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Thank you to all the gyns who donated in support of a bonus page this week AND to all the lovely crowd-cameo ladies <3 As you may have guessed, next week we'll be starting on Shez's backstory - which brings me to my final surprise of the year:

For the duration of the backstory, you ladies are getting three pages a week, Sunday, Wednesday, Friday. (Starting next Sunday Nov 26th)

My original plan was one page every day, but my friends said that was too insane >:/ and whittled me down to three days a week U_U
But yeah, that's why I was doing all those mini-comics. I was working on Shez's backstory pages alongside releasing them, so you gyns wouldn't have a big gap of no content.
Thank you for all the support, I really appreciate all of you <3


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19 November 2023 7:58 PM

From experience, yes, a strike to the groin is really effective at incapacitating a guy for at least a few mins.
Unfortunately I learnt this the hard way when my ex-partner accidently (i hope) dropped a wrench on me when I was looking under her car. (However she was a TIF so idk, maybe she was trying to castrate me into being a TIM)

19 November 2023 8:12 PM

Nooo not a cliff hanger like that! I don’t like waiting 😭 lol
And yes, I’ve found dick strikes of any kind to be INCREDIBLY effective on guys – even a simple accidental tap from something will get to them. If a woman gets hit in the groin hard enough and from the right angle it can be very painful, for sure…but nothing like what it is for guys and their balls.

19 November 2023 8:15 PM

ough the gougrrrrrr 😋

Jaden's lover
Jaden's lover
19 November 2023 8:47 PM

Shez backstory!! 🍴Shez backstory!!! 🍴
Love the” spot on love”. I want to be looked at like that too u_u
I’m so ready to see some action! I imagine a cutscene with 80’s music in the background and Jaden overcoming her fears among all these women Rocky Balboa style 😎
But before….🍴Shez backstory!!🍴Shez backstory!!!🍴

19 November 2023 9:42 PM

SHEZ BACKSTORY TIME! and THREE updates a week?!?! I am literally frothing at the mouth right now, oh my god, you are spoiling us

I really love the atmosphere you’ve created for this workshop. Everybody listening attentively, but the mood is light, they’re comfortable and joking with each other. It really shows they’ve done this before, they know each other, they know Shez, and she’s a good teacher…

And then that last panel! The zoom in, and suddenly everything is so serious as we are reminded why it is that women need to take self defense classes. The contrast gave me chills.

(Also, don’t mind me while I freak out because that’s ME, I’M IN THE CROWD, this makes me so happy)

Kory (being pointed at and called love)
Kory (being pointed at and called love)
19 November 2023 9:52 PM


Normal person
Normal person
19 November 2023 10:00 PM

Shez is so much fun! She’s only had a few pages of focus but she’s well on her way to becoming my favorite, I think. I’m also a huge fan of the designs of the background characters – the girl with the cap is my favorite but they’re all great, and the two in front holding hands is a cute touch.

I feel like things are going to take a turn for the dark, though… it makes sense, the cover page of this was so foreboding. Looking forward to it but god ;_; I bet we’re going to see exactly how Shez got that eye injury of hers…

19 November 2023 10:21 PM

I don’t know how to thank you for all the bonus pages you’re gifting us, and for the ones that are yet to come! Reading them brightens my day!

19 November 2023 11:16 PM

Our reproductive organs are safely protected inside our body, while men’s are just out there dangling. It’s almost like men were designed by nature to be easily kicked in the nuts as a way to eliminate undesirable traits from our gene pool 😇 Excited for Shez’s backstory! My tears are ready.

19 November 2023 11:19 PM

Out of curiosity, why are we getting Shez’s backstory before Riley’s?

20 November 2023 1:01 AM

I am already crying and I can’t wait to read the updated schedule!

also I start a new job soon so I’ll be able to join the Boosty by the new year <3

20 November 2023 1:43 AM

Jaden’ shocked face I 😭😭😭 you got this sweetie dw!!!!
I’m already loving all the bg characters! I wanna know who made Pussy Granny cause she’s my fave so far!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
20 November 2023 1:49 AM

I could smell the DV backstory from a mile away when I saw that image of her getting her mom a house and talking about crumbling to tears when being shouted at by a male. Not bragging, just glad to be right. My radar is still on and working. And im also really curious why we’re going straight into Shez’ story, but I know Rusty is cooking up something so imma sit my black ass and listen

20 November 2023 2:51 AM

Whoever the white-haired woman in the P*ssy shirt and shades is, how does it feel to be the coolest person in every room?

20 November 2023 3:45 AM

The crowd ladies are so cute!!!
Shez looks so strong i would love to attend her classes. 💜
Can’t wait to see her story!

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
20 November 2023 5:06 AM

I can already tell I’m going to relate a lot to Shez.. oh boy.

I just hope no one has pulled the “you’re only a lesbian because you were abused by a man” thing on her since men seem to think lesbians don’t want to give the ‘good guys’ a try 🙄🙄🙄

Much love to my wife’s wife 🙏

20 November 2023 5:35 AM


20 November 2023 5:50 AM

Self-defence training AND Storytime from a beautiful beefcake? This isn’t fair! Why do I have to live in the real world 😭

also Jaden’s face when Shez told the other ladies to ask her for help is killing me, don’t worry Jaden you could come up to me and start spouting absolute gobbledegook and I’d still be transfixed 😳

So happy to see all the background characters, everyone looks so good! THE COLOURS 😍 (tho It is weird to see Mare at a normal height, I’m so used to you drawing her hobbit style 😅)

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
20 November 2023 5:57 AM

Remember gyns if you’re short and can’t reach his face, hit him in the nuts or the solar plexus first and then when he doubles over you can sock him in the jaw 😊

I’ve been away from the Internet a while then I come back and we’re getting the SHEZ BACKSTORY 😭😭 thank you Rusty thank youuu I’m HYPED

I also love the collab pages so much! All of the artists involved are so talented 🥰

20 November 2023 6:15 AM

Omg yess!!! I am extremely excited! Shez backstory lets gooo!!

lynnline (owner of blue haired lady up front)
lynnline (owner of blue haired lady up front)
20 November 2023 6:17 AM

Oh hell yeah, I get time to read again when my girl makes her appearance in the comic 😎
All the cameos looks great, sooo hyped for the new update schedule and ready to see shez kick ass if that opener is anything to go off of

20 November 2023 8:58 AM

I love when you spoil us like that! And yeah, one page per day is not recommend at all.

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
20 November 2023 2:39 PM

I love you Background Woman in Pussy Shirt.

20 November 2023 3:31 PM

Like everyone else, I’m so excited for a Shez backstory!

And she’s so goddamn charming here ! Love the crowd too. That woman who answers Shez’s question looks like a Brick who grew up and got out of the gender cult and I’m so here for that.

Love the design of the woman next to her laughing too! But most of all MARE IN HER DONG HOODIE LOL!!! Fantastic! Best cameo!

20 November 2023 4:11 PM

Jaden’s goofy faces never fail to draw a smile on my face.

Nice touch on the pit hair depiction. No big statement, but no shame either. It just is, and that’s okay. Wish it was more common IRL.

(put leo dicaprio pointing meme here) That’s Arbust/Mare on the dong hoodie????

Big fan of the blue streaks shorthaired woman and the old lady near her. And Kory blushing all cute lmao, lucky heeeer. Fanfic writers where are youuu?? Write about the cameo ladieees. Throw them all into an alternate dimension with ghosts and cryptids if you want.

Pinch me 👀… Three pageeees??? omg author, we’re not worthy 😭

Meeting the Queen’s family fast and furious, we will be. Gonna have to re-purchase some bandages and ice for the incoming gut punches. Maybe a cushion to put under my shirt too…

20 November 2023 6:20 PM

Dude if I said a comment and then a badass lady like Shez said “spot on, love!” to me the amount of validation I’d feel in that moment could last my whole life.

21 November 2023 9:40 AM

Jaden is regretting some choices in that top panel, haha. Great job on the expressions! I can tell Shez is a great instructor, these women are so lucky.

Bracing myself for the backstory to come, though…

21 November 2023 10:26 AM

Rusty why are you so insane? I am glad your friends talked you down from posting a page every single day. Tho I have a good guess of why you’re so “insane”. you are passionate. you love your story. You’re eager to share. There’s nothing insane about that. Well maybe there is a little bit. It must be insane to hold all these details inside yourself for years and years, to have readers you really like and be eager to show them what you made.

Thank you for spoiling us. We’re all really going to enjoy this.

I really love this comic taking the time to teach more women about the Weakness of the Male Body. Shez is so right. This is such a huge social scam. Don’t like to us and make us think men are invulnerable. I find myself thinking about the Ball Kickers sports club from awhile back. They Get It. Shez is going to create even more Ball Kickers right here. GOOD. FOR. HER. Good for all the women who are here taking this class.

REALLY excited to see Jaden connecting with a coworker and making more friends. They really want to be her friends. Women solidarity. Women connection. W O M E N. They just all love Jaden so much and I need Jaden to see it. Violet likes to hang out with you and go shopping Jaden come on understand how lush and vivid your life can become, open up your broken heart, let the love flow in!!!! She just seems so Surface Level with her friendships right now, and who can blame her when the last women who she got really deep with was taken away from her…… Also like… I love Josie but man Josie haha. Josie did not seem to have female friends either…. She taught Jaden so much about Self Reliance, which is important and valuable for women but also going too hard on I DON’T NEED NO ONE is bad too…..

I love all the crowd background women…. i keep wondering if “DONG” is Mare…. mare you bring DONG into yonique? how could you do this to your fellow women…. just kidding just kidding. It’s just a hoodie, its funny, and it’s also like… what does it say about me that i’m like “woman in dong hoodie…. mare?” sorry mare if that’s not you. sorry so sorry

21 November 2023 11:33 AM


I can’t get over how ungodly delicious Shez Arms look. Kory is so blessed to be pointed at and called love 😭😭

Also, I love the Sun with Sunglasses you designed on my shirt! (LOOK MOM, I’M IN LEASEBOUND!!!)
It nice seing a group of different women attending this self defense class and being silly and joking together.

The way you got all these comeos and made them look so nice and consistent in your style is amazing! I am constantly in awe of what an amazing artist you are and how much your art has grown.

The next few weeks are gonna be so awesome hehe 🥰💖

Your local tortoiseshell cat
Your local tortoiseshell cat
21 November 2023 12:20 PM

To whoever sponsored the cameo for the woman in the “SOHCAHTOA” shirt – I don’t know whether that’s you or an OC, but your tastes are immaculate I already love you

21 November 2023 2:32 PM

Joy and excitement and thank you for the wonderful surprise of watching Shez’s backstory for three days a week. I feel spoiled.

Seeing what she’s been through is gonna make me sad, I know it, but knowing she fought her way out and became the woman we see now and bought her mom and sisters a home…

I can’t wait to see the story of Shez’s strength and hope!
Also, all the women on this page look great, from gorgeous buff Shez to Jaden’s expressive faces and wide eyes to all the women doing cameos from the Boosty!

It’s really refreshing to see a large group of women gathered together to get stronger, especially after spending so much screentime on the church-like gendie gatherings.

I like how confidently Shez calls on the learners and explains what she’s doing and why. And how Jaden gets a little flustered but rolls with it and trusts Shez. The relaxed confidence! The camaraderie among friends! The competence to back it up! 🤩🤩🤩

lesbian supremacy
lesbian supremacy
7 December 2023 8:42 AM

Shez… is everything

Lesbians for Shez
Lesbians for Shez
3 May 2024 10:56 AM

SHEZ BACKSTORY TIME!!! I love how she teaches self defense for women, something every women needs to learn imo. We all need a Shez in our lives.

6 February 2025 11:56 PM

Froggy hat spotted