28 1594


Do you not trust her, Riles? :o

I'm doin' another stream w' Radical Ramblings in a few hours about another gender article she's found. We usually just shoot the breeze with the girlies in chat at the end, and I always seem to get one or two LB questions.
>>So if you're itchin'<<

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2 March 2025 9:44 AM

I thought of this last page, too, but I really appreciate Riley for washing her hands to uphold the illusion of just getting done in the restroom. That’s some real dedication to the bit right there.

Also, I see this page is a rare W for Blaire stans. It warms my heart to see her checking up on Riley because she’s acting strange, rather than busting out her “Did you steal my pamphlets? Why would you do that?! Don’t you want to be a good trans ally?!” schtick right away. It’s that sort of thing that makes her hard to completely hate, even knowing that things are about to get really tense between the two of them when she does finally ask.

2 March 2025 12:55 PM

This page feels real and it hurts :’) especially… Blaire’s concerned face?

Don’t get me wrong, Blaire trying to trans any GNC woman or girl she meets, and refusing to hear any challenges or misunderstandings on it, and everything she did in the Between Bonus, is indefensible. (Where was that concerned face when Riley was breaking down while trying on dresses for her? Where was that Blaire?) I am still cheering on these two eventually getting their cards on the table, having their confrontation, and breaking up, and it’d make me respect Riley immensely if she was the one to start that conversation.

And yet… it breaks my heart to see Blaire genuinely worried about why her girlfriend seems so nervous and Riley jumping away and trying not to look terrified. That last panel has me convinced that Riley knows this is going to end soon, and she knows how. And I’m not defending Blaire, but I don’t think she suspects they’ll break up… at all. She acts so loving to Riley as long as the problem subject doesn’t come up. She wants this to work out and can’t (won’t) see any reason it wouldn’t. Both of them had their blinders on, Riley just took hers off faster. Blaire makes me feel complicated things.

I didn’t expect to feel sad for both of them ;_;

2 March 2025 1:17 PM

Yeah, ofc Blaire noticed, they’re girlfriends! I knew she’d be concerned… And idk if that’s the direction she’s going by now, but I feel like Blaire wouldn’t think Riley stole the pamphlets xD she didn’t seem that suspicious of Riley iirc…

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
2 March 2025 3:43 PM

Ugh! I forgot how manipulative Blaire can be… πŸ™

2 March 2025 6:03 PM

Thinking about how weird it’s gonna look when these two walk out of the bathroom and go “hey we actually need the other rose color now thanks :)”

Everyone at Yonique will be like 😬😬😬 normally women go into the bathroom with white roses and come out asking for pink ones 😬😬😬

Still K
Still K
2 March 2025 8:41 PM

This is an incredibly hard-hitting page for me. The body language alone, of both Riley and Blaire… argh. This is going to hurt. I don’t disagree with the commenter who said Riley washes her hands because she pretended to be on the toilet, but I think it’s also psychological. I think she feels the need to wash her hands. Re-establish some control over the situation, ‘wash the thoughts off’, get a physical sensation to bring her mind back in, maybe a bit of all of it.

Seeing her avoid Blaire’s touch, I really hope they can talk sooner rather than later. I know Riley is conflict-avoidant, but there isn’t really much coming back from not wanting to be touched by or touch your partner anymore, even comfortingly. Even if both still really love each other and care about each other – that ground-level discomfort is hard to get around. And dragging a basically-already-dead relationship onward while finding excuses not to touch or be near your partner is a horrible experience for both sides.
It might be I’m overthinking it and this is just an immediate response out of a triggered state, that she’s just overwhelmed right now, but I don’t know, I don’t think that’s the whole of it. It’s not like she got triggered by something external and then responds badly to the first person near her, it was pamphlets that Blaire clearly agrees with enough to hand out to others. There just isn’t the same trust anymore.

2 March 2025 11:52 PM

This relationship is dead in the water. But neither are brave enough to talk about it.

3 March 2025 2:36 AM

Was genuinely on the edge of my seat refreshing the page and seeing it updated lol,,, wonderful page as always and I loved catching the live! Couldnt be in chat due to being wayyy too busy (moving cross country ahhh) but adored hearing yall talk and converse! I’m unfortunately a bit too knowledgeable on BDSM due to my mother (Adore her but she LOVES it and rambles about it when its just me and her) and have always found it.. strange but could never put my finger on it, even after I found radical feminist circles and started reading up on it. Before I’d just blame my general dislike and apathy towards anything sexual and get very uncomfortable looking at anything regarding it but yall put it in such a entertaining and funny way! 10/10 Loved yours and the other womyns takes, jokes, and generally very upbeat and informative mood! Cheers!

3 March 2025 8:55 AM

Not gonna lie, I was expecting to Riley to peak after that war flashback, but Riley’s face was a big surprise. Either she’s manipulating Riley to tell her the truth or she’s really concerned, but cannot read the elephant in the room. I love when a character has tons of shades of gray than being black and white.

7 March 2025 12:07 AM

riley’s shaking hands :’((((

9 March 2025 6:11 AM

I didn’t even notice that her hands were shaking at first! That, plus her flinching away from Blaire, really help inform her emotional state.

Goodness, poor Riley; this is going to be a tough time for her. At least she has Jaden, and she doesn’t know it yet, but the rest of the Yonique ladies would also be a great support network.

Her and Jaden haven’t actually known eachother very long at all, but they hit it off pretty much immediately and Riley also knows Jaden’s stance on trans issues. Jaden doesn’t know much about it, but the Yonique women do; maybe Riley will ask Jaden, and Jaden will suggest they ask the crew together? Having a group of supportive women explain all the misogynistic and faith-based details of trans issues, while also being very blunt about what lesbian ACTUALLY means would probably speed run Riley’s peaking tbh lol

Blaire’s reaction to Riley’s emotional state may postpone things. If she’s doting and loving even if Riley dodges her questions, I could see Riley staying and trying to ignore their problems πŸ˜”
If that happens, Blaire would probably ask the QTs what they think, and they would likely say Riley’s (nonexistent) gender dysphoria was triggered by being referred to as a woman so much by the staff, and by being in room full of women or something πŸ˜…

I still have no idea how things will play out. Super excited. Love the tension here.