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15 December 2024 4:12 PM

Weighing the odds on whether Riley herself found a temporary way to jam her disk drive in hopes of evading Star Shifters and therefore evading the discussion Blaire hoped to proc, or whether Riley was just very relieved that it wasn’t working at that moment.

Poor Riley (and poor unnamed dance partner wondering what she’s doing wrong to freak Riley out so much lmao)

15 December 2024 4:50 PM

“Ma’am this is the sweatiest moment of my life” -the woman Riley is dancing with.

But also she does look like she’s about to ask Riley “Sorry is your girlfriend trying to talk that 10/10 baddie into watching a tv show for 5 year olds?”

Jaden Is My Handsome Princess
Jaden Is My Handsome Princess
15 December 2024 8:48 PM

I recognise that we may very well be barrelling towards disaster here, but I just had to take a second to say… Rusty… you have to answer for the way you drew Jaden in the first panel of this page 🫵 Twirling my hair kicking my feet etc etc. World’s most handsome princess.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before now but I also love this whole design on her. Even the red/blue sneakers. I know I know, they’re not *technically* formal wear! But I think they’re cute, and a little bit silly (in a good way, of course) – and you just know Ari thinks she’s hilarious for it (and she’s right!)… However, that does leave me imagining her going to a shoe store before this and buying two different pairs of sneakers in Jaden’s size specifically for this occasion. Dedication to the bit, thy name is Ari.

Anyway, I love this whole page and (not to bust out my “I <3 CHARACTER-DRIVEN NARRATIVE CONFLICT" t-shirt like that one werewolf meme if she were wearing another shirt underneath) am waiting with bated breath for this inevitable fallout! ❤️💙

K is not a valid name anymore
K is not a valid name anymore
15 December 2024 8:55 PM

Riley, darling, just let your roomie watch the dumb cartoon. It’s not going to change her life, and I’m sure Jaden can manage some form of polite “thanks for lending it but it wasn’t my thing”. Trying to prevent her from coming into any contact with all of this has way more potential to go drastically wrong.

Which is, of course, why that’s what’s happening. I can’t wait to see just how it goes drastically wrong.

15 December 2024 9:58 PM

To defend Riley’s extreme behavior a little, you ARE constantly walking on eggshells if your only friend group is “queer” gendies, because they will turn on you so fast if they get even a hint that you have normal lesbian views, it doesn’t matter how close you are. And it won’t just be an unfriending either, they will paint you as a monster and possibly try to turn the entirety of your local gay community against you. That’s scary for someone without any other community to fall back on, Riley doesn’t have a normal woman friend group like Jaden has, and that’s just one thing on a list of things she’d lose if she lost Blaire. I hope Riley receives support from the Yonique crew after ~the inevitable~ happens 😔

15 December 2024 11:27 PM

Aaaah Jaden is so gorgeous… The way I feel for her here, dealing with Blaire’s probing without even knowing what she’s getting at.. smh imagine trying to convince a beautiful woman she’s secretly a man 😭

16 December 2024 12:46 AM

Don’t worry, Jaden, my tech also constantly glitches out whenever I try to make it run too much bs. Completely normal occurrence, just ignore it XD

16 December 2024 3:58 AM

Why did I imagine Riley putting peanut butter in her disc drive to kill it? It’s such a specific solution, and I have no idea why that’s what I decided she used.

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
16 December 2024 6:39 AM

Blaire shush, you’re ruining the dance! And poor Jaden, she’s trying so hard to do well under the pressure

16 December 2024 8:03 AM

Uh… not saying I ship it or anything but Jaden and Blaire are a shockingly cute duo. (I can still fix her)

16 December 2024 9:44 AM

It’s both funny and not when I see Blaire looking so much like some anime alien girl next to normal women who aren’t caked in makeup and weird hair. She’s cute, but it’s so stark.

16 December 2024 12:47 PM

If I was Jaden, I would have said I was so stuck in the game Faith recommended me, I forgot about it, but Jaden is way better than me lol

17 December 2024 4:51 AM

I get the concern but Riley really didn’t need to destroy her own laptop just to prevent Jaden from watch a kids show she can easily and politely say “Thanks for giving me this but not interested.” This feels like the equivalent of Riley treating Jaden like a child from watching or reading content and think they’ll end up worshipping satan or some shit–

Riley DB (Casual Reader Again)
Riley DB (Casual Reader Again)
18 December 2024 5:10 AM

I felt that we should’ve seen the “disc jammed” instead of being told about it. Because that could’ve been a scene with Jaden and Riley together interacting.
Maybe Jaden getting excited to see the DVD because it’s a gift that Blaire (her friend) gave her.
While Riley going back and forth on whether she should even play the dvd for Jaden until she decided to sabotage it.

We have a whole chapter to dedicated to Shaz, which is fine, but how come we barely see anything with Riley? Not that we can’t keep her as past a mystery or leave some time for later comics to explore her character more. She just feels like a side character in her own comic.

18 December 2024 8:23 AM

am i going to have to acknowledge the “When things go awry” part of the chapter description soon and stop pretending it doesn’t exist? 🫣 what do you mean this chapter isn’t just 20 more cute pictures of women dancing with each other in peace? what’s star shifters? what’s gender??

Anita Emerges From Her Uni Hell
Anita Emerges From Her Uni Hell
18 December 2024 6:46 PM

I find it interesting that most of the comment section seems to think Riley purposefully broke her laptop in order to stop Jaden from watching Star Shifters. I wouldn’t have thought that at all! I suppose it’s possible, but honestly it already feels like too much of an action on Riley’s part. If Jaden had said “It just seemed like we never ended up having time to watch it.” THAT would be classic Riley avoidance imo.

So my money is on her laptop having some kind of genuine issue (not manifactured by her) but her immediately being like “YES! I mean… no… now we can’t watch it” and not even really trying to resolve it (which she might have been able to do).

Another thing to consider is that she doesn’t have a lot of money or belongings, so if she did manifacture the problem with her laptop I really don’t think she would have broken it permanently just to keep Jaden from the kids show. Maybe it’s already old and fiddly and making the DVD run well takes just the right approach (the fact that her laptop HAS a DVD drive is honestly a pretty strong sign it’s got to be old…) and she just did it slightly wrong on purpose, I could imagine thta very well.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
20 December 2024 5:01 AM

you can really tell the children are out for the christmas holiday based on this comment section huh breasties lol. good god.
Anyways, I do get why Riley is acting/reacting this way (and it’s out of her own fucked up experience with Blaire and her own mother), but i agree a point of growth for her that may help her on her own spine development is realizing that Jaden is an adult too. but i also get it bc Jaden has friends that have her back, and Riley is from a fucked up religious background that leaving left her isolated, and in a way, with blaire, she is still isolated.
anyways, looking forward to next week ✌️

20 December 2024 8:14 AM

Have you ever made like a mockup episode of star shifters? I know the hilarity potential would be throughout the roof, I need to know how stupid that show would be~~

21 December 2024 12:29 AM

Ayo Rusty you fuckin dead or what?

24 December 2024 1:28 PM

Odd, suddenly the plus and minus buttons are being used this and last page. What happened? Oh thr dislikes from rabid trash lmao

5 January 2025 2:24 AM

I think Rileys sabotage of her own laptop makes perfect sense, not just because of her conflict avoidance, but because of Blairs personality.

We’ve already seen that Blair is pushy and sometimes asks invasive questions. Idk how anyone can pretend that Jaden can watch the show and say “it wasn’t for me” and have that be the end of the conversation. The whole point of gifting the show to Jaden was to have a conversation about gender! Riley knows this. The audience should know this. The next thing that happens after “it wasn’t for me” is “that’s fine Jaden, but what did you think of the characters changing their gender???” Or whatever happens in that show. Then Jaden probably says something Blair finds objectionable… it snowballs from there.

Riley will be put in the position of having to ruin her roommate situation because do you think Blair is gonna be cool with Riley living with a “”bigot?”” Or ruining her relationship with Blair. Damaging her own laptop is probably even the easiest way that she can see out of this scenario.