31 7036

Bonus Mini 3 – Any Friend of Hers

"..Is A Friend of Mine."

Absolutely gobsmacked that this one beat out Pool Party! ๐Ÿ˜… Was so much fun watching the turn around in the poll tho. 88 to 80 as of writing!

Next week's poll is in the comments below!

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16 July 2023 10:39 PM

This is what life is all about

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
16 July 2023 11:06 PM

Riley ๐Ÿฅบ

16 July 2023 11:57 PM

AWWWW this mini comic makes me sad I don’t have a kitty ๐Ÿ˜ญ

17 July 2023 12:07 AM

Gender shenanigans!

17 July 2023 1:29 AM

This is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen and it’s amazing.

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
17 July 2023 3:31 AM

All of you voting for the circus show…inviting the devil into your house I see Mmh-mmh. *shaking my head*

17 July 2023 2:55 PM

Ahhhh the colors and subtlety of this page are amazing. Love Riley’s little smile. And I’m both morbidly curious and terrified for the upcoming Gendie page…

17 July 2023 6:03 PM

For some reason that one post about the cat who only trusts women and keeps hissing at the poster’s mtf friend popped into my head ๐Ÿ˜‚

17 July 2023 6:44 PM


art rave moment coming in:

I LOVE the art style of this one. The roughness… the expressiveness of the small thin sketchy lines… the TEXTURE,,, OH, SWEET, DELICIOUS TEXTURE…..

i think the art style of the internet that tends to be most popular is like… Neat And Clean… people love those Crisp Clean Lines it seems like… might just be me but that’s the impression i get in most places…. it really leaves me longing for stuff like this page….

Texture is so delicious and so often not used by digital artists…. gosh it’s just so… beautiful, to me…. That sketchy look. something about it. so organic. came out of your human lesbian hand and i just know that. I just know it when I look at those wobbly lines they feel so Real to me…

It feels so emotional. clean is nice i love clean and polished stuff but sometimes it feels almost inorganic, to me personally. The sketchy stuff has a rawness to it that I love. AGAIN NOT TO SAY CLEANER ART IS BAD JUST…. me like sketchy.

and tho the last panel is more cleaned up looking compared to the first two, but there’s still such delicious TEXTURE in that blanket!! oh oh texture. how i love thee.

not to say you never use texture or anything in other pages it just. really hits me in this one. and of course.. the color here is so COZY….

I like style shift from panel to panel, there’s so much fun stuff a person can do with emphasis and making things stand out. The contrast of the first two panels and the last two panels… i’m huge on contrast sometimes.

Feel like when you put sketchy stuff right next to cleaner stuff, they both Sing. both have their own beauty and appeal. tho it’s all very subjective. that’s just me. mmm good.

i really like how experimental you can get some times. I like experiments in style, I like seeing variety…. ALWAYS love your art, just. really resonating with this page. I just love the look of this kind of thing, and as I said, it feels so rare in the digital art space…

I really don’t have the words for how much I enjoy this style. I did My Best to convey it, hopefully you Get It, you Understand My Emotions about this Page, at least a little bit. love this artfeel. love it. it really hits me it does.


18 July 2023 4:20 AM

Being allergic to cats as a lesbian is so unfair, I’m def not one of god’s chosen ๐Ÿ˜” I can’t wait until the Jaden/Riley romance starts happening!!

Vitamin C
Vitamin C
18 July 2023 5:20 AM

Beautiful artwork

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
18 July 2023 2:20 PM

The lesbian dream <3

miss girl
miss girl
18 July 2023 9:49 PM


22 July 2023 7:49 AM

I love this page/mini-comic on so many levels. The artwork, the colours, the content, Muddles, all of it. Amazing job, Rusty. Also, I can confirm from experience that a cat falling asleep on you makes other lesbians think you must be pretty okay!

29 July 2023 4:48 PM

“I think I just need to pull away from more more โ€˜correctiveโ€™ comments sometimes”

real talk tho i do think once in awhile a corrective comment is definitely okay HAHAHA you might feel that way too, hence the “sometimes”……. If your work is being super duper misread then you sure as heck are allowed to say something!!! I’m glad you’ve openly expressed frustration with people fawning over your male characters for example. sometimes a correction is… good. And if someone asks for what you intended with your art, they’re obviously interested in hearing it too.

I just kinda hope no one out there has ever expressed being ANNOYED at you for explaining for sharing your own intentions on your OWN ARTWORK you made and shared.. FOR FREE! that would be so crazy. the internet sure has changed in terms of art consumption. a lot more oriented towards people who look at it, a lot less feedback and respect for the artist these days. I hope no one has any “shut up and don’t explain and let me consume this without your words attached ya dang annoying talkative artist” vibes. that would be wild.

but yeah i’m glad the comment was a pick me up that’s what I was hoping for. You are Cool, You are Strong, and I don’t think you necessarily like… NEED people worrying about you, but just because someone is kickass cool and confident doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be gushed over a bit and deserve to have people telling them they’re awesome. You’re awesome and allowed to do whatever you want in regards to your art and how you share it <3

(update day… soon….. wow i'm actually looking forward to it… a "pleasant surprise" has been foretold. i was so mad gendies won the vote before. but maybe im ok with it…)