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9 February 2025 9:22 AM

Oof, I can feel the confrontation incoming!!! Can’t wait for next week’s chapter

9 February 2025 9:32 AM

True horror!!! Also doesn’t help that these evil brochures aimed at kids are in the childish baby blue and pastel pink colors

Gonna cleanse my eyes by enjoying the much deserved Jaden Sweep 🥳

9 February 2025 10:04 AM

Am I the only one noticing that the family in the pamphlet is a “traditional” Husband and wife paradigm with kids.Also I want a deep dive on all these flags. Whats the second flag the adult woman is wearing?

Side note, I do like that both adults get flags which shows they both have blame in this. I dislike “it is all the mans” or “its all the womans” fault. analysis in this. Both encouraged this. Neither had the ability to say “no” (I understand that I am a gay man, but hypothetically if I was with a woman and our child went down this path I would hope most people here back me over Hypothetical woman in resisting this for the basic mental security of hypothetical child).

Also I know I haven’t commented a lot, a good deal of that is real life making support here risky, so gonna sign off in a alis that I usually dont (Rusty not sure if you can still see the email, but if so its still me!) and gonna continue that from now on.

9 February 2025 12:18 PM

I love that the 3 choices on the gender spectrum are 1950s housewife caricature for women, men’s restroom symbol for enby, and scrote who skips leg day for men. Other than that, this pamphlet is mildly obnoxious without even delving into the details, and I hope it ends up in the trash where it belongs sooner rather than later.

Blais is losing it
Blais is losing it
9 February 2025 3:12 PM

Ah, yes, the three genders:
1) Pink, ornamental, inviting, and useless
2) Skinny enby, androgynous blank slate who can be anything they want and doesn’t actually owe you androgyny
3) STRONG man

Can’t wait to see Riley’s reaction to this!!!

Also. I had never heard of some of these tropes being used for AUs bedore but??? Shounen tournament arc for the LB ladies?!! That sounds awesome!!!!! Imagine the part where the winners of the preliminaries get paired up for the intermediate 2×2 rounds and what shounen powers everyone has and what color their auras are… Riley feels like she could be an elemental controller (water probably and I like the blue she’s wearing for her aura color) but Jaden is 100% a forcefield user and winds up protecting her and helping her by letting her use the forcefields as platforms. Which is necessary because their opponents that round are Blaire (angel wings and aura halo) and Brick (summons a High Horse that carries her and does all the hard fighting).

Rusty I am trying so hard not to write the whole fanfic in your comment section 😭 your poll introduced me to an entire genre of AU.

9 February 2025 4:15 PM

I think the worst and best thing about that pamphlet is I recognize everything on there. 😭 You can’t strawman gender advocates, you just hold up a mirror and there’s nothing left to say.

9 February 2025 5:06 PM

It’s the “don’t LET your child DIE waiting” for me.

I really feel for parents who just want what’s best for their kid and who are terrified of them going through the turmoil of sex dysphoria so bad they kill themselves. It’s just unbelievably cruel and insane that these parents are then told “actually therapy is bad and wrong and exploring why your child feels this way and how to mitigate and deal with these feelings and build up resilience is conversion therapy actually.”

Aside from the disgusting co-opting of terminology for a homophobic hate crime (cause you can’t prove how much youre struggling without co-opting another groups struggles), it’s setting up dysphoric and trans identifird children to be even more suicidal in the future. If therapy bad and figuring out why you feel this way bad and learning to feel good about yourself without surgery and hormones bad and any push back of questioning bad and proof someone actually wants you dead, their entire personality/mental health/world view is as sturdy as candyfloss. And suddenly the entire world is out to get them and the standards of health safety (like try therapy a bit before going on medication) is unbareable. Being treated like everyone else is worth killing yourself over.

Anyways the next page should be Riley going “this is just what my conservative religious family raised me to believe” and the shock force snaps her hair band and she leaves the bathroom with wild woman hair, wide eyed and half-crazed as she realizes that the stuff she’s been stressing over these past few months is Literal Actual Total Horse Shit.

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
9 February 2025 5:08 PM

THIS being todays page is so weird to me because of the day I had yesterday.

yesterday I went onto a snark subreddit, which is a subreddit used to make fun of people I guess? Well I went onto one for this mommy vlogger and I wasn’t there to make fun of her but I was there to show concern because she made a TikTok talking about how she literally VENTED to her child about how she can no longer use insurance to pay for her top surgery. Which I think is too much for her very young daughter to hear (she’s like 6-8) I was afraid that her mother talking to her about unnecessary cosmetic surgeries would cause her to grow up with body issues in this sexist world. I also don’t like her mother venting to her… and then the mom went on to tell her daughter that since she can’t use insurance she’d have to pay out of pocket which I think is weird because she should use that money to buy things she actually NEEDS for her and her daughters… her daughter then allowed a boy to bully her in school and skip in front of her in the line if he gave her 2$, this little girl then gave the money to her mom and told her to use it for her top surgery. And instead of telling her daughter to stick up for herself and to not let boys use you for money.. she praised her for being “compassionate” towards trans people…

I uploaded my worries to the snark subreddit and even used they/them for the mom. I even typed at the very top “I apologize if I say she, it’s hard for me to say they” and then expressed my feelings on the situation politely. A few minutes later, I had a comment saying “ ‘I apologize if I use the wrong pronouns’ oh grow up!” And then another saying “yikes on a bike.. you’re transphobic time for some introspection” a mod commented “take the apology out or I will take down this post” and then I replied “I was just apologizing in case I used she/her on them, pronouns are hard for me” and they responded with “pronouns are not hard at all, what you’re saying really isn’t ok” I responded “I’m not lying, I genuinely kept accidentally saying she/her and I would backspace and put they/them.. I’m doing what you want and using the correct pronouns” and they took down my post… they cared more about me saying sorry in case I use the wrong pronouns than her daughter getting bullied by a boy at school for money so her mom can chop off her boobs… it’s even A SNARK SUBREDDIT!!! The post up under mine was literally talking bad about the moms hair!! But I can’t mention anything to do with their gender??

Even as a TERF, I try and be civil with these people but what happened yesterday shows I cannot. Trans people ARE the aggressors. In every way, shape, and form.

sorry, I had to get that off of my breast. I am so angry.

K is braced for impact
K is braced for impact
10 February 2025 12:24 AM

Yes! Read what they’re saying, Riley, don’t just let Blaire brush you off! This is already an excellent step. She finally got past the feeling of just not getting it anyway and is finding out for herself. That’s so good to see, and will leave her, well, probably not ready but at least armed for the impending conflict. I’m proud of her!

Also, wow, that pamphlet is hitting every beat, huh? I’ve seen most of those arguments/points/visuals over the years, definitely all the thought-stopping cliché phrases. And yet, seeing all of them at once is still… something else.

(Also also, I love Riley’s hand freckles.)

10 February 2025 3:53 AM

Rusty, this pamphlet is winding me up! Says LGBTQIA+ but is really just TQ+. The only letters the writers of this pamphlet is concerned with are the ones where a medical professional has to be involved. 😠😡🤬

10 February 2025 8:11 AM

I don’t usually comment when I don’t have anything to add that other people aren’t already saying (ex: Blaire is being terrible, Timothy is disgusting, Ari is amazing, etc) but in this case I gotta chime in on hating just how ACCURATE this is. It’s so absolutely true to life. As another commenter said, you don’t need to strawman or exaggerate anything. This could legitimately be a real pamplet. That’s the real horror of it.

10 February 2025 8:36 AM

braising myself for Riley’s reaction next week

10 February 2025 8:45 AM

Look at that “cutesy” Conversion therapy pamphlet. I would have burn it in front of Blaire if I was Violet, but Violet is better than me.

11 February 2025 2:37 PM

uughhhhh i’m so excited for riley to peak but also the pamphlet and the “don’t let your child die waiting” as a desister it’s just so insidious. ngl, this is gonna sound very controversial and terrible, but suicidal ideation is actively encouraged in TRA circles. i’m saying that as someone who was severely gender dysphoric and suicidal but there is abbbbsolutely a social aspect where people encourage each other to be overly sensitive. cant say that without sounding like a dick but it’s super common for someone to experience something mildly unpleasant, spiral, and go online to vent about it and get hyped by the others in the group. it gives this weird incentive to get worse.

(ex: one time a TIM in our group, his stepmom put a vacuum outside of his bedroom door because he never cleaned his room or did anything to be clean so his room was disgusting and he cried about it to everyone saying she was abusive and so many people hyped him up and validated his “trauma” about it because he was an uwu precious babygirl blah blah. it was super weird.)

sometimes feelings are actually not valid and need to be challenged 😵 but try telling a bunch of depressed teenagers that when their only social salvation is people online telling them they’re valid. it’s hard to explain well but i saw it almost every single day when i was in those communities.

anyway i got sidetracked but i wanted to say this is just so on the head and personal for me because my mom 10000% would have let me transition if i hadnt made the choice not to based on my own research because of rhetoric like that.

and i was still SO young. i was sent to the gender specialist by my psychiatrist the second he heard i had gender dysphoria and she was genuinely shocked and super confused why i was there when i told her i didn’t plan on transitioning so young. it’s just so creepy!! amazing u can bring so much attention to the problem with just one frame. seriously love ur work ❤️

11 February 2025 3:04 PM

Flush it!!

12 February 2025 3:05 AM

First of all- Riley ain’t gonna peak that quick, sorry to tell you.

Now, second of all, and more importantly- WHY is the magical girl option winning the poll???? Where my shounen women at??? SMH…

12 February 2025 6:58 AM

Oh my GODHSBDJG Riley is literally how I was when I was first peaking…
(Also I’m so happy to be reading this again ughmdh I went through some crazy living situation stuff but IM FINALLY CAUGHT UP WOO)

i feel for Riley so hard- I remember when I was first peaking, it was mainly because people were throwing the trans label at me so much that I kinda adopted it out of a “Oh, if all these people are saying I’m trans, I must be!” mindset- but the minute it was happening to women like my (now) best friend, I was like- “Woah, no, this isn’t right- I know her, she isn’t trans- this feels weirdly sexist, actually.”- IF THAT MAKES SENSE? That’s when the wheels started turning and I started to look into all that junk, and WOAH, SHOCKER, the group that promotes gender norms 24/7 and makes women believe the whole “Actually if you’re GNC that means you’re a man, because REAL women stay in the kitchen and play dress up all day 🙄” mindset turn out to hate women 🤯 who knew?!?! It’s always the people you least expect 😔(joke)


(also the art is so just. Mwah. Chef kiss. Riley’s my wife ladies, trust.)

12 February 2025 7:54 AM

Seems weird that the front page would do a mashup of a family-themed photo and an adult extended lgbtqia community photo on the same image… Irresponsible parents-of-gender dragging their family into a polycule? I suspect so.

Normal Person
Normal Person
13 February 2025 2:31 PM

Man, I really love the tension in this page – it really feels like Riley is opening Pandora’s Gender Box.

14 February 2025 7:21 AM

Oh boy, here we go!

21 February 2025 3:16 AM

Great job on that pamphlet! You really captured all the bullshit perfectly <3