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3 December 2023 8:31 PM

I have no witty comments. I want this fucker dead.

3 December 2023 8:44 PM

I knew this was coming. But it didn’t stop me feeling so disgusted

3 December 2023 8:46 PM

one of my earliest memories was trying to comfort my mom crying in a bathroom after my dad hit her, i remember i couldn’t comfort her cause i was too small to know how to talk.

3 December 2023 10:25 PM

kill him NOW

3 December 2023 11:53 PM

I find it so interesting to look at the difference in body language in Chris vs in Miriam. The way Chris is sticking out his chest and gesturing with his arms out making himself look bigger (something many animals, including humans, do as a threat display) while Miriam is hunched forward with pleading body language.

3 December 2023 11:55 PM

No wall of text today; just kill him.

4 December 2023 1:17 AM

What a nice new car, I wonder if macho man chris is gonna service it himself… would be a shame if someone tampered with the car jack ๐Ÿ™‚

4 December 2023 2:24 AM

I want to run him over with his stupid flashy car. It’s so typical, he lies, he endangers everyone for selfish reasons, and everyone else is just supposed to be cool with it and probably even congratulate him or something. The women in his life are supposed to be npcs providing whatever he wants, not people with thoughts and feelings.

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
4 December 2023 2:26 AM

Well you know, art is up to interpretation; and in MY interpretation? Meriam just smacked the shit out of him for walking around making like he’s walter white. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
4 December 2023 3:19 AM

Oh SHIT we get more updates more often now?! Fuck yeah!!!! okay back to my scheduled programming. CHRIS WHEN I CATCH YOU CHRIS. WHEN I CATCH YOU. CHRIS WHEN I๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ

Parniyaโ€™s biggest fan
Parniyaโ€™s biggest fan
4 December 2023 4:38 AM

Jeez.. do men really not think about their actions?? Not only did he hurt Meriam but Shez is now traumatized for life, thatโ€™s why she was so caring towards Jaden because Jaden is also now traumatized due to what those men did to her.

Like I donโ€™t understandโ€ฆ I just gotta know.. was it worth it?? Was hitting her and leading her on in a life of lie worth it Mr. man???

Oh but of course you only think about yourself and now the people under you because you quite literally FORCE yourself above others because men have the power and anytime they see women of the household or single mothers they swoop in because they think a man needs to be there. I agree with everyone else, kill Chris.

4 December 2023 4:56 AM

GET HIM SHEZ (actually no baby, he’ll hurt you too, but SOMEONE GET HIM)

4 December 2023 7:20 AM

Whole Man Disposal Services
(Yes, The Whole Man)

4 December 2023 7:59 AM

Poor sweet Chez having to witness that… I really hope her and her family get away from that monster soon

4 December 2023 8:45 AM

Me like that Judge Judy gif of her tapping at her watch: Come on, Male character illness, you cannot arrive too late to take this asshole out of their lives.

4 December 2023 9:02 AM

The effect of the pallette looks amazing on this page. Pure danger and horror. It’s subjective but I think it’s one of your best from the comic, hope you feel proud of it โค๏ธ Good job

Now don’t mind me, just gonna pretend the loud smack was clearly a boulder that rolled down the mountain and took Chris…

4 December 2023 3:29 PM

Just me daydreaming about IEDs, cutting the brake lines, no biggie

Btw the sunset palette reminds me of the essay about DV “it will look like a sunset”

Normal person
Normal person
4 December 2023 8:28 PM

Man… This re-contextualizes some of Shez’s words and behavior towards Jaden way back when with the AGP crew. From what I can remember, Shez unintentionally made Jaden feel worse when she said things like “you probably just want to cry” and so on, but I bet it’s just because it’s what Shez wishes someone had said to her when she was a helpless child trying to make sense of what she was going through.

Have to say I love how cute Shez is as a kid though ;_; she deserves a better family life, this sucks. Looking forward to Chris getting what’s coming to him!

5 December 2023 12:01 AM

And this is the moment I remembered Shez has a scar over the eye…
Ugh, Iยดm gonna be wincing every new page now…

5 December 2023 9:14 PM

I HOPE CHRIS GOES TO JAIL AND THEN DIES. Even if the legal system is notoriously shitty about addressing violence against women, there he is, RIGHT THERE, he’s got an illegal job! Right there! I don’t want him to only die, I want him to be scared and humiliated before he goes. GO TO JAIL! and then contract male character disease while in prison. it would be so great if he goes to prison because of his job, and Meri doesn’t have to worry about going through difficult testimony or anything. He just goes to jail cos of his job. That is my ideal. I am telling you my dream.

It’s a hard page to comment on. bad things are happening. Never have I been more thankful for the quicker update schedule then I am right now. I’m glad we don’t have to Sit with this page for too long.

Meriam is so brave for real. This page displays how much she loves her kids. The Monster is WAY WAY WAAY bigger then her, and she comes from a place that prized being timid and submissive above everything else, she had that socialization hammered into her real real real hard. But without thought and without question will she scream at this man for endangering her babies. This man who “saved” her, this man who she “owes her life” BLEUGH she will go right in and shout for her kids. No hesitation. There are so many women who wouldn’t be able to scream at this Monster. Women who love their children just as much might not be able to do what Meri did. Her courage. I just love her.

Artistically, I am LOVING Shez right before the smack. The way her eyes are visually just Glowing. It’s just a really powerful art choice to make her eyes that prominent. The emphasis. She Is Seeing Terrible Things. I just. Really don’t got the words to convey how great her eyes look there. You do a really great job of using the visuals to convey how this kind of thing can feel to a child as well. It’s just all… Dark, and there are vague figures, it’s scary, it can’t all be very well comprehended…. Very nice background gradient from light to dark as well.

I love thinking about how this dude is going to get kicked in the dick at some point ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope it explodes. yeah that’s my ideal story for him. Genital injury so bad that it’s just. Exploded basically. Goes to jail. Male character disease, dead.