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Bonus Mini 6 – One Woman’s Trash…

Aye, It's Bonus Page Thursday - and you ladies even get a bonus mini ON the page :D (I am so generous).

I really enjoyed drawing Gardener Woman (CH7P15 + CH7P16) again! I thought of this interaction a little while ago and thought it'd be a nice little addition to the minis!
Second Comic was an answer to many of you fearing that Mr. Timothy would be coming to Ballroom Night. So here's how that would go, lmao. Also keep in mind if he had come, that patrons like Jaden describes on this page, frequent Yonique.

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Miss Kory
Miss Kory
3 August 2023 8:02 AM

You have no idea what a good home it’ll be in Mrs Gardener ! Although mmmh… Not the most romantic nor practical bed for a couple you know v_v
(soon… Soon… SOON)

3 August 2023 8:08 AM

Forget bullets dodged that was a whole Banzai Bill Avoided XD

3 August 2023 8:10 AM

Also I’m glad to see gardening lady return! A true hero of the working woman! May her flowers be well hydrated and free of mites!

3 August 2023 9:12 AM

So Blaire CAN be like a normie ✨ this reminded me of Jaden’s neat “you pronounced it just fine” sidestep.

3 August 2023 10:43 AM

Rare, albeit, accidental Blaire W.
This page is so blessed.

3 August 2023 7:28 PM

Gardener Woman is actually rather fine 🥺 we love a hairy armed queen ♥️ also thank god there will be no Timothy in the ballroom arc …

3 August 2023 11:18 PM

That loser man knows that Blaire has a girlfriend 🤬 I hope he stays the f away from Blaire even after the eventual breakup, no woman deserves that in their life.

4 August 2023 1:35 AM

Uggggghhhhh it’s just so creepy. Hate and love that this comic is capable of viscerally getting to me sometimes. Blaire, pls be careful, queen…

4 August 2023 2:12 AM

gardener woman is so sweet ;-; also lol, (accidentally) based blaire !!

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
4 August 2023 5:41 AM

*reads first comic* Awwww she thought Jaden and Riley were a couple… thats nice 🙂 *looks over at second comic* eugh…

4 August 2023 9:07 AM

Blaire knew what was up, and slid past that boulder with ease.

4 August 2023 12:27 PM

Like everyone else, I’m swooning for Gardener Lady! So much so, that my blessed lesbian blinders protected me from seeing Timothy’s goddamn disgusting cock bulge in that dress til like the third time I’d dropped by to read the comments. GodDAMNit Rusty why you gotta be SO ACCURATE??

4 August 2023 11:09 PM

The way I hollered at the second part and then had to lie to my family about what I was hollering about… Rusty, this is so very deeply cursed. Not inaccurate, regrettably, but eugh. I’m so relieved Blaire remains blissfully unaware of what a whole rain of bullets she just dodged.

The first half of this is so very lovely, I wish it stood on its own so I could look at it without experiencing visceral horror from the corner of my eyes. ^^’

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
5 August 2023 12:46 AM

I want it to be known that I am also a Gardening Woman Appreciator.

Also jfc, Blaire must be on at least 15 layers of cognitive dissonance to not be running straight out the fucking door. Save yourself, girl D:

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
5 August 2023 1:37 PM

One of many things I greatly enjoy about this comic is all the Normal Lesbians doing Normal Things, oblivious to the absolute madness of the gender cultists that’s going on just a hop and a skip away, and I think this page perfectly encapsulates that.

It’s like a really nice piece of art next to a steaming pile of turds, but in a way, the unpleasantness of the turd pile highlights how pretty the artwork is in comparison.

Do I enjoy looking at the creepy baby-talking jackass? No, not at all, but seeing him next to the gardener lady makes me appreciate her even more than I already would have without that stark contrast. Gardener lady is cool. I hope we’ll get to see more of her!

(And now Babygirl will probably make some whiny twitter post like “calling trans women beautiful means nothing when you exclude us from your dating pools, thus invalidating our humanity and perpetuating colonialism uwu #Transphobia #WhiteFeminism”)

(Run, Blaire! Run faaaaar away! It’s not too late for you!)

6 August 2023 12:58 AM

Gardener lady reminds me of my mom 💖🥰

6 August 2023 11:31 PM

I really hope Blaire doesn’t date Timothy after the breakup with Riley…I would cry

6 August 2023 11:33 PM


Ik I’ve put this in previous comments but thank you so much for this comic Rusty!! I got a very stressful week ahead of me so rereading this comic is probably going to be my only strand of sanity.

it’s always a treat seeing your art style and color understanding progress and evolve and how while Riley and Jaden have stayed ultimately the same- their designs are more polished and better executed now :D!

I’m a major sucker for character design and their designs are such a treat to look at even if theyre very simple.

I mentioned this last update but im connecting dots that do not exist and enjoying how much compare and contrast there is between more identity obsessed characters like Tif, Mj, that one ‘lactose intolerance is a kink atuckally’ lady, vs more idk,, grounded in reality/have better things to do ladies- complexity of the outer form in order to hide a lack of inner self for the identity obsessed and vise versa for your more well rounded ladies-

Sorry if this got a bit rambly!! I adore this comic with all of me

(Also I think it should be a crime for mr dick from dick island to be in the same panel as Blaire and Garden Lady,, Blaire may be a bit annoying but she does not deserve being in the same room as him-)

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
7 August 2023 2:25 AM

First of all….Aaaawww I wanted to see more of the nice lady with the gay son. Though I have to say the patchy arm hair looks weird, I much prefer how you di ti in the original appearance.

Also, I know the joke is that Timmy didn’t expect Blaire to actually value her to with Riley enough to reject him, but I love to imagine that her bisexual subconscious looked at this docked entity and went HEEEEEELL NOOOOOO

evil superterf
evil superterf
7 September 2023 2:27 PM

Oh god. Reading that TiMothy had a thing for blaire and even wanted to change his name to her name reminds me exactly of a situation I had with this TiM. He was super creepy when he asked me out, I rejected him and told him I was a lesbian (would reject him even if I wasn’t).

Two years later he’s a trutrans and took my name. Also he would go on about how good he “passed” and how he was the prettiest girl / a 10 while I was only an 8. How the fuck I didn’t peak earlier is beyond me.

2 July 2024 3:29 PM

I came back to this page bc I forgot to say, you have no idea how accurately you portrayed Babygirl’s speech, he’s like one of the troons who were creeping on me and sending me unacceptable shit on discord…. To anyone who says its way too forced, NO ITS NOT, I HAD FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE OF THIS EXACT CREATURE BEING IN MY PM-S FOR BEING THE ONLY LESBIAN (the ultimate trophy) IN THE CHAT

4 November 2024 10:28 PM

So I’ve been going back and rereading, and I had forgotten this page. O_O So you’re telling me Mr. Cox tried to finess an invitation to dance with Blaire all night (ruining her time with her girlfriend, incidentally), Blaire sweetly turned him down, and then he went on to destroy her dress for the event. It was always disgusting but I didn’t put the pieces together before that it was a deliberate punishment for Blaire for escaping!!!! I want him dead Rusty, I want him dead!

8 February 2025 2:33 PM

The gardener woman is predicting the future.