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warm and fuzzies, as a treat.

4 thoughts on “Ch6P95

  1. I love this page so much. <3 Riley's a sweetheart.

  2. Anita (rereading this chapter instead of studying for her exam TT.TT)

    I had totally forgotten that Riley says she has been at her job for six years. Considering how often she has moved (and the fact that I’m pretty sure her parents don’t talk to her anymore at all), it sounds like that job has been the most stable thing in her life!

    It really adds another layer to her relationship with Blaire imo — she works directly under Blaire’s aunt iirc, so if that relationship ends badly enough then her job would be in danger. Obviously money is an issue there, but this puts into perspective why it might be very hard for her to let this job go and “just” find another one if it comes to it.

    1. Omg, best of luck on your exam!!

      And don’t feel too bad, easy detail to forget – but yes, you are correct. Blaire’s aunt is the manager of the Jo-Blo’s store. You’re definitely thinking in the right direction in terms of consequences to come U_U


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