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For those who might have missed it this is the maneuver Jaden used to restrain Ginger.

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Red Rose
Red Rose
9 October 2021 2:37 PM

Oh shit the Australian dickbag is salty because I don’t like her caricatures that look like it was drawn by a white supremacist. Everyone watch out

why is hating trans people your whole personality
why is hating trans people your whole personality
14 August 2022 10:07 PM

You make me wish I wasn’t Australian. You’re an embarrassment to the LGBT community

A girl DEFINITELY wrote this
A girl DEFINITELY wrote this
17 August 2022 11:03 AM

I mean fine if u wanna believe I’m a female idgaf lmfao 🗿 but are you saying the way we used to deal with trans people is better than treating them with respect? Do you believe these people don’t deserve therapy and support? This is literally the same shit gay people have been through. I’ve seen so many trans people hate crimed and murdered violently for purely just being themselves. How is that right? Do you support that? You’re literally judging an entire group of ppl based on assumptions.