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27 December 2023 8:46 PM

wait when she lifts the rock and stands up, are the younger sisters still holding on at the back?

27 December 2023 9:03 PM

Hell yeah!!!!!

Also, I don’t know if it’s intentional that one of the girls’ shirts up top says “KIND”, but if it is, that’s a pretty good allusion to female socialization.

27 December 2023 9:05 PM

Are you ready to die CHRIS?

27 December 2023 9:25 PM

The prophecy has been realized – BEHOLD THE LEGEND!

Jaden's lover
Jaden's lover
27 December 2023 10:27 PM

It’s time to muuuurdeeeeer some guy!!!!

27 December 2023 11:11 PM

Excited for the mirror page where the first panel is Crystal and Karissa happily cheering and dancing in a rain of blood and the second panel is Shez holding Chris’s head up victoriously!!!!

Shez is a warrior
Shez is a warrior
28 December 2023 1:50 AM

Oh snap! Did Shez just turn Super Saiyan on us?

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
28 December 2023 2:07 AM

I love berserk this is my fav my manga <3

28 December 2023 2:29 AM

That heavy rock is getting dropped right onto his genitals 🙂

Dagny Taggart
Dagny Taggart
28 December 2023 2:35 AM

I love the bottom panel and seeing Shez’s full body physical strength. She’s worked so hard and her effort and hard work have clearly paid off. You also did a beautiful job illustrating her raw emotions.

One of the things I love about your art is how you focus on the essentials. Instead of a fully-detailed realistic image, you focus on the most important parts in each scene and depict the emotions in play. I love this style, so thank you so much! ❤️

How old is Shez right now? I’ve been thinking of her as a tween or early teen (10 – 14 years old).

28 December 2023 3:29 AM

The do it for her reference really hit me outta left field there

28 December 2023 3:49 AM

S-H-E-Z !

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
28 December 2023 6:14 AM


28 December 2023 7:54 AM

Yes go Shez!! One thing I’ve been wondering about with the last couple updates, though; is…is she doing this all behind Chris’s back? How would she hide it, if so? Because he seems to be pretty focused on pushing misogynistic female socialization onto them; keeping women dainty and “pleasing”; etc. Would he not at least notice her growing muscles?
Maybe he doesn’t really care as much about her behavior at this point, her being the older one who also isn’t biologically his; and is instead focusing more on making the younger two (three 😟) be what he wants them to be? That’s what I’m guessing, at least…

28 December 2023 8:49 AM

ngl I’ve been having Eye of the Tiger stuck in my head when reading these last several pages. I blame the Persepolis movie. lol

28 December 2023 9:17 AM

rusty the do it for her meme broke me… shez is literally carrying her sisters’ happiness on her back. She is channeling the burden she shoulders into literally buff shoulders!!!

Normal person
Normal person
28 December 2023 4:45 PM

;_; Love the contrast between how tough and cool Shez is vs the innocent adorability of her little sisters.

And it’s probably just because it’s a story being told by Shez, but I really like the tonal shift of the flashback in general – the interesting colouring and panelling etc (not to mention the content) really makes it seem different from the rest of the comic (not that that’s not great too ofc!)

Chris’ days are numbered. Hope he never even gets to meet the upcoming baby.

28 December 2023 11:55 PM

I’m really struggling emotionally with this arc, which I fully mean as a compliment. It’s good, really really good, to see Shez become strong and to see her iron determination and her and her mum working together and being honest to each other. At the same time, she’s a child. She should never have been put into that position, she shouldn’t have to feel like she needs to rescue her mum or kill anyone or really even defend herself in her own home. These are not worries or goals a child should be having. And neither should her mum ever have been put into the situation of having to appease a violent man in her own home. They were both failed by the men around them and they just deserve better.

And now she’s getting strong, and I’m proud of her and I want her to get everyone to safety, but at the same time, I’m so worried for her. She’s still a kid, and Chris is so much bigger, and even if she does manage to get herself and her mum and siblings out, not only is that kind of violence something that’ll affect her mind, I’m also not sure where they’d all go afterwards. Her mum hasn’t worked for years now, the sisters are really young, and Shez probably doesn’t have a lot of experience with the outside world yet. I just worry about them.

You’re a great storyteller. And it helps that I know this is a flashback and that Shez is okay in the present (and bought her mum a house!). But I haven’t been commenting lately because everyone was cheering her on, rightfully, and I was sitting in the corner muttering “oh no” to myself.

29 December 2023 3:04 AM

I had in my mind “I’ll make a man out of you” with these pages, but in the correct way: I’ll make a woman out of you.

“Did they sent me moids, when I ask for daughters?”

24 December 2024 7:32 AM

The bugs losing their home so shez can have her she hulk arc 🥲🫡