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Yes Jaden, just like that. You have been through enough for one chapter.
One more page to go, ladies!

Also! Re: Shez's eye. Considering what caused the scar (you will be finding out U_U) it made sense that her eye would come away with some damage too. I didn't really think about it in the initial design because I just drew all the eyes black - buut. Hopefully you can live with the minor retcon/change.

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18 December 2022 11:44 PM

jaden you are so cute and kissable

19 December 2022 6:04 AM

Jaden is so adorable! I love her so much! I just wanna squeeze her sometimes because of how wholesome she is!

20 December 2022 1:11 AM

I have a high fever due to covid so Iโ€™m sorry if I donโ€™t make much sense but this is so beautiful with Ruth being reminded of what she and her wife had originally wanted, seeing the same kind of passion within Jaden, heavily suspecting that it mustโ€™ve come from previous pain with homophobia and also knowing that this is what Jaden really needs right now.

A purpose not for a man nor anyone else but for herself, taking control of her own life and wishing to protect others from the same harm that had befallen her. I may or may not be interpreting too much but your drawings speak more than 1000 words

Pam Dang
Pam Dang
21 December 2022 6:20 PM

I’m curious, back in the day, was Ruth a sort of bouncer for Yonique? ๐Ÿค”

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
16 January 2023 3:07 AM

Bro i luv u but why tf you keep erasing pages? put that shit back up