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44 thoughts on “CH13P7

  1. That’s a relief, I just came back from a big internet detox for my silly little brain health, was super excited to catch up on LB, thought to myself “maybe I should go back and read up from where I left off πŸ€”” but then I realised it was the ballroom night chapter and I couldn’t wait so I checked out the last page for a little context

    *IMMEDIATE PSYCHIC DAMAGE* 🀯 (still can’t believe the blue dress was for TIMOTHY!?!)
    Can’t wait to see all my favourite ladies interacting πŸ₯°

    1. Welcome back! Hope the internet detox went well, good on you for giving yourself a break πŸ’œ

      Would love to hear your thoughts on the other pages you missed when you go back to read them (and recover from the psychic damage, LMAO)

      Also, very nice profile pic! Is that Muddles I see?

      1. Aw thanks 😊 will definitely do that and yeah it is! I’m working on my art by drawing your characters, (they’re all so unique and varied they make great studies) the picture of muddles is actually part of a larger image I’m working on with all the ladies in it, I haven’t finished it yet, so far only Jaden, Riley & Muddles but I’ll let you know when it’s finished if you’d like to see πŸ’œ

  2. Wonderful to see the excellent and dedicated Trans Allies putting more effort and more concern into comforting Babygirl than Blaire, whose dress got ruined and whose hair was set on fire. Shez is looking so cute in that turtleneck though!

    I have to admit I feel a bit of dread seeing Blaire next to these GNC women… how many of the others does she have trans headcanons about? πŸ™

    1. They had to comfort the one more likely to punch holes in walls πŸ™‚

      Thank you re: Shez. Not enough women wearing sleeveless turtlenecks that show off their arms in this world. Smh!

      There’s enough trans headcannons to go around uwu

      1. …Also holy shit I just noticed how in this and the other strip where Babygirl got upset over being “Sir’ed” at the coffee shop, he puts his arms around the women comforting him. It’s a small thing but like… I feel when someone is actually upset and ‘needs comforting’ they usually make themselves feel small, instead of like opportunistically grabbing people?

        Not that “hugging back” is *usually* a predatory action, but with this guy…

      2. God, the thought of the QTs continuing to worship Babygirl after displays of violence feels almost too ridiculous, but I just read a post where a transwoman was talking about his experiences in a “women’s group therapy” thing, which included him admitting that he threw a plate of food and smashed it when a woman there accidentally misgendered him… And the counselor running the group didn’t kick him out, she said that she felt that he’d come to her to “teach her more about empathy” and gave him private counseling instead.

        Even OTHER TRANSWOMEN were responding in disbelief and disgust at his behavior and wondering aloud why women were putting up with it. It’d be funny if the threat and fear to the women wasn’t so real.

  3. What was Tim even distracted by? His big fake tits?

    1. Couldn’t see over them u-u

  4. “Accident.” Smells like envious sabotage and pulling the male ignorance/incompetence card.

    1. I think the same. “She has a cute hair… Would be sad if I burn it by ‘accident’ and then claim I’m the victim”.

    2. An astute observation indeed.

  5. Blaire when a TIM wrecks her stuff and burns her hair: πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨βœ¨πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
    Blaire when her girlfriend demonstrates less than perfect trans etiquette: πŸ˜ πŸ˜ πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ‘ŽπŸš«πŸŒ΅πŸŒ΅πŸŒ΅

    I’m really excited at the prospect of Riley standing up for herself, or at least honoring what she really thinks about everything Blaire is pushing on her. (Riley? Acting to make things better? I hope that’s what that means.)

    Homegirl deserves to shake her off, ride into the sunset, and look back with no remorse, and hopefully she takes a step towards that this chapter.

    1. Yes yes yes!
      Buckle up, breastie!

  6. Parniya’s biggest fan

    Aww look at Blaire she looks so sad.. πŸ™

    1. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  7. does ari have a crush on violet?? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

    1. ari is a woman of immense taste

      1. 😎✌️

    2. maybeso.gif

  8. I love how cute amd excited Jaden looks 😭 she’s so happy tosee her friends!!!

    Also rip in piss to Timothy lollll imagine trying to sabatoge a woman’s night out with her girlfriend only to end up helping her get a super cute new haircut (and shout out to those ladies who helped fix Blaire’s hair!!!!)

    1. Thank youuuuu yes so happy with how Jaden came out in that waving panel πŸ₯°πŸ₯° living her best life, making friends!

  9. βœ‚οΈπŸ†

    Blaire, wishing the TiM would think of something other than himself for a change?! The very idea!!! At least I got the answer to the effort that went into Blaire’s hairstyle… πŸ˜…

    1. Quite transphobic of her, no? 🫒🫒
      And yes, unfortunate hairstyle origins.πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  10. You know, this would be one of those times where I would be like ‘Nah, Rusty. Comon’ you exaggerate with Blaire’s simping for TRA stuff’. But then I remember there are videos of women apologizing to their tim assaulters for…saying they assaulted them, and I be like: Nevermind. Proceed.

    1. Oh I will be proceeding lmao.
      Nothing I can satirise hasn’t already been said/done in a more exaggerated fashion by genuine gendies. A rare W for them of sorts.

  11. ‘Not making trans-friendly sizes’
    Blaire! Come on! The guy is three sizes bigger than you with sex toy boobs!

    1. Transphobia never sleeps smh.

  12. Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think this is sabotage in the traditional sense. I think this is Timothy’s unconcious pathological need to be a victim meant he screwed up naturally. “Oh I tried to style a Cissy’s hair but I burnt it! If only the Cis-Normative Patriarchy didn’t oppress me into not knowing how to style long hair”

    So I genuinely dont think this is malice. Just another symptom of invented victimhood

    1. If there wasn’t malice behind this, then he’s the perfect sample of “the road to Hell is pavimented with good intentions”.

    2. When writing these scene I was thinking about that TIM who got accepted into a very prestigious ballet school (iirc?) after only 2 years of experience, and how everyone had to pretend he was super good at it and not thumping around stiffly in a way that would get women laughed out of the studio.

      He switched to do cosmetology because Blaire was doing it. While I’m against all the beauty practises, you can’t say that it doesn’t take practise and skill to perform all the hair and make up stuff. Which he doesn’t have. To him it’s just “playing woman” and all his classmates have to humour him.

      Malicious or not he’s a danger to women.

      1. Ugh no not that TIM! 😀 Like, I’m iffy about ballet to begin with, it’s up there with modelling and makeup as an industry where I don’t feel great about it being female β€œdominated” to begin with, but to see a mediocre white man lumber in and soak up all the opportunities and accolades without doing 1% of the work or suffering 1% of the hardships!? Makes my blood boil.

        Male privilege doesn’t exist cus β€œmen are told they can’t do things too!”, but when they do them, they get the Harry Styles, brave stunning underdog treatment :/ Girls are told they’re not good enough and are pressured to work harder to achieve, boys are told they’re too good for something and are coddled for pursuing an activity they have conditioned themselves to view as degrading as the result of centuries of female oppression…

        Hope Ballerina Tim falls through a trapdoor 😊

  13. I get the impression this isn’t the first time that disgusting fetishist has shoved himself into Blaire’s outfits. Something I bet he doesn’t do with the clothing of women he isn’t attracted to, and would a hundred percent still do even if every company made abundant β€œtrans friendly” attire.

    I’m actually glad he ruined it because I’d hate for Blaire to be wearing it after he’d been inside it. You KNOW he would get off on that too. As much as TIFs get on my nerves, as much as even HSTs are still misogynistic, there’s nothing to compete with my absolute seething disgust for an AGP.

    Especially one like this exploiting the goodwill of the women around him for his own disgusting jollies and getting away with it. Hate. Just hate.

    1. Oh he has absolutely worn her clothes before:

      1. imagine that clip of William Defoe from the 2002 spider-man that’s like β€œno… no you can’t do this to me” as me seeing this rusty


        1. (But we all knew I could do it to her. And really, I had to do it to em)

  14. Also β€œhelped her fix it” you mean the actual women fixed it while THE MOID WHO RUINED IT DID NOTHING AND GOT COMFORTED (ugh β€œother girls”) I also firmly believe his β€œdistraction” wasn’t anything as innocent as mere ineptitude (though that too) but because he was getting off to doing β€œgirl things” with Blaire and touching her hair.

    1. Ummm he supervised them. Obviously :))) he’s very brave and stunning for delegating.

  15. I knew it! I KNEW he did it on purpose to punish Blaire and to try to ruin her night and make it so she can’t go! Blaire even mentioning she wishes tim had asked first is BIG for her, but wow she’s just willfully blind to his abusive behavior. These last couple pages, especially this one where he takes it out on Blaire physically, make me legitimately afraid for her. The only soothing factor is that Rusty wouldn’t do a plotline where a woman is hurt in the unfortunately realistic way that behavior like this can foreshadow (glances at The Daughter of Miriam 😰).

    I very much dislike Blaire, she’s a terrible, manipulative girlfriend with disgusting beliefs, but holy hell does this trigger my “we have to save her!!!”. And heck, ALL the QTs! Tim likely wouldn’t be into any of the others because they’re not feminine enough for him (except Elissa), but still. Tuck Blaire under my arm and run away with her.

    Riley’s faces throughout this and last page when Blaire tells her what happened are perfect. She knows what he did is messed up and that it’s clearly on purpose, but doubts herself and feels like she can’t say anything because Blaire says it’s fine. I can see this story playing a pivotal role in Riley peaking.

    1. All excellent points. No matter what Blaire (or any woman) does not deserve misogyny.

  16. Blaire, please grow a spine, dammit! It’s great how you stand up for your friends, your heart is in the right place most of the time (even if you’re incredibly misguided), but you have to respect yourself more. As does Riley. But hey, I imagine that’s exactly the conflict we’re headed towards!

    Very, very curious how that’ll go down. Part of me hopes it explodes in front of the Yonique crew so Riley can be the one with backup for once, since Blaire keeps running to the QTs to get her position validated against Riley.

    That said, Riley is right, she looks very cute with that haircut. Not as cute as Riley in her suit though – she cleans up very nicely.

    1. πŸ™‚πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬πŸ™‚πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬πŸ™‚πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬

      Thank you re: Riley also! It was fun giving them both different hairstyles for the night πŸ₯°

  17. So he destroyed her dress and burnt her hair?? Hate that so much. I really do wish they could just have a good time but alas.. the plot. Especially bc I do still like Blaire and hey she could turn around and wake up, I did after spending my late teens and earliest 20s trying to be a β€˜good ally’. I’ve been helping a tif friend figure her shit out and after years of being on T, she is detransitioning and reading radfem literature and waking up. And a lot of it had to do with interacting longterm with tims and maturing and realizing how much of it was a reaction to neglect, abuse, and traditional familial misogny (she started med transitioning the moment she turned 18 and is in her mid 20s now, thankfully never got any surgery). So you know I will hold out hopes for MJ and Blaire and def want someone to helicopter in and evacuate Clancy.

  18. blaireeeee ;-; i feel so bad for her (though her placing the blame on transphobic clothes companies had me rolling my eyes lol). BUT more importantly, jaden’s here and looking cute!!! i enjoyed her suit pun w riley πŸ˜€

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