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Sorry to the optimistic girlies who thought it was over U_U

13 thoughts on “CH12P31

  1. ;_;

    As disheartening as this seems, I sort of appreciate the realism tbqh. A fourteen-year-old girl with badly cut dominant arm isn’t going to beat a grown man in a 1v1.* I’m calling that Meriam attacks him from behind or something.

    *Not to discredit the skill or strength of women, but the odds are really stacked against Shez here. IDK if her arm is still in the window, but if it is she’s in a terrible position where one bad move could potentially open an artery and that’d be it.

    1. She did pull her arm out (might not have been clear enough on the previous page), but yeah, he’s got bone density, muscle mass and literally being a fully developed adult male, on her – before even touching Shez’s injuries.

      She planned on losing, but she didn’t think it’d be over this quickly. She really believed she could give Meriam enough time to escape with her sisters. Teenaged-level planning/reasoning skills U_U

      I don’t think it discredits women at all to acknowledge the physical differences between the sexes. To me, it’s as neutral as saying ‘an unarmed human would lose a fight to a gorilla’. It’s the ‘therefore they have no value/are lesser’ that comes after that becomes discrediting.

      If anything it’s incredibly important to discuss when it comes to womens safety. There’s a reason it’s a threat when a male can enter women’s bathrooms, or compete in female sporting divisions (especially contact ones).

      Bringing it back to Shez’s predicament: just like how so many sports were designed with male bodies in mind, Shez is playing by male rules in this fight. Physical strength against physical strength.

      Even her training was focused on it. The way she was measuring if she was “strong enough” to kill Chris was how hard she could throw a single punch…
      Because that’s all she got the first time she stood up to him.

      She was consumed by her failure to fight off Chris. Blamed herself, and not the world that was built by men for men around her.

      Keyword, was.

      1. Yeah… very good points. I remember doing a physical examination for work, and the lady assessing me was super excited about my grip strength because it was so high for a woman. I looked up male grip strength and was devastated to learn that my own was the ABSOLUTE AVERAGE for a male, lmaooo. A little disheartening, a little funny, and very sobering.

        I really don’t get why so many trans activists or leftist* women in general are so adamant that there are virtually no biological differences between the sexes. I’ve seen so many unfit, inactive activists confidently claiming that it’s sexist to assume women are overall weaker than men. It’s notable too that this always comes from trans activists, too – I see very, very few female athletes arguing in favor of removing sex-based categories in sports.

        Tough but understandable how Shez fell for the same “male standards” crap that I did when I was so disappointed to learn the limits of my own strength. Given that she told this story in the first place to inform women about the importance of tactics (ball kicking) rather than relying on brute strength the way a man can, it makes it clear she learned her lesson… Can’t wait to see what happens next.

        1. Sobering is the perfect word, honestly! I think a lot of women have been there, in one way or another πŸ’”

          Think you hit the nail on the head. The stark difference between the groups demanding men be able to make a mockery of women’s sports VS the athletes themselves who’re silent (usually out of fear) on the matter. Couldn’t be more clear.

          And thank you. I really wanted Shez’s experiences to shape her philosophy in teaching. Her emphasis on groin hits and changing the way women view strength (the male fighting sports example), but also in forgiveness for actions of survival. “Sometimes there isn’t time to think before you act.”

          Really excited to share the rest of the chapter πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

      2. *disclaimer: I used the term “Leftist” instead of “Liberal” bc that means quite a different thing here in Straya lmao.

        1. Took me so long to get my head around American Liberals VS Aussie liberals🀣🀣
          Even down to sharing bloody blue and red colour schemes orz

  2. Men are men. It’s why women instinctively fear fights. They played the cards against us. Built this world to make us the caste.

    Which is why I don’t care about young males. I don’t care how “sad” and “weak” they are. They’re men. They benefit from misogyny no matter how they use their masculinity. Feminized men are still a threat. When a man cries he weaponizes his tears. When a woman cries she genuinely aches.

    I do not care for stories about a whiny little male who thinks he’s had it rough. He has not. I would rather read a story on a woman who overcomes everything. Not a fake girl power like didney. Real power.

    So thank you Leasebound for showing us reality. The greatness of women. And why men shouldn’t be anywhere near us and that heterosexuality is never healthy.

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself!
      And the pleasure is all mine, thank you so much for reading <3

  3. You can’t keep leaving us on these hangover pages bruh ;O;

    1. Had to do it to em, breastie πŸ’”

  4. He was a grown man…… so all the easier to punt in the balls, right?

    1. πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚

  5. dasfeministmermaid

    Omg omg omg omg 😭😭😭😭

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