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Bonus MIni 4 – TMJ1

You asked for this, girlies! :3c

If you haven't already, check out the fanart section where highly dedicated breastie, HorseBlaire has been drawing TMJ ship art.


🥳🥳Also! Happy 5th birthday to Lease Bound! 🥳🥳
It was on July 24th of 2018 that I posted the first 8 prologue pages to Smackjeeves (this dyke outlived B) ).



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23 July 2023 9:54 PM

They are kissing so hard rn

23 July 2023 10:33 PM


23 July 2023 10:38 PM

You know, ‘Kai’ isn’t acting like a man here. Even misogynists will order from waitresses!

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
23 July 2023 10:46 PM

the pipe dream of being able to get the love she wants from a heterosexual has my girl MJ acting most unwise 😔

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
23 July 2023 10:51 PM

actually rusty the grief of this image is hitting me in waves

23 July 2023 11:48 PM

MJ NOOOOO she isn’t worth it girl stopstopstopstop
Ah this actually makes me so depressed, poor MJ has a classic case of falling in love with a straight girl but in this instance maybe she’ll fall for me BC I identify as a man sometimes hahah…

Please MJ… I’m praying for your betterment and a sense of better taste, Clancy is literally right right there and doesn’t cake her face in foundation…

23 July 2023 11:58 PM

Tiffany is assuming others’ gender-! 🙈😱💀

24 July 2023 12:13 AM

Ugh not hitting my “they’re so unbearable but they’re unbearable together 💕” ship buttons. That’s playing unfair, Rusty! Now I just want them to kiss.

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
24 July 2023 12:14 AM

Hey you…yes you, the mf who voted for this…you happy my sister? 😐😐

24 July 2023 12:20 AM

Omg the mom one 😭 I can’t tell if it’s more funny or sad…

24 July 2023 1:20 AM

Tiffany is annoying and MJ deserves better, but this dynamic has a lot of ship potential 😔

24 July 2023 2:19 AM

I don’t know if i want to cry or laugh
(Also I would ship this if I didn’t already ship MJ and Clancy)

24 July 2023 3:32 AM

I find this a pretty interesting example of how community sometimes makes things worse. Because it seems like Tif is having her irrational hatred of women stoked by someone whose biggest motivation is probably just to alleviate their friend from distress, but is ultimately helping them continue to isolate themselves from meaningful and important relationships.

Also the most base part of my brain is like “yey female friendship” even though this one is a bit toxic 🥲

24 July 2023 4:22 AM

Absolutely infuriating. I find it hard to be around women like this, who lean soooo hard into misogyny as if it will save them. Like they can avoid being hurt by it by throwing all other women under the bus. It’s funny, she reminds me of some deeply religious women I’ve known.

24 July 2023 6:54 AM

I know Tiffany is supposed to come across as annoying and sexist but I feel mildly bad for her because I feel like there’s clearly something wrong with her to act like this

24 July 2023 7:24 AM

I hate them this is so stupid and sexist but also they are Dating and I support how they support each other 😭😭😭

Also Happy Birthday to leasebound!!! It’s grown so much and I truely admire your persistence and improvement! I hope you and the comic continue to grow and flourish 😊

24 July 2023 8:03 AM

Also I wanna know Tiffanys reasons for hating Cis Bitches(tm)(cr) I’m sure they make perfect and total sense

24 July 2023 9:01 AM

How does Tiffany know those women are “cis”, though? Suspiciously transphobic of her……

24 July 2023 9:06 AM

I see a little of Tiffany in misogyny.

24 July 2023 12:34 PM

Tiffany’s bonkers, but I kind of want to ship them now. XD

24 July 2023 2:39 PM

You’re welcome HorseBlair.

Also lmao

24 July 2023 3:03 PM

I know this was probably intended as a “MJ in love with a straight girl”, but honestly not my first impression. Maybe it’s cause I’ve been in the same position as a normie where someone I really cared about as a friend wanted special treatment and I would break my back to do so cause I didn’t like seeing them unhappy.

Not to cause a fan-war on the Tiff-MJ ship or anything. Just MJ’s behaviour is too relatable to a previous platonic relationship I had.
(This may be why I have more sympathy for Blaire in the QT’s than most. Been there and drank that koolaid)

24 July 2023 4:53 PM

ummm… how can they tell when someone’s cis? 🤨📸 kind of sounds problematic to me, i want one of these “cis bitches” to cancel them both for this and be like “im actually a genderfluid two spirit intersex demiboy and it was extremely upsetting to me to have these two assume my gender…… trans people don’t owe you gender conformity!!”

Normal person
Normal person
24 July 2023 10:51 PM

Lmaoooooo, it’d be hilarious if MJ (or anyone, really) was actually a lesbian but considered themselves bisexual or “pansexual” or whatever because the women they were attracted to included ones with gender-identities.

25 July 2023 2:42 AM

Poor MJ.. as a girl whose girlfriend dumped her for men, I can relate to her wanting to be a good friend but still … *YEARN*ing to be more with her. And Tiffany is so self loathing she probably can’t even LOOK at a vulva…

25 July 2023 5:25 PM

Flashbacks to trying to be misogynist because I thought it would mean I was a real man on the inside… being angry/scared of other women because how could they just accept being female… I’M SORRY WOMEN 🙁

26 July 2023 12:05 AM

Help they are misogynistic girlfriends… why would you give me this toxic shipping fuel 😩

26 July 2023 12:27 AM

Can we get a romance arc for these two?? 👀👀

26 July 2023 3:10 AM

I ship it sm I wish “Kai” detransed and stopped being such a misogynist, and then realized she’s bi too and in love with MJ… I can dream🥲

(Btw… TIFfanny and TIMothy… I see whachu did there)

Parniyas biggest fan (and possibly MJ??)
Parniyas biggest fan (and possibly MJ??)
27 July 2023 7:13 AM

Wait why is Martha Jane kinda…

28 July 2023 8:45 AM

Everyone else is shipping her with MJ but I hate Tiffany way too much. Have since her bio page. All the het QTs are pretty bad, but she takes it to next level, and I really don’t care WHY she’s doing it either.

Misogynistic fujo TIFs rarely, ime, have some kind of trauma that other women don’t, and often in fact DON’T have any kind of special tragic issue besides being entitled, homophobic, stuck up woman-haters who think they’re too special and individual and totally a gay maaaaaan to be a gross icky ugly woman. I just don’t have sympathy for that, nor would I wish it on MJ.

She made my blood boil too with the “just a girl” bit, but I’m more sympathetic to her since she’s actually an ssa woman from a traditional family and she seems actually somewhat kind…women like Tiffany are not kind, and they do not deserve to reap the fruits of female friendship while despising all other women around them.

She doesn’t deserve anything BAD to happen to her, she just doesn’t deserve female love and support either as long as she treats her fellow woman like this. Speaking of, I bet her BOYFRIEND wouldn’t do this shit for her. If sound bitter, it’s because I’ve known them, I’ve been their supportive female friend, and the nasty, toxic, homophobic male-worshipping misogyny is REAL.

Also, while I’m here—-really sideying all the love and demands for a bio, more appearances, and buddying with Faith (who is like twice his age and probably not interested in babysitting) that Nicholas kid.

Like yes, cute kid, but I’d rather see the ferret, and I just find it sus how the second a non-awful moid appears, the gushing begins. Yes, he’s little now, but he’s clearly already learned not to give a shit about Jaden’s time and boundaries, and while the dresses might seem “cute” now, it makes me wonder if he’ll keep seeing women’s oppression as an accessory when he’s older, and if he’ll be interested in the non-fun gnc things like, say, doing the dishes.

Maybe I’m harsh, maybe I’m overreacting, but I just feel like the female socialization really jumps out in hopes of a “good male” or one perceived as at least harmless.

28 July 2023 12:04 PM

SIGH Ive been quietly raging over this page. i dont like you tiffany. these women are so sexist against women while still being women. mad that the voters are forcing me to see more of kai soon. waiting for the actually cool characters who aren’t sexist to save me.

I know some people want to see them kiss but personally I want to see them fight because Tiff refuses to speak to a woman, but MJ is like “…..wait” bc she sees parts of herself in the woman that tiff refuses to speak to. Like the woman Tiff is refusing to speak to is just like. A LITTL gnc or whatever. But Tiffany needs WAY more then MJ does to be like “oh it’s ok this woman is Not A Woman She Is A Person” so Tiff refuses to consider this woman as anything but a woman until the woman PERFORMS Enough Not A Woman behaviors and renounces womenhood to satisfy Tiffany’s women hatred enough.

but yeah i want to see them fighting and arguing and I want MJ to be like Ok Thats It and then Tiff has to realize how much she’s been relying on MJ’s labors (IS MJ ALSO THE ONE WHO DOES ALL THE DISHES? BECAUSE TIFF IS A MAN AND DOING CHORES MAKES HER DYSPHORIC [but she will do them for her boyfriend its only when another Sort Of Woman is around tiff will refuse to do chores]). MJ you walk out and Tiff has to struggle to get by realizing she really screwed up because she hated women so much that she refused to listen to MJ’s perspective about “hey maybe you can treat this one woman decently because she might not be like me!”.

gosh all the effort this takes to cater to tiff’s sexism the way MJ is a damn Rug for tiff to wipe her sexist feet all over. MJ is also a sexist jerk enabler but again AT LEAST SHE TALKS TO WOMEN!!! How often does MJ speak for herself when she’s so busy speaking on tiff’s behalf sheesh

I wonder what the QT collective even does when something like that happens. when there’s infighting among their members and both side is “valid” WELL OBVIOUSLY KAI DOESN’T WANT TO TALK TO CIS PEOPLE WE MUST RESPECT “HIM” —- BUT JASPER/SATURN/STAR/WHOEVER THIS IS IS RIGHT HE/SHE/IT/STARSELF/WHATEVER WAS GETTING TRANS VIBES FROM THAT PERSON AND WE CAN’T LET “KAI” MISGENDER THIS PERSON. i guess they let babygirl walk in and pick who his favorite member is and then everyone agrees with babygirl. ew.

anyway thats my unwritten LB fanfic about qt collective drama. it ends with mj and clancy running away. when they re-enter normal thinking they suddenly have so much more brain power to devote to their studies bc this gender crap took up so much time and effort and they ace every class and follow all their dreams forever the end. unhinged slightly disoriented and tired concept but hopefully enjoyable to Some One.

really MJ you are coming off like a total doormat and that is unfortunately relatable to me Ive spent many decades as a doormat. I feel like Gender has given her one place to explore standing up for herself and getting her whims catered to. people who jump through hoops to identify her in the right way must feel good after a life of being STEPPED ON!!! Finally people who ~see her and care about what she feels internally~ but she needs to see that this isnt the danged solution. she’s still getting stepped on even when a gender. GET OUT OF THERE, MARTHA-JANE. YOUR SURNAME IS LITERALLY “RUNMILL” BUT YOU COULD SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY IF YOU WOULD JUST stop it.

but instead ur gonna call women terfs, arent you runmill. arent you. i hope you one day say you’re sorry. I don’t relate to gendercrits who talk about having former gender identities, thankfully I was old enough when gender got popular on tumblr that I had enough of a developed brain so I didn’t get quite as sucked in as a lot of younger women do. (if i was born a little later i worry what would happen HA.

I acknowledge that these ideas pray on vulnerable women, and I assume my socially anxcious teen self wouldn’t have been immune. I like to imagine myself being smart and like Nope! I’m thinking critically! but i just can’t know for sure.) So I don’t know what that it’s like to come being deep into gender. but SOME of these QT collective girlies have to be some ExGender GenderCrits someday, right. even if we never get to see who that ends up being, it has to be some of them. I Am Dreaming.

sigh. more tiffany next week. (unless i go to the library and get on all the different computers and cast a vote on each computer then…… oh i would need at least 28 different computers… maybe if i simply grab a vpn and then… no girl no. let the weirdos have their gendies.. you have to see them eventually anyway….) just gotta get through the hard times, and then i can see the good times. . . . . . . . i can always go back and look at the previous page which i loved so much. the power is mine…..

29 July 2023 1:31 PM

Also re Parniya extras: Maybe interactions with Shez’s family since she lives with them? And they’re all women, so more woman centric relationships! I realize this might put you in the pickle of needing new character concepts/designs though!

atheist mantis
atheist mantis
30 July 2023 1:50 AM

Rusty, for some months now, Lease Bound has been my beacon in the darkness, in the midst of all the gender nonsense (and other stress in my life).

So a really really big THANK YOU for drawing it to us mere mortals <33 I can FEEL through my screen the exact frustration these gals (Jaden and Co.) go through, bless their socks.

I relate especially to Riley's panic/sorrow right now in my life. I've recently met this damn wonderful woman in my work and we've really got to known one another on a deeper level.

She's such a wise and lovely person and we've become such good friends in a short time and talked all things feminism… BUT she has drunk the trans kool-aid and told me how J.K. Rowling has ruined her childhood by being an asshole.

It's really depressing since she's SO close to peaking (we've talked about biology mattering despite libfems wanting to make every space all-inclusive) and I'm afraid of losing her for good if I talk about my thoughts freely and honestly 😔

All my friends pretty much agree on the trans stuff and recently it's just been really hard to stomach the idea that they would probably view me as a hideous person if they knew my real opinions – you know, that women are a sex-class and should be talked about as such.

Some might call it cowardly that I'm hiding, but I'm just not willing to cast those (otherwise fulfilling) friendships away. It's depressing.

Anyways, just wanted to rant that this comic and other radfem content gives me strength and joy 🙂 Keep being awesome. Also can't wait for The Big Storm 🌩️🌩️🌩️

tiffany hater and blaire sympathizer (hypocrite)
tiffany hater and blaire sympathizer (hypocrite)
30 July 2023 10:49 AM

mj isn’t even nearly annoying enough to be with tiffany. as the two most annoying qt members, BRICK and tiffany belong together. i want them to meme themselves into a relationship and then drive each other insane.

also, respect to the people who don’t wish any harm on tiffany but i truly do want to throw (actual) bricks at her. i know this isn’t very feminist solidarity of me but if she got hit by a car id be pretty happy! id never wish harm on any non-fictional fujos but tiff is truly the most intense caricature of one of the worst types of people ive ever met so i want nothing but bad things for her.

i really hope blaire tells her to fuck off (i know blaire is also bad but the difference is i can fix her!). blaire might not deserve a redemption arc, but i still want her to at least grow enough of a backbone to tell off tiffany for being such a stuck-up asshole to her and other women