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Chapter 13: Ballroom Night

Riley and Blaire are all dressed up for Yonique's Ballroom Night dance lesson, while Jaden works her first shift back.
The housewarming guest list grows. An unexpected dancer takes the floor. And Riley continues to worry about potential conflict between Blaire and every other woman in the bar. When things go awry, Riley is forced to stop simply hoping things will turn out for the best, and act to make them so.


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Pistachio's Mom
Pistachio's Mom
14 July 2024 6:58 PM

“Riley is forced to stop simply hoping things will turn out for the best, and **act** to make them so.”

👀👀 Oh?

Either way, go Riley!!

14 July 2024 7:03 PM


14 July 2024 7:04 PM


Not hyped to see fucking Timothy in the back with his triangle nipple “boobs” but
We take the wins with the losses 😭

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
14 July 2024 7:09 PM

Oh no. What is HE doing here?? 😰😰
I can sense there’s gonna be a lot of tension this chapter, I hope Blaire and Riley don’t breakup YET, I feel they haven’t fleshed out enough yet. Blaire looks good! I’m excited to see the other gals as masc women are more my thing haha. I’m also very scared of Timothy this chapter, at least there’s only one more week to go before Parniya…

14 July 2024 8:34 PM

Aaaaaaaa!! so excited to see where this goes!! GO RILEY GO! GO RILEY GO! someone pop timothy’s chest fr 🤢🤢🤢 so nasty

Normal person
Normal person
14 July 2024 8:36 PM

Uuuuuurrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh lmaoooo I love how much I viscerally hate this page lmao.

Fun thing about the Timothy and that (revolting) reference picture you based him on lmao – apparently those spikes aren’t actually prosthetic breasts. When men take estrogen to try and obtain a female body, the resulting hormone imbalance makes their nipples do that. I am delighted to educate people on the Stunning and Brave world of horrible unhealthy trans crap, and concede that the fact I know this may make my moniker of “Normal Person” void.

14 July 2024 9:21 PM


14 July 2024 10:58 PM

I am exicited and yet scared.

15 July 2024 1:55 AM

Rusty, how you gonna hit us in the feels one page and assault our eyes the next?! 🤣

15 July 2024 6:57 AM

Now I understand why 13 is a cursed number Q.Q

15 July 2024 7:00 AM

BALLROOM NIGHT, LET’S GO! I’m so looking forward to this, even Mr. Dude can’t ruin this for me! Even if the chapter description is really foreboding! I’m excited!
I’m also really looking forward for Riley being thrown out of her comfort zone and having to actually confront conflict at some point!

15 July 2024 8:42 AM

I’ll take a shot for each new “fanart” of the AGP gang accepting Timothy in their “best beasty friends gang!” (aka: cult).

rotten Easter egg
rotten Easter egg
15 July 2024 8:46 AM

Is… mummymilkers wearing the outfit blaire wore in chapter 11… or am I reading to much into it? (Please rusty let it be the 2nd option)

riley relater
riley relater
15 July 2024 10:03 AM

The description on this page has me hopeful about where Riley’s character arc is going on (hi i’m the anon that commented before about hoping Riley breaks up with Blaire instead of vice versa 😶‍🌫️ riley deserves better)

15 July 2024 1:49 PM

he’s so obsessed with blaire … it’s hard for me to believe that some part in blaire, some tiny defeated instinct, isn’t saying “this grown man is following me around, dressing like me, touching my stuff, red alert red alert red alert!!!” but I guess even if she *did* have that feeling the importance of being a Good Trans Ally trumps it :// is there no conflict within her at all, I wonder

on a positive note, blaire’s dress is rendered very pretty (love the starry deep blue). I was team blue heh. she and riley will look nice in the matching blue before whatever disaster occurs lol

15 July 2024 1:57 PM

went from 🙂 to 😦 SO FAST

16 July 2024 2:53 AM

I finally read some of the cast page. Interesting stuff!

I would humbly like to nominate Todd (whose “identity” was my fave – he, he) as a “Little” (as in Little Girl) and ABDL. Not to just be humorous, but bc I have legitimately, and repeatedly run across Todds with exactly those fetishes. Not only that, but been in communities, where there were mostly women (and the groups were not explicitly sexual: goth, rainbow goth, punk, etc) and suddenly someone like this shows up and we are expected to leaver it alone without question bc the person identified as Trans.

I would like to see more POC who are irksome in the QT spectrum. I respect it’s your work, but in my life, a certain utterly indignant POC in the sex positive community comes to mind — Brick is a likable version of her, actually, if you combined Timothy and Brick then you’d get closer to this woman who then both claimed to be a dominatrix and also nonstop whined, and lectured, while all others bowed to her. As it got toxic, ppl were banned or forced to leave if they were seen as offensive and did not grovel. I was the latter. Bullies, sociopaths, narcissists so easily dominate groups where “marginalized” people might be found, if they go unchecked, or worse are enabled — I found they came in all sorts of varieties.

It deserves to be said that while I was reading the tale, I was really enjoying your art as well. And the paneling seems to be moving quite naturally for the story telling. I really love how you do the different features of characters and the exaggerated expressions on people like BabyGirl work so well. I’ll be interested to see how your more polished style looks on the infamous trio, if we ever see them again; their background stories were excellent, I was half hoping one of them would be a closeted homosexual. It would be too realistic to make one a pedo, entirely up to you if you go that route (seems there were hint of that at least). But you covered Domestic Abuse with great ability. My family life was not entirely dissimilar.

You’ve developed Riley so well, especially because you’ve made so many strong female characters, yet portrayed her intense inner world and thoughts so well. It’s taken a certain amount of strength for Riley to cope. And it’s cool that her persona is different from the more naturally assertive characters. She reminds me of one of my ex-best friends. EX partly bc she did not beat those insecurities despite many years…sometimes tolerating too much also turns into a form of abuse. I’ve learned not to trust people who want/need to be liked by everyone.

Anyway. I’m rambling. Great work. Keep doing what you’re doing!!

Art enjoyer
Art enjoyer
17 July 2024 1:27 PM

Just recently saw a TIF claim that someone giving advice on non-penetrative forms of sex was “trans misogynistic” and I think it radicalized me more than anything else could. They also claimed the person retaliating against that claim was “sexual harassment”.

Once upon a time I respected this person, then they shacked up with trans fems who never wanted to do anything aside from penetrative and got into the porn they “suggested”. The brainrot is too much.

Art Enjoyer
Art Enjoyer
17 July 2024 1:58 PM

Also: What was the image referenced? I haven’t seen it and feel out of the loop lol.

17 July 2024 3:36 PM

This comic desperately needs a discord server so all the lesbian and Bi gender-critical girls here can share art and make other like- NORMAL gender-critical friends because that would be so much fun 😭 I’m desperate tm to make friends who like this comic 😔

19 July 2024 4:59 AM

God in my heart of hearts I had naive hope that since it was mentioned chapters ago that Blaire and I think Brick had gone to the club before, and didn’t cause a notable scene, that the Tim wouldn’t be attempting entry. Poor Riley this situation is going to be so embarrassing and stressful so quick. I do like Blaire, even the worst of her, because I do know a lot of empathetic women who want to be good people who fall into catering for grown men’s fantasys. You have to do so many backflips logistically to have it make sense. I remember my own time in college as a lesbian where people in the SAGA club were clearly uncomfortable with gay people and had the complicated identities. Most grew out of them the moment they graduated, some the moment they met a straight man who would validate them as a straight woman.

15 August 2024 4:02 AM

Hmm, I think the burner is turning up on the love triangle. Can’t wait to see, even though I know it will be a rough time for Riley.