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Does this count as a cliff-hanger, lmao?

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading this far - especially for doing so on the site!
I know it's still a little ugly rn, but I've been so focused on getting Chapter 4 DONE, I haven't had time to spruce it up.

Expect sprucing in future, though!

FYI: I am opening the floor to questions for the Lease Bound cast! I'll be drawing up their responses to the first 3 commenters, and posting them here and on the lesbihonest-art blog!

Part of aforementioned sprucing will include an 'EXTRAs' section for all current and future, non-main-story content. Stay tuned, and once again: Happy Pride <3

**EDIT: Thank you 3 commenters! I'll be drawing out in-character responses sometime before the next chapter <3  

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1 June 2019 2:00 AM

Ahhh!!! The club owner looks so cool I’m so excited to see more of her in particular!!! Does she have a name? If you ever do character bios or anything I’d love to see more about her.

If I made it as one of the top three commenters, I’d love to hear from the woman herself. Can you tell me more about yourself? ? (If I’m not one of the first three comments then darn maybe next time huhu. there’s so many cool ladies in this comic so I’m happy to see more of anyone just. her look is so incredible, and i’m excited to see older butches)

Annyywaay what a fantastic comic you have, this is the best. Love all these lesbians. Your colors are so freaking nice. So unique and dynamic! And the expressions on everyone’s faces, so powerful and full of emotion. I’m so excited to see what happens next cos you’re such a good story-teller. There’s so much cool stuff going on so many characters I want to learn about. So many questions I have hoping will get answered as the plot goes on. I’m so invested. You rule, you really really do. All the variety of women you include it’s just. The best. Women of all shapes and sizes, diverse women… Even when something is claiming it’s “diverse” and representing lots of women I find most things fall flat. But you do a good job showing women of all types. Thank you for creating. Thank you for sharing. I hope one day I can be brave enough to create and share like you do.

I’m so glad all these women have such a strong support system and they care for each other. It’s so nice to see these ladies having each others backs. I love how Jaden’s instinct was to blame herself but her friends deflected that and assured her there was no satisfying her attackers. It was so funny to see the trans women turn tail so quickly. haha, can’t handle consequences for your cruel actions, huh… Easy to be violent when it’s 3-on-1 but once things are a little more even can’t handle that! The look of horror on their faces the moment Parniya appeared…

Happy Pride ??? Thank you again for making Lease Bound. It’s something I think everyone who’s women exclusive should read.

Hopefully my excitement comes through, I never feel like anything I say is enough to express how cool your art is. Thanks again for making this

1 June 2019 2:21 PM

What better way to start pride month than reading my favourite webcomic about kickass lesbians! I particularly loved the action shots in this chapter. The crisp art style, intriguing characters… Everything about this makes me want to read more. The Scene with the clubh owner felt very real.

Now, i don’t kniw if i quite make it into the top three comments, but i’d have some questions af Parniya and Shez!

How old are they?
Do they have any tattoos?
Anything about their families?
Any pets?

I am so thankful for this webcomic its truly inspiring,
Happy Pride everyone -~

Sad liddel anon
Sad liddel anon
1 June 2019 12:03 PM

GOSH i was shaking after reading this because of a similar experience i was in — being an lgbt poc like jaiden i REALLY felt this (hell i even kinda look like jaiden lmao).. it was a good read though!

My question is for both Jaiden and Riley — when did they realize that they were lesbians? Have they dated any men before they realized or did they stay out of the dating scene until that point?

17 June 2019 3:57 PM

i’m a bit late, but I wanted to comment that I love this comic and I really hope you continue with it.

3 July 2019 7:51 AM

I just want to say thank you so much for making this webcomic. Not only because of how accurately each of the characters is drawn and portrayed, but also because of how important it is to share the perspective of older lesbians, as represented by Ruth.

What Ruth points out is an important reminder to everyone that the gender bullishit we’re experiencing is only the latest in a long line of male pushback to women’s reaching for power and self-determination. We’ll fight this like we fought everything else, and we’ll grow and become stronger, and build the world we want to live in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, times a trillion, for this cartoon.

Being this visible has most likely made you a target, and yet you had the courage and determination to do it.

15 July 2024 9:34 AM

I really like the coloring in this chapter, but this page particularly stands out. Thank you for standing strong with your voice and life experience, which you are entitled to.