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Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
15 September 2024 8:13 PM

Oooh the top panel is so shiny and charming 😍 I love all the different outfits and hairstyles the patrons have. Blaire and Riley’s awed expressions are very cute too. Also, Ruth 😍😍

15 September 2024 8:14 PM

Ooh the inside of yonique is gorgeous, love the chandelier! So nervous for when things all go terribly wrong though..

15 September 2024 8:41 PM

It’s so pretty! It physically hurts me that I can’t just go to Yonique and hang out. If I ever come into money, I’ll make this exact club. Hhhhh.

Also the woman to the immediate left of Riley in the first panel, with vest and tie and the poofy hair, looks like my girlfriend and that makes me happy.

15 September 2024 9:23 PM

This is so beautiful! Been reading for a couple weeks only now, I love your art so much❤️ I been having a bad day so was very excited to come read the new page, I’m looking at each individual character in this panel all of them and the unique outfits and hair

15 September 2024 10:33 PM

Hooray! Women in suits and looking so androgynous and yet gorgeous is my weakness! Thank you Rusty!

15 September 2024 10:42 PM

I wanna swing from that chandelier into a salto sultry landing pose on the bar counter in front of Violet !

Yonique is sooooo gorgeous I want to go there ToT Everyone looks so fancy and dapper and beautiful !

15 September 2024 11:19 PM

LOVE how sparkly you’ve made ballroom night. Looks very clean and fancy! Though I’m ngl I still wanna see how nightclub/music art/grungey nights look. Especially if it involves those women who love glassing men >:3c Also a second the nice mix of femme and butch patrons! And itty bitty violet in the back!!

16 September 2024 12:59 AM

Lol at Riley calling the outside “grungy”! Maybe she’s right but my favourite panel in LB is the first shot outside of Yonique (CH3P3), everything about this place is so beautiful, especially love the pearlescent floor, what I wouldn’t give to be standing on it 😭

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
16 September 2024 1:38 AM

Haha the only bathroom being a female one is amazing! Such a safe space! I hope all the girls have fun and stay safe especially the ones outside…

16 September 2024 1:45 AM

This page is beautiful! Who’s the lucky staff member who gets to fight with cleaning and/or hanging and taking down the chandelier, depending on whether it’s always up or not? Also, what is that mysterious F door in the back? I’m assuming it’s the restroom since there’s a woman waiting outside it, but she could also be waiting on her date to finish ordering at the bar.

16 September 2024 2:25 AM

EEEEEEE Absolutely adore this!!!! The composition, the color choice, just everything!! Also I haven’t seen anyone mention this but I adore your representation of mixed race lesbian couples!! I mentioned my maybe-girlfriend a good couple or so chapters back but we’re going to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in a month or two and we’re mixed-race so seeing the number of mixed-race lesbian couples makes me so happy lol- Riley and Blaire, (Future) Riley and Jaden, etc. etc!! Amazing work as always!!

16 September 2024 9:59 AM

It makes me want to go with my best suit and dance! You’re evolving in your art so much, is amazing.

16 September 2024 10:16 AM

rusty you 100% succeeded at evoking shoujo vibes!! when we first saw Blaire in her makeup I thought that she looks just like a magical girl XD (young me was enthralled by shoujo, especially by sailor moon and utena. I didn’t like shounen as much, on account of all the boy characters)

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
17 September 2024 3:54 AM

Aight, I gotta say this, just before shit comes down, first; some positivity, I love that yonique has lighting like that, very professional; love the ladies all looking ready for a good dance, very fancy we love it.

Now- Imma say what my snob butch self has been thinking, some of you won’t like it, but I gotta let it out.

I ain’t fucking with Riley’s fit. Sorry. Now, I’m not saying she looks ugly, or even that the outfit is ugly; it’s a nice suit, I get the concept- But is it a BALLROOM SUIT? Imma say no. That fit is better worn in a gallery opening or in a fancy museum date, not for this type of setting. “Oh but it’s not a super formal eve-”

Okay but it’s a ballroom dance party, right? Point made. Next, I’m peeping the other ladies, No blazers at the beginning of the night is kinda…Eeeeh for me, but as long as the right pant and shirt combination is passable. And don’t think I ain’t peeping the two butches at the standing table- blondie…okay, it’s semi-formal, I get it, but you look like you’re delivering a sales pitch or attending a university lecture, not getting ready to dance. And don’t even get me started on the black haired woman, SIS- How you’re actually almost wearing a proper tux…and then put the converse on; I’m sorry, is this the middle schoold prom? I’m lost.

Girl talking to the two chicks in dresses got the assignment. Good for you, somebody’s gotta represent.

Jaden Is My Favourite Character
Jaden Is My Favourite Character
17 September 2024 7:35 AM

I love Ruth so much <3 I'm glad we'll get to see even more of her now that all of our pov characters are at Yonique.
And the fact that she's still wearing her wedding ring… Lesbian love endures even after death. </3 Not to bring up moids in a (thankfully) otherwise moid-free environment, but she was immediately contrasted in my mind (to her benefit, ofc) with all those men who move on almost immediately after their wife passes away because they just can't stand not having a domestic and sexual servant to take advantage of 😒. I'm so glad we'll (hopefully) get to see more of her in the next page! And I am crossing all my fingers and toes that she'll be a big part of these next chapters. *Also* I hope that anyone who is unkind to her dies a horrible and painful death off-screen <3
Also also, that woman in the vest talking to those other two ladies in dresses? 👀👀 Very handsome. I love the way you draw women.

17 September 2024 4:23 PM

I was wondering what the word scrawled under the “F” on the door said. I had to zoom in real good to see it. Rusty, you dog~

Well. I’m here already so may as well say what I think. I’m very excited to see how this chapter unfolds. I agree with everyone else this page is absolutely gorgeous. Shoujo, huh? I see it! God, I’m so ready.

17 September 2024 5:11 PM

I can’t help, but think how funny it would be if there were two restrooms but both labeled female (with a nice in-universe bonus of not having to stand in the line because of the double capacity).
Yeah, the first panel is truly a show stealer in every way.

17 September 2024 5:50 PM

I’ve been to venues for rock shows that had chandeliers! They were cool and the chandeliers did cool things with the lighting effects! Therefore I vote the chandelier stay permanently regardless of the theme night.

18 September 2024 10:58 AM

Rustyyyyy the club is gorgeous this page is amazing

21 September 2024 5:59 PM

Sorry if it’s out of place, but I noticed you call your readers “breastie”, what does it mean?