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Can't believe Violet can't see all the signs of clearly dormant gender in her daughter who likes to dress practically, smh 😤😤!!


That is a wrap on Chapter 11 though ladies, thank you SO much for being so engaged and leaving so many hilarious, thoughtful and kind comments. It's been an incredible boost to my morale and made me more motivated than ever to keep putting out LB.

Chapter 12 is in the works, but while I work on it I've got some extra/bonus mini comics coming your way to fill the space in the mean time. They'll be coming out as per the usual schedule, weekly on a Monday + one bonus page on the first Thursday of the month. So I'll see you all on the 6th of July!

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Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
2 July 2023 9:37 PM

And that was Blaire! We love to hate her <3 and OF COURSE she has pamphlets on standby, she keeps them in her purse because if she kept them in her pockets that'd make her a man 😝

I can't with this woman she's so funny in a gendie way lmao, I hope people can understand my sarcasm, I got a few emojis that gave me a bit of the spook last page around 😳

2 July 2023 9:38 PM

Blaire, please, touching grass isn’t enough. She needs to go and live in a pond until she learns how to be normal.

2 July 2023 9:42 PM

VIOLET MOTHER OF THE YEAR! I applaud her for prioritising getting Faith home and not going awf on Blaire the turbo handmaiden. I love how she clearly asserted that Faith is a girl and her interests are perfectly normal, I really love Blaire as an antagonist but dear lord if I knew her in person it would be a much different story lmao

2 July 2023 10:49 PM

So Violet isn’t a normie like Jaden and now knows Blaire is a gendie. She and Riley both know and are on opposite sides of confrontation with her. I wonder if Violet will be the one to call Riley out on her fence-sitting when the time comes, grabbing my popcorn 😋

Also there is a typo in the last sentence, the *with should be *will

2 July 2023 10:58 PM


2 July 2023 11:00 PM

Grrr… Blaire pushing medically assisted self-harm; grooooommerrrr… >:V

2 July 2023 11:33 PM

Gender shenanigans! I wanna see more Brick!

And good on Violet to do right by Faith. Standing by her girl!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
2 July 2023 11:34 PM

Didn’t I call this shit??? Didn’t I CALL THIS SHIT? Ms Clicker for the win once more!!

Aight, so now we know that Violet knows and handles it like a champ. Also, Blaire continues to be as dense and well intentioned and brainwashed as usual. Don’t forget people, she thinks neutral pronouns are a helping hand in the right path and that puberty blockers are healthcare. There’s no dealing with a snake where there isn’t one, and Blaire still things herself to be the ally of LGBTQI2A++.

Any confrontation isn’t going to make her think, it’s just going to kick her US vs THEM switch mentality and put her on the offensive/defensive. The same way you see her as prejudiced groomer; she too sees you as such when you deny s young child the opportunity to “”choose their body””.

2 July 2023 11:36 PM

Violet is so classy! Efficient, priorities straight. ❤️
Also, omg, Blaire keeps getting worse and worse.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
2 July 2023 11:43 PM

VIOLET LOL i guess blaire isn’t as bad as some of the worst tras i’ve seen, a lot of them would take that as “TERFy passive aggression” 😂 But Violet got tf up out of there while p much blowing off Blaire, hahahahaha. Good for you queen 👑

2 July 2023 11:49 PM

Violet handled that a lot more gracefully that I have in the past, hats off to her. Sadly the message she’s sending isn’t the one Blaire is receiving – though her response makes me wonder whether she thinks Violet just didn’t get it?

If she understood that Violet just said “NO THANK YOU” to her ideology, she probably would be thinking of how to get Faith out of her “transphobic household” instead of trying to “help” Violet by drowning her in pharma pamphlets.

Either way I’m pretty sure Violet can handle whatever Blaire throws at her, though. As can Faith, judging by the last couple pages!

Only somewhat related: I really could see her reacting the way my mum did if Faith ever does identify as anything.

“What do you think a girl is?” and then “I don’t wear makeup either, am I also not a woman then?” sure ended my teenaged attempt at nonbinary-ness in roughly three days, because I simply did not have an answer to that.

2 July 2023 11:59 PM

It seems Faith goth her Sudden Serious Shocked Zoomed In Face from her mother god bless. Violet a pro of Dodging That Bullshit 😊

3 July 2023 12:15 AM

I also vote for more Faith! Look at her sleeping face she’s so adorable 😭 I wanna see her having a normal one! I know Violet would have more tact, but I’m imagining Faith waking up tomorrow with Violet giving a serious sit down conversation on The Dangers of Gender ala DARE anti-drug psas lol. Hell more Violet would also be amazing!

3 July 2023 1:35 AM

GO OFF, VIOLET. Rusty, please, I’m begging you to leave Faith alone 😭

3 July 2023 2:16 AM

Okay so, I had to check the last panel, Blaire doesn’t have a bag and those shorts pockets do not look big enough for the pamphlet library she has.

So my working theory is that she literally, and metaphorically, pulled them from her ass.

3 July 2023 4:01 AM

I knew Blaire would take the answer as “oh no, she’s a terf” than “she’s right, she’s a girl and that’s ok”. Just smh.

But Violet’s combo breaker was amazing, I guess is not the first time she had got comments about Faith being too tomboy-ish or “not girly enough”, even not from TRAs. Just let kids have fun and have hobbies, no anything has to be gendered!

3 July 2023 4:09 AM

I’ve been reading this comic for a long time now, but I’ve never really commented before. Mostly I forget about it for months at a time and then binge the whole thing in one go once I remember it exists.

Your art has improved so much over the years! And I’m so excited that we have gotten to meet so many of the characters by now. You really got me with this one, I was genuinely worried things might escalate in this situation… although looking back it’s obvious that it wouldn’t, because that would take too much tension out of the housewarming party.

Blaire’s reaction at the end here…. oh, how I wish that girl would turn her brain on every once in a while. She causes me so so much anxiety, mostly because I know she won’t listen easily to anything reasonable anyone has to say but I so badly want her to peak…

I’m not much of a Blaire apologist, but ever since we found out that Mister Babygirl is kind of fixated on Blaire I just can’t help but worry about her. She needs to get the hell out of dodge and she doesn’t even know

3 July 2023 5:41 AM

I love how Violet reminds me more and more of my best friend who’s had to field similar nonsense about her daughters (she has twins who just turned 9) and explain that no, her kids are girls, they just like to wear clothes they can move around and play and get dirty in, and keep their hair short or at least out of the way, because they’re human beings not dolls. (Also almost word for word what Violet said about buying clothes and avoiding makeup and razors lmao). I might actually show her this comic at some point.

3 July 2023 6:50 AM

Hah, great page! I’ve done the exact same thing as Violet several times with my poor gf, short hair and loose t shirts (and lesbianism ig) gets her aggressively theythemmed even after a very clear introduction :l

3 July 2023 8:11 AM

Blaire is genuinely so repulsive in this moment. 🤢 Not the genderbread person and PUBERTY BLOCKERS pamphlets, omg.

Black Arbor
Black Arbor
3 July 2023 8:34 AM

This is not gonna end well… :O

3 July 2023 9:13 AM

Great to hear Violet defuse this situation very quickly and without it affecting Faith! And oh God BLAIRE. What the heck. I hope all the pamphlets will be burned.

3 July 2023 11:54 AM

“So Faith can choose what kind of body [she] wants” sexism aside, that’s such a weird way to think lol.

Makes it sound like people are videogame characters whose bodies are avatars that can be fully customized, like you can literally pick out any kind of body you want like in character creation screen, with no consequences.

Ties in nicely with that belief that puberty blockers are 100% safe and reversible. Idk if I’m making sense but yeah

3 July 2023 12:02 PM

This wasn’t an option in the poll but I miss Parniya and Shez. Also I’d possibly die for an Ari mini comic.

I love Violet! Also Blaire’s huge Bambi eyes while holding those gross pamphlets are so cute, truly an exercise in contrasts.

3 July 2023 2:14 PM

dunno why i havent commented until now. would both love and hate a world where violet has shorter hair. she’d be hot but most likely they/them’d in this scene as well 😞
(regarding the poll btw, i assume we’re still getting a gendie mini-comic AFTER the faith stuff/its about which we want first? need to know whether i should brace myself haha)

3 July 2023 4:10 PM

I’m having a weird glitch (on both mobile and desktop) where I can only see comments after submitting a comment of my own. Any clue what’s up with that?

3 July 2023 9:41 PM

hi, i’ve been reading this comic for a few days when i have time and i absolutely love it! it’s such a breath of fresh air to see comics with ACTUAL lesbians and gnc women.

i’ve been avoiding shaving my legs/armpits for a while, and while it has helped steer me away from femininity, i’ve still been too self conscious to wear anything other than shirts with sleeves and pants/tights.

but your comic, that shows body hair as such a normal thing that doesn’t get hidden, has helped me a lot in that. the other day, i was able to leave the house with a tank top and skirt, no leggings or tights required 😎 which probably isnt a huge deal to you lol but it was a big step for me. and its thanks to leasebound!!

sorry if this comment is too long or weird, i just thought you should know the positive impact your work has had on someone. thank you so much for making this!!

4 July 2023 6:26 AM

I don’t want this to happen at all but imagine the absolute angst and drama that would ensue if Blaire managed to influence faith into thinking she’s a trans boy. The anger from Violet. The confusion from Jaden because what’s going on? Riley caught in the completely awful middle. It’d be SO good, but I’d hate ever single second.

4 July 2023 10:59 PM

VIOLETtttt !!! i truly love her <333

miss girl
miss girl
5 July 2023 9:06 PM

hi its the professional transgender back again, we do carry brochures on hormones around all the time, as well as a copy of paris is burning (on vcr). some reccomended but not mandatory accessorie are also a photo of estonia. guys did you know that they are going to legalizse gay marriage in estonia 🙂