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Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
8 December 2024 4:58 PM

Blaire back on her spy mission thing 🙄

8 December 2024 8:39 PM

Ari is looking especially fine today.

8 December 2024 10:44 PM

Goodness, I so feel for Riley this arc. This constant tension, like you are constantly expecting an air siren to go off…

9 December 2024 12:13 AM

If Blaire is whisperwhisperwhispering about veiled trans stuff to Jaden in public, that’s… eyebrow-raising. Like, if you think your girlfriend’s roommate has a serious problem that your unique knowledge can help (to phrase Blaire’s perspective charitably), why wouldn’t you address that with her more privately? Especially if that unique problem is intimate and often medical in nature?

Does she hope to set the stage for some kind of public coming out at Yonique? I hope she’s not preparing to ask Jaden if she was born in the wrong body while she’s on the job and swinging from customer to customer. Don’t doubt it tho. This would say a lot about how Blaire views both her “misson” and the people she has to “save.”

I’m excited for Riley to A C T on this and get some time in the sun – well, it looks less like sun than a big storm coming – but I really feel for her. For all of Blaire’s social and emotional skills, she either can’t see why this would stress her girlfriend out, or she thinks she’s so justified she shouldn’t care. Riley, I’m sad for you.

You walk on eggshells while your girlfriend is trying to crack eggs and you deserve someone radder and cooler. But Blaire, I love the consternation you cause me as a reader, and I hope and fear you will cause more soon.

9 December 2024 12:48 AM

Shut up Blaire 😒

9 December 2024 12:59 AM

Ooh the pink of Jaden’s shirt matching Blaires pink hair… And Blaires dress matching Jaden’s waistcoat 👀 poor Riley having to live in terror if her gf saying something stupid though 😭

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
9 December 2024 2:40 AM

Blaire’s about to piss me the fuck off for real lmfao cut that shit out girl

9 December 2024 5:01 AM

Points to Blaire for asking a perfectly reasonable question first instead of immediately getting back on her bullshit, but that second question has me thinking we’re only a few panels away from it. Riley’s terror is perfectly understandable.

9 December 2024 7:42 AM

Every interaction those two have leads Riley closer to developing an ulcer.

apparently not a music reader girlie
apparently not a music reader girlie
9 December 2024 9:02 AM

i even got up n played the notes but im still stumped 🙁 love rileys face in the last panel!! and her dance partner’s, too 😀

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
10 December 2024 4:29 AM

I’m loving all the bright happy colours and romantic atmosphere vs all the simmering tension that we the readers know is there…there’s some kinda parallel with Blaire being really bubbly and pretty and having good intentions vs her remarkable ability to fuck up any peaceful scenario lol

Hags nook
Hags nook
10 December 2024 4:59 AM

I know I’m unpopular for this but I don’t like Riley’s treatment of Blaire. Acting like she finds Blaire embarrassing while still playing loved up is manipulative to me. I honestly think Riley is using Blaire based on a physical attraction and the social capital she gets from her job being B’s family business/ having a hot girlfriend etc etc there is even a panel when Riley admits to herself she enjoys the sex so much she forgets about their obvious compatibility issues.

At the end of the day, Yes, Blaire has got some big woo beliefs but Jaden is a grown woman who can hear them and dismiss them as Riley herself did previously. If Blaire was a militant vegan say and she was constantly lecturing everyone I think it’d be more obvious that one can just disagree with her and break up if it’s going to be a relationship obstacle. I feel like Riley is ‘humouring’ her like a kid almost.

First time commenting! I love leasebound. I just wanted to offer my perspective on the relationship dynamics.

11 December 2024 11:16 PM

Inaugurating the new comment section woohoo !

11 December 2024 11:33 PM

woah. new comment section

12 December 2024 10:36 PM

this page is so pretty and cute!!!! love ari banging out the tunes. poor riley looks like she’s gonna have an ulcer …glad jaden and blaire are having fun though hehehe

you know me
you know me
13 December 2024 1:50 AM

PLEASE tell me Ari was a theatre kid.

13 December 2024 4:06 AM

Not the gendies disliking every comment💀you won’t stop rusty from drawing

13 December 2024 7:16 AM

I LOVE the comment section’s new look! Seeing the little changes pop up over time has been fun.

14 December 2024 1:12 AM

Hello Hello Hello, what is this? A new comment section?? Ari playing Smash Mouth???? Blaire asking weird questions trying to bring up what she thinks of Jaden’s choice of clothes even when Jaden didn’t actually choose the clothes????? Lots and lots going on.

I am normally a pretty conflict avoidant person, but I look forward to this bubble bursting for Riley and Blaire. This is just gonna give Riley high blood pressure. At some point you have to take a deep breath, realize this conflict is inevitable, and face the repercussions. (Easier said than done, I know! And especially so for Riley, who really doesn’t have a network of her own to fall back on if she loses her relationship… and with her job in the mix, too. It’s always awkward working for an ex, especially if things ended badly.)

Random question, actually: We don’t really see Riley going out and connecting with people, it seems like whenever she does go to a social occasion it’s specifically something she does with Blaire. How did they actually meet? Have we ever been told and I’ve just forgotten? Or will we get an answer later in the comic (perhaps in the inevitable Riley Backstory Chapter)?

8 February 2025 5:17 PM

Gimme a ballroom playlist!!