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Happy Holidays, gyns! This update took a little longer than I was hoping - between holiday festivities, and getting the hang of a new colour pallete & style I just needed a little extra time. I'm really happy with how it all turned out, and I hope you enjoy it! This is my last update of the year, so I hope you all enjoy the rest of yours and I'll see you all in 2020! The aim is 5 chapters this coming year >:) Yehaw, improvement!

4 thoughts on “CH6P23

  1. I’m so ready for the other chapters, come Rusty you can do it! No pressure of course take your time ^_^

    1. I’m making them as quickly and consistently as I can! Next update coming January 8th!

  2. Ok I’m in love with all of them.
    Please take care and I can’t wait till 2 days later for the next one!

    1. I’m so glad <333
      I've got the update ready to go, so you wont' be disappointed <3

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