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21 April 2024 8:28 PM

Ever since you put Shezaden in my mind, I’ve been unable to unsee it. They’re actually super cute. Genuinely never thought about it until that unofficial panel you posted, but whoever you drew it for (I forgot, sorry !!) has the right idea fr 😭

But anyway, back to reality: I really love how Shez doesn’t tolerate a single shred of Jaden being mean to herself. These two have such a wholesome relationship. Looking forward to more of them

21 April 2024 8:30 PM

Oh to be hanging out with Shez after Class, in her chokehold grip, illuminated by the setting sun while she tells me to let go of my insecurities …. Is that too much to wish for?? 😭

Your Colors are, as always, so freaking beautiful! And Meriam leading a class is so heartwarming

Beautiful page!!

21 April 2024 9:07 PM

Aaaa what a beautiful page, love the use of the setting sun! I see Meriam is bisexual 👀 does she have a gf/wife?

21 April 2024 9:20 PM

I love the detail that Jaden still doesn’t know enough about the topic to realize how you spell “trans” lmao

And also the Meriam apparently leads self-defense groups sometimes now! Did she do a proper course in it along with Shez after they escaped? I’m so glad that doing this is something they share — with each other, but then also with all the women that come to the classes.

21 April 2024 11:36 PM

Hah! Still saying trance aren’t yah Jaden?

22 April 2024 3:39 AM

MERIAM HAS A CLASS!!! YEEEEES! The thought of her learning to defend herself and her children in case Chris ever comes back fills me with so much joy, you have no idea.

22 April 2024 4:18 AM

I love how the only reason Shez didn’t have to jump to get Jaden in a headlock is because Jaden was sitting down 😅

22 April 2024 4:42 AM

Meriam was TWENTY years old when she was abandoned alone pregnant in a foreign country. This woman should be president.

22 April 2024 5:13 AM

Question- how has Jaden never come across the concept of trans before? Has she never heard the acronym LGBT? No hate just curious

22 April 2024 5:47 AM

I love whenever you do pages with sunset palettes. You always make them look so pleasant and pretty, like candy I can reach in and pluck right off the panels to eat. 🍬

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
22 April 2024 8:53 AM

:talks shit about myself so that Shez will put me in a headlock:
I love so many things about this page! Jaden getting the lifting-up she needs…return of the sunset pallette…Meriam also leads the self defence classes…yess YESSSS

22 April 2024 5:28 PM

Any ETA on when bonus pages on wed/thurs will be returning? Hope your health is good and all that

23 April 2024 10:04 AM

Is so curious how you feel more comfortable at the Younique self defense room than the QT trash valley. This really makes me want to get classes with Shez.

24 April 2024 8:07 AM

the lighting in this page and all the recent pages has been so gorgeous! Your art has improved so much since the beginning of the series, and it’s so wonderful to see 😀

Recanning my worms
Recanning my worms
25 April 2024 5:35 AM

MOMMA MERIAM IS…. ?! Awesum 🤐 I did not see that twist. Many lucky mature folxx out there. I wonder if she’s ever been to a Yonique event/party or prefers to stick to the classes and go different avenues for meeting… maybe go with her gal pals to a metal concert 🤘 headvanging to Ferrous Fibroids hehehe

This page is…. wow ok this page kinda made me emotional bring me the DencoRub & blankie. I think I figured out why her interactions with blue hair lady and jaden are not just appealing to my core ’cause i like the characters or ’cause i like Shez the most of the whole cast, but because deep down it reflects a type of friendship I deeply craved when i was a teen and feeling like a grimy foreigner towards both sexes whether i was at home or outside (one group because i wasnt feminine and graceful and well ‘normal’ enough, and the other cause i wasn’t male).

IDK if anybody can relate but still to this day sometimes when i walk near or into a crowd and look around and notice there’s no visibly gnc women I just get this pang of sadness and like sorta nauseous-sorta-anxious disbelief. Like i;m going insane looking for a ghost or somebody kidnapped, but nobody else wonders about the ghost and nobody cares and the day goes on each step feels heavier like you’re navigating quicksand and and…

It’s quite hard to put into words to be honest but like yeah it bruises me and so this page shook and rattled me until i got misty eyed and the color effect is absolutely gorgeous and thank you so much for watering our emotional crops with these depictions and mini-curse to Jaden cause she’s lucky AF right now ha

What else?? Oh regarding ur Q for next pages it’s not a surprise at this point but of the sisters bios reveal I wanna see Ms Blond Sis first of course!!! Give us the tomboyyyyy (the Tomman? the Gyn-tleman? asdfq) please 😍🙈 I’m thinking mayyybe she’s gonna be a desister (former nonbinary or ftm) so Shez has another very personal reason to feel off about gender identity stuff besides (metaphorically i hope) headbutting with random AGP types over the years.

Or maybe she’ll just be a chill “Sandlerette” who works at the aussie zoo Steve/Terri/Bindy Irwin style caring for the koalas and kangaroos and goofing around with kids! Or both. Both is good.jpeg lol

Or none of that and something even better idk surprise us. Anyway artist ma’am thanks for the lovely page now if you excuse me i’m gonna tack on the Rub cause my body is ACHING after those hits

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
25 April 2024 10:45 PM

ok actually the texas helped to understand size LMFAOOOOO. the true american measurement system.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
25 April 2024 10:50 PM

sorry to leave a reddit link for the image, but it had me wonder bc looking at the image you had, i thought “man, australia may be the same length as the US” and went to try to find them superimposed. it turns out it just about is? https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/anxtyc/the_size_of_australia_compared_to_the_usa_mainland/
it also helps to reframe that being 22 hours having it lined up, lol.

26 April 2024 1:35 AM

it pains me that meriam can’t pass her own name (or even a different one) to her daughters in the malaysian tradition. i totally understand why, i assume “smith” and “jones” are about as generic as you can get in australia. so much she’s given up to protect her children from men.

woman who didn't read the webcomic
woman who didn't read the webcomic
28 April 2024 7:49 AM

I have a bit of a complaint, why is it you have to make practically every other comic page about being a transphobe? Do trans people REALLY live in your head rent-free? 🥺🥺 Like you can somehow understand that clothing has no gender BUT everyone MUST stay their born at birth gender. You’d think as a lesbian you know how that concept is ridiculous… Like for some reason all your characters are stupidly unaware? Like popquiz…whats the *T* in LGBT stand for? Why do you think trans people are apart of our community??

29 April 2024 6:41 AM

Unrelated to the page but have you seen this analysis of Blaire?

1 May 2024 12:20 PM

I can be such a simple person sometimes but I love the TRANCE thing so much. It is sooo funny to me. I love saying “trance”, and typing out “trance”, though sometimes I really have to hold myself back because not everyone in the world has read LeaseBound (ALAS!) and they do not get the reference. I assume most people think I’m making a typo. but it’s funny. it cracks me up.

The trance movement really do got so much of the world in a trance don’t they. Jaden doesn’t even know. She doesn’t even know how clever she’s being. And no one around her knows either. Words sound similar enough that they JUST DON’T KNOW. When will the women learn about the greatness of TRANCE? I love it Jaden, I love you. but. point is. It’s clever on your part to realize that Shez isn’t going to be like “wait… TRANCE?”… this is just one of those cool comic effects, where the readers get to see a silly that no one in the comic world can….

I hope maybe someday some of them learn about it. because it’s great. it brings me joy. An abnormal amount of joy? It’s normal. Humans sometimes think weird stuff is funny and delightful.

I’m with everyone else who compliments your use of color. This page feels even stronger after seeing the next page, too. The way the next page becomes darker with the passage of time as well as the conversation turning darker.

Working in a visual comic medium it’s easy to gush about the art but your planning is so good too. “Okay this scene is at sunset, and once they talk about Chris things are even darker”. Like? Little things like that really build up to make a cool masterwork of art and story-telling.

And some people have entire teams to come up with the best possible story and visual to make a really cool piece of art. YOU’RE DOING THIS ALL YOUR DANG SELF… You’re keeping track of so many spinning wheels and spinning parts with this comic. You have characters interesting and fully-fleshed enough to where they could be protagonists of their own stories and spin-off series.

I always love it when a creator manages that, every character has depth and thought. Has to be a real struggle to manage to fit everything you want to in this story

It’s wild the contrasts that Jaden and Riley have. Jaden has so much support, she’s found a home for herself at this WOMEN ONLY CLUB filled with LESBIANS AND BISEXUALS WHO LOVE HER. And even if Josie is misguided sometimes (feels like putting it lightly there lol), Josie still LOVES and SUPPORTS Jaden. and then meanwhile riley…. who does riley got… the… blair? oof.

I hope Riley has a few work friends who are decent. If not, its all a big old circle. Jaden with Alex crying because she realizes she doesn’t have friends… She has them now, and hopefully she can absorb Riley in and help Riley have more Real True Friends. it’s wild because I do feel like Riley can be very sociable and charming, and very good at appealing to people, but she just seems to have been from a cultish religious environment where real connection was made impossible….