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I have LOVED reading through all the different perspectives re: the Jaden/Josie argument. Really makes me feel good as a writer.  And I can only imagine the different reactions to watching Jaden get this tattoo are like:


Girlies on Jaden's side:

Girlies on Josie's side:

Jaden herself:


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partridge in a near tree
partridge in a near tree
5 December 2022 4:02 AM

god doesn’t need to exist when women like you are delivering us the sweet sweet vision of Jaden’s fantastic arms

5 December 2022 8:29 AM

ruth is awesome. reporting male applicants? providing new hires with self defense training? she knows how to support her community

You should feel good as a writer! I’ve read a lot of lesbian-focused works in which family/friends are clear cut villains to be overcome. And we should definitely have these kinds of stories, since so often family is in fact dangerous to lesbians (as portrayed by alexis’s family…). But I appreciate Leasebound because it depicts interesting and realistic conflicts between women who really do love each other and want the best for each other (jaden & josie, riley and blaire). Ultimately all of these relationships are made worse under conditions of male oppression. Blaire has allied herself with the oppression but what kind of woman would she be if she didn’t feel she has to be feminine in order to feel comfortable and powerful?

Side-note, I now have to admit I am more invested in jaden/alexis than jaden/riley… consequence of the latter being a slow burn, I know XD

Sorry if the writing is poor, english is my second language

5 December 2022 5:03 PM

-immediately sprints over to the cast page to find out more about the tattooist-

Rusty!!!!! I need to know all her details!!!! Make her a recurring character!!!!!! Give her an entire subplot!!!!!!!!!

21 January 2024 11:53 AM

Whoa, Jaden’s arms are so buff now! It makes me want to go to the gym!
On her phone, I see an ad for Jo-Blo’s retail, where Riley works!! Were the jobs they got advertised next to each other? It’s fate!
I’m trying to forget Alexis. She will live forever in our hearts, but I’m excited to find out more about Riley!

6 February 2025 10:10 PM

I had been wondering about her tattoo!