
32 thoughts on “CH12P9

  1. Get His Ass Wednesday

    How old is Shez here?

    1. She’s 11-12ish here πŸ™

  2. Parniya’s biggest fan


  3. Jaden's lover (go baby Shez!!)

    Rip to his genitals I guess 😌😌

    1. πŸ‘΅πŸ―πŸŒ§πŸŒ©πŸŒͺπŸ˜”

  4. I want to cheer her on so badly, but all I can think is… Oh no, this is going to go so badly. She is so small and he is a fully grown man who has already proven he’s perfectly willing to resort to violence. I’m so glad we’re not gonna have to wait a full week for the next update. I know that she’s gonna be fine (well, except for her eye πŸ˜₯) and even so the tension is killing me. Poor baby.

    1. Trust your gut, breastie πŸ’”πŸ˜”

  5. Dick punch! Dick punch!

  6. I remember that comic mini where Shez was telling Parniya that being tall doesn’t mean you’re tough, and showing her that her height doesn’t determine who can protect themselves. This page is really putting that in perspective – Shez has been standing up to much taller attackers since she was a kid! Get him!!!!!

    1. Ooooh, that’s a very interesting read on that scene! Looking forward to giving more context on it and hearing your thoughts πŸ₯°

  7. That’s a situation no child should ever be in. But still, it’s really good that little Shez has enough self-confidence to step in and defend her mum (who got worn down by this dynamic over months and years, most likely).

    Amazing perspective work on this page, btw.

    1. Thank you! It took several attempts to find the right angle, but I’m incredibly happy with this page’s end result πŸ₯°

  8. This exact scenario played out between my (half) sister and her mum, which was the last straw for my dad getting divorced. Then I spent my whole childhood being told what an evil nasty woman his first wife was, and how cruel it was that he didn’t get full custody. I just fucking hate men really

    1. I’m very sorry to hear that πŸ™
      Whenever a man bad-talks an ex-wife or girlfriend, I always wonder what her side of the story is. So many “crazy b*tch” ex girlfriends’ only crime was not submitting to a scotebag’s will.

  9. Bitter Asian dyke



  11. banging on pots and pans

    “This is a rough job.Sometimes there isn’t time to think before you act. Especially when your immediate safety is at stake. We’ve all been there.” (Chez, CH5P6)

    Thinking about how that page also has a close up of her scarred eye, and how Chez considers not just bouncering(?) but protecting women in general as her “job” even since she has been a little child.

    Chez you are too good for this world 😭


  13. Horrified to see what happens next but also really looking forward to it.

    Knowing that Shez has ANOTHER sister after the two Meriam’s already just had fills me with dread, though…

    1. Buckle up breastie πŸ˜”πŸ’”

  14. proud woman lover and penis destroyer

    “Misandry”: women making jokes about their oppressors and justified fear of said oppressor
    Misogyny: literal abuse, rape, murder, and in this case… taking advantage of a single mother who’s trying to raise her little girl after being abandoned by a gross politician

    1. Exactly!
      “Man-haters” = pointing out all the shit woman-haters do.

  15. Really enjoying the new update schedule. Some heavy themes for sure, but I think you are handling them well.

    1. Thank you!

  16. Ahhhh no I really don’t like where this is going πŸ™ I’m glad the updates are more regular BC this page gives me so much anxiety..

    1. Apologies in advance, breastie πŸ’”

  17. This reminds me of a memory I have of being four years old and being in my parents room. My dad was tickling my mom or something and I mistakenly thought that my dad was hurting my mom. So what I did was I jumped on my dad’s stomach and started punching him. They both explained that mom wasn’t being hurt, and to my knowledge my dad never did hurt my mom, but I’m still proud of myself for having the nerve to try to fight back.

  18. I want to cheer Shez on, but I’m sitting here biting my nails with a pit in my stomach. Shez shouldn’t have had to go through this, no child should, and it’s incredible she has the confidence and love for her mom to fuel her to attack and defend her.

    I’m anxiously expecting for her to get completely thrown across the room by this demon, even if she manages to land a good blow below the belt. I keep thinking about how women are constantly told we’re too small, too weak to really fight back against men. Shez has spent so much of her adult life training to be stronger and training other women to give them a chance and teach them that they have a chance.

    Shez is an incredible women and it’s so saddening and infuriating she and her family had to go through this trauma.

    1. I’ve said it in another comment but I’m happy to reiterate – I’ve been very careful about what to show and what not to show in terms of Chris’s violence. For example – him striking Meriam not being shown. Because I don’t think it needs to be, to be clear what has happened. Just a small reassurance 🩷

      And yes, these events had great sway over who Shez became as an adult – especially the next page which just dropped a few hours ago πŸ˜”

  19. k but i get where the commenters who look at this page and feel HYPED come from because call me crazy bonkers but there is something beautiful and uplifting about this.

    FROM. THE VERY FIRST MOMENT. Meriam and Shez are CHOOSING EACH OTHER. From the VERY FIRST MOMENT. It isn’t something they need to think about, it’s an instinct. The love and feelings of protection are mutual. Meriam started screaming at him right away, leaping to defend her children, despite her background and her Tragic Backstory. Like it makes you go “where did she LEARN to be so bold”? Like it’s something she didn’t even have to learn, it is an instinct she feels because she loves her kids. AND THEN SHEZ, SCREAMING AT HIM RIGHT AWAY!! Despite the fact she IS A CHILD, makes you go “where did she LEARN to be so bold”? INSTINCT. JUST LIKE MOMMA. The MOMENT Chris does something bad, the EXACT MOMENT his true self shows, they are choosing one another instantly. Both of them. So much of the time abuse Does Not Go Like That. Mother and daughter end up hating each other. They can side with the abuser. And it would be so easy for Shez to think “my mom put me in this situation” or something like that. I’ve seen a lot of Sad Things in regards to abuse and how that male tears families apart. But Meriam and Shez are protecting one another from the very first moment. There is no question or hesitation. I could be wrong but I think the reactions we see from both Meri & Shez right away will continue. Chris thinks he is so cool and powerful and dominating to beat up his wife and child. He thinks he has his family Under Control. For awhile, it will look that way. He’s going to feel like such a big winner. But from this moment, I am certain Everything Is Different for Shez and Meriam. They both Understand he is a monster now. They’re not going to go “oh he just lost his temper and it’s okay now”. Tricks and deception won’t work. Maybe if Chris didn’t do something this severe, he would have been able to get away with more. If Shez didn’t come in, maybe Meriam would have been like “well he hurts me as long as my children are happy that’s what matters. I won’t tear my babies from this wonderful life for my own sake.” But no. They both see Chris harming the person they love most. This is unacceptable to both of them. The Monster has no clue how stupid he’s been by doing this. He doesn’t see his own downfall.

    The last panel reminds me of a plucky young protagonist rushing in to fight an enemy who is so much bigger badder and tougher then she is. She gets struck down, but this fight isn’t over. Meriam and Shez are going to win in the end. We all know this. It is SUCH an artistically powerful panel, very dynamic. It lets Shez look powerful. Yeah she is a child rushing to inevitable failure, but we see her fighting spirit. The way you are portraying abuse is so different then is typical, and it’s really cool to let us see these flashes of Power in the victims. Because abuse survivors have power in them. It doesn’t look like power to outsiders, but in order to survive, they have this spark in them that keeps them doing. Abuse survivors do so many little powerful things that ensure their survival every single day.

    So yeah. To me, this page is exciting. I love seeing abuse victims unite against the abuser instead of getting all twisted up by him. Despite how grim things get, it’s just not going to get as bad as it gets for some women and girls because Meriam and Shez’s ability to stay united. That’s how I feel when I look at this. What happened to them is still awful, but there is this immense spark of hope. I find myself wishing that certain women I know could have been united like this. But it’s understandable they couldn’t. Abusers are fucking insidious people. They get inside other people’s heads. It’s no one’s fault but the abuser. As a lot of commenters have said, you’ve done a great job portraying this story-line. I don’t think it was easy to draw a lot of this. Drawing was just a small part of it I’m sure, you REALLY had to THINK about how to do this whole chapter. Great success, major props, you deserve to feel Freaking Good for this.

    Setting up for some incredible contrast between the Josie-Jaden Alexis-Maria relationships. Very excited to see how Meri and Shez continue to shine for us. No matter how dark it gets, neither of them are going to lose their sparks.

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