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33 thoughts on “CH13P8

  1. (Thank you miss antiyourwokehokophobia2 for being silly but also funny)

    1. Antiyourwokehomophobia2

      YW, rusty 😭❤️❤️❤️ This was such a lovely delight to see lmaooo

      1. Your text post was a delight! Paying the laughter I experienced forward ❤️❤️


  2. The facial expressions in this comic are sublime 🤣

    1. Thank you! I’m really trying get more liberal with silly ones as I often default to being more reserved. Expect more 💪💪

  3. Riley lmaoooooo the second panel. She’s finally growing on me! Can’t wait to see more of her here especially with that chapter synopsis.

    It really is depressing to see how Blaire is generally a kind and caring (admittedly she can be overbearing and bossy though, too) person, curious about the working conditions of the bouncers and immediately horrified when she’s reminded of the attack Jaden suffered…

    UNTIL trans stuff is involved. Wew boy.

    1. Glad Riley is growing on you! She hasn’t had much time in the spotlight for a while, so I’m looking forward to letting her have more movement this chapter. When writing this chapter, from CH13P6 onwards I decided to only show events Riley directly witnessed to really give her focus. Hope you enjoy it!

      And yes, I wanted to demonstrate Blaire’s ability to recgonize homophobic actions for what they are if the demographic of men isn’t a factor.

      Similar to this exchange Riley and Jaden had, where Riley is immediately disgusted that some men would respect a female-only club, and even later refers to them as homophobes based only on that information. Once she finds out they were “trance women” tho, different story. She even goes so far as to wonder if Jaden must’ve done something to provoke them.
      Even though all that’s changed is the violent men’s pronoun demands, they get shifted into potential victims.

      I wanted to demonstrate how trans activism shields the destructive/violet behaviour of men, and how supporters of it can have very good intentions otherwise but be completely warped by it.

      1. I think my problem with Riley has just been that, so far, virtually every one of her appearances has involved her being helpless and unhappy and not doing anything about it. Even the picture showing the characters having fun at the pool had Riley just sitting there in floaties making a helpless fear grimace because she couldn’t swim.

        I felt like every time I saw Riley I just prepared myself for how long it’d be before she was panicking and helpless about something – the character just felt there to be made uncomfortable, unhappy, and get pushed around. I’m just looking forward to seeing her having a level of agency, because in the times where she was happy and confident – showing Jaden around the neighborhood, and visiting the zoo with Blaire – she was fun.

        Agreed with regards to how trans stuff is used to make excuses for vile men (and vile women too, going by Tiffany and Brick lmao). If you get people to believe “these are the most vulnerable and marginalized people alive” then they’ll let them get away with murder.

        1. Oh I completely understand why you feel that way! I’m glad the contrast of Riley in her element (on her bike playing tour guide & around something she loves: animals, and during sex lmao) really highlights how held back she is most situations. She’s a very restrained character that requires a very big push to break her free. Meeting someone like Jaden has certainly put the ball in motion.

  4. Riley’s expressions are killing me this page. She’s so nervous and stressed whenever this topic is brought up, been there before. A small part of me is comforted that (hopefully) this walking on eggshells and being constantly on edge will be over soon. But I also know that it’ll be a painful ride getting there 😰😰.

    Blaire really is so cute in her new look and outfit. It sucks seeing how much she can care about other women and the hardships they go through, but knowing that if she knew about the trans nature of Jaden’s attackers she’d switch sides to coddling the men’s feelings. I just hope I’m ready for the bumpy ride this chapter is gonna be 😮‍💨😮‍💨

    (As an aside that height difference between Blaire and Jaden in the 3rd panel has me swooning.)

    1. Thank you for all the kind words about their expressions and designs, I am very proud of both 🥰

      And you got me <-- height difference fan, guilty as charged ✋️😔

  5. unknowingly uninhibited by male worship code, Blaire lets her true feelings free LMFAOOOO be free…

    1. She could be so free… if only orz

  6. also once again Jaden is kind of 👀 yknow….. dreamy

    1. Only kind of? >:/
      (We’ll see how you feel later this chapter)

  7. Riley’s face in the second panel really sent me into a 10 minutes non stop laughing fit. I could hear the “DOOOOOM” sound between this two panels xD
    The irony of Blaire being genuinelyhorrified at men’s homophobia yet she would change her tune instantly if she knew they were timothies v_v

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 but also 😔😔😔

  8. It’s a shame Blaire can only be based when she doesn’t know the men in question have gender identities. This is the most I’ve liked her since her true nature as a TRA was revealed.

    1. It is most unfortunate. She could be so based… 😔🙏

  9. Will we ever see Riley have anything else in her arc or any development in the story like Jaden? It’s kinda feels we’re in the same loop of her being “worried about Blair saying this” and “gasps gendie this”. We only ever get to anything else from her since the chapter with her and Jaden shopping. She’s starting to feel more like a side character in her own.

    1. What do you think the answer might be?
      Perhaps a less casual read would shed some light on your question?

      Character development is not just in-depth backstory chapters.

  10. Hopefully this is the last night Riley cold-sweats about whether her girlfriend will find out Jaden And Her Coworkers Have Unacceptable Views. And I’m predicting Blaire’s gonna blow her top and accuse Riley of being personally responsible for the suffering of all trans people, and Riley’s going to feel awful…

    but honestly, I think it’s going to be easier to get through than Riley is expecting. She’s had a “rip the band-aid off” experience like this before, right? (The implied shunning from her family/religious community when she came out as a lesbian.)

    But this time around, she’ll come out of it with a roof over her head, and a roommate who thinks Blaire’s beliefs and behavior are wild (she just doesn’t know it yet), and MUDDLES. Sometimes the piled-on anxiety is worse than the actual thing and I’m really hoping that’s the case for Riley.

    1. 🤞🤞🤞 we can only hope 🤞🤞🤞

  11. I mean, Blaire IS correct here! XD

    1. She is. Rare W 🤣

  12. Everyone else has already expressed the amused horror this page inspires, so let me instead say that I love the contrast between Riley’s natural face and Blaire’s makeup. It’s very striking and especially with them both right next to each other leaves Blaire almost a little towards the uncanny valley.

    1. YES!!!!
      Make-up is always added to Blaire (!and other clown-paint wearers) in the colouring stage, so before that she always looks so much cuter/more human. My friends who’ve watched me stream the page making process always share my anguish when it’s time to colour Blaire because she ends up standing out so much with the gunk on her face u-u.

      Especially this chapter with the added cheek colour.

      Exactly as intended though! I really do want hairless, clown-paint wearers in impractical clothes to be the ones who stand out. Not the other way around.

  13. Sadly we just lost the right to refuse entry to men who claim they’re a woman now. They just changed the law and now we’ll face jail time if we refuse to call a man a woman. #RepealTheGillardAmendments

    1. Yeah I’ve seen. It’s an absolute embarrassment to all Aussie women and girls.

  14. Parniya’s biggest fan

    You’re right Blaire, they ARE freaks! And they still are when you inevitably learn they are TIMs. But I know she won’t see it that way, I’m sooooo sick and tired of her defending moids… she will probably never see how much they are hurting her 🙁 that poor woman

  15. rileyyyyy omg. poor girl is going to develop ulcers if this keeps up 😭

  16. I have seen my friend with social anxiety make that exact gd face when faced with a socially precarious situation before 10/10 no notes you nailed it.

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