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17 June 2024 12:39 AM

rocky is so lucky to have experienced being held in the arms of her big buff sister

17 June 2024 1:20 AM

I love how Miriam appears to have IMMEDIATELY stopped wearing makeup after Chris is out of her life 😊

17 June 2024 1:27 AM

“I ❀️ Shanzey”

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
17 June 2024 1:47 AM

This is fine. This is fine, everything’s fine and I am completely normal about this. ;A;

17 June 2024 3:42 AM

Rocky’s little smile to Meriam and “I ❀ Shanzey” on Shez’s bandages… 😭

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
17 June 2024 2:10 PM

Rocky being left mute is heartbreaking… I hate men πŸ’”

Hasn’t Chris taken enough that he shouldn’t feel the need to take a young girls voice away??

17 June 2024 6:52 PM

Ahh Miriam is such a good mum… Still breaks my heart that Rocky became mute from that incident, at least she has a wonderful family

18 June 2024 1:33 AM

This chapter has really conflicted me about shez’s self sacrifice for her family… I think because I came from a similar situation, only with a mother who would always pick my abusive father over me (tmi a bit, sorry).

The expectation is always on women to sacrifice, and in radfem circles I find more of the same, only this time about female class-consciousness, women supporting women, female family members supporting female family members, with the more motherhood-oriented ones, the concept of the “village”.

And idk seeing shez hurt like this for her family and sisters without a second thought affected me, not because I think she did the wrong thing but because there is ANOTHER immediate burden on her shoulders, she is made into a carer and giver in this situation, mirroring how in real life the expectations on women to help other women and at no point to ever be selfish in a difficult situation, to not have self preservation instincts over the situation that, this is going to sound really awful and I know is coming from a biased and irrational place, but the situation her mother put her in (even though she didn’t really, the abuser did) – and she has to pull her mother back out from.

Idk if this makes sense, just something I’ve been mulling over… the chapter was beautiful and I’m happy for the way it turned out for them <3

20 June 2024 3:07 PM

ughh my email sent the page notif to spam this is literal lesbiphobia
anyways this entire chapter has emotionally devastated me i hope you’re happy rusty

20 June 2024 7:38 PM

I really like how gentle Meriam is here with Rocky. No pressuring to speak, and just gently giving her sweet daughter an alternative to express herself. I really like the family being willing to work with her.

….. buuuuut then I look at Rissa in the last panel and I think about sad things.

I have to wonder if she starts to take offense with Rocky’s silence, and that silence becomes one of the first wedges of their disconnect. Not that we saw much of it but my heart imagines these two were CLOSE before… Much closer in age, and probably had an easier time relating to each other then their big sister who is a lot older, and having an entirely separate childhood from them because of her stress and responsibilities. Rocky and Rissa were on the same page though. I can really imagine them being cute together… But then Rocky just goes quiet, and never talks again. A person can’t even be mad at Rissa for getting offended, she’s a little kid, it’s very natural her heart would hurt when her sister “refuses” to talk to her. (I’m sure Meriam did her best to explain it.)

I imagine Rissa never quite got over being offended though. No matter how much it was explained to her, and as she got older and had more opportunity to understand. She “doesn’t want to let the events from her past define her” in her character profile, and I can easily imagine she views Rocky as not making enough effort to Get Over this thing that happened to them when they were little kids. Rissa takes personal offense at her family not trusting her boyfriend, and I wouldn’t be surprise if she takes personal offense at her sister not talking to her…… I don’t like to imagine a contrast between Meriam and Shez being more understanding of Rocky being mute, compared to Rissa maybe… not being so nice about it.

THANK YOU, MY BRAIN. THANKS FOR THAT. I REALLY WOULD HAVE PREFERRED TO BE HAPPY AS I LOOK AT THIS PAGE, RATHER THEN HAVE SOME DOOM & GLOOM THOUGHTS. LOOK! Look at that “I love Shansey” and BE HAPPY, MY BRAIN. Rocky definitely wrote that, she still has a voice, the Man didn’t steal her ability to express herself she’s just going to be expressing herself differently then is typical from now on.

You did a great job drawing the three sisters together. The image radiates so much happiness! And I also love the the “die for” and “live for”, really beautiful sentiment.

23 June 2024 4:40 PM

I just lost someone to DV from her husband, I was crying and have not been able to sleep, I remembered that the latest pages were on this topic, and it all just hits more than it already did.

I’ve lost so many, and seen so many lose themselves at the altar of living unquestioningly with males, I am getting both more devastated and numb at once.

I appreciate you diving deeper into this topic, in putting the autonomy into the hands FULLY of the women and girls in this dynamic, not just a switching of hands with a savior male to save them from the bad apple male story archetype, I see too much of it, after all this, I don’t think I can handle seeing that trope anymore.