for their often violent misogyny? Well I think this means she’s secretly aroused by them. I am very smart.

  4. For people criticizing their appearance as “strawman”, I actually saw a dude with a skullet and lipstick protesting a Megan Murphy talk. And there are sooo many selfies of TIMs that look like all three. If anything, the author made them less perverted because they’re decently-if ridiculously-dressed.

    1. I feel like I was pretty generous! They look relatively clean, and they even got in a few scathing one liners! But unless you’ve got their tacky boots in your mouth, it’ll never be enough smh.

  5. I would just like to say that this comic is INCREDIBLY cathartic for me to read, and was sent to me by another radfem and lesbian who feels the same way. Reading a comic where women actually get to keep our spaces ours is a fucking amazing and liberating feeling after spending my time reading about TW being allowed into female spaces more and more. Thank you for providing this incredibly important art for those of us who really need the hope it provides us. X

    1. Cathartic is exactly the way I wanted LB – and this scene specifically to feel. I’m so so happy that is come across to many readers.

      Thank YOU for taking the time to leave such a lovely comments πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  6. I’m cackling at these depictions. They’re SO accurate LOL I’ve seen sooooo many male-to-female transgendered people that look exactly like this. I mean, goddamn, the reality of Twitter and Reddit are often far worse than this leads on. Those are the exact things they say while looking like that too. They have these conjured-up pornified identities that look stupid and ugly as hell; it’s just so ironic.

  7. It IS disgustingly transphobic. I’m out.

    1. lmao cry harder

    2. you won’t be missed!

  8. There aren’t enough psychoactive drugs in the world to make me believe fully intact males with Laydeefeelz are women, and so many of them really do look just like this group of antagonists. It’s amazing the mental gymnastics we’re expected to do to avoid offending middle-aged autogynephiles.

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