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18 August 2024 8:13 PM

Jesus, that’s a little much, isn’t it? Go to the parents, don’t threaten a child.

Misa misa misa amane
Misa misa misa amane
18 August 2024 8:31 PM

aahh the suspense is killing me

Misa misa misa amane
Misa misa misa amane
18 August 2024 8:43 PM

I hope this doesn’t involve a bunch of grown women threatening a small child with violence or action against him. That’s for the parents to do.

18 August 2024 8:51 PM

anyway we still don’t know what happened but it’s interesting how multiple commenters expect it to be a 100% guarantee that the parents of a little white boy will punish him for allegedly hurting a little black girl even though the only adult that was around when that happened claims to have seen nothing.
im sure the parents of the little blond sweetie will just take the girl’s mom’s word for it that it happened and do something about it, right?

18 August 2024 9:45 PM

You gotta love that this is a fictional no name white boy and mfers STILL immediately going “hey now listen lets not jump to conclusions and be too serious here maybe he didn’t do anything that bad!”

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
18 August 2024 9:45 PM

Yeah!! Bouncer spy mission 😎😎😎
(Featuring my favorite bouncer 👀❤️)

18 August 2024 9:48 PM

I’m excited to see where this will go!!! I feel like whatever Violet has in mind isn’t so outrageous, but I don’t really care what happens to him. REVENGE FOR FAITH🗣❗️ anyway thanks for referencing my fan art in the last page… im so happy… i love ari… stares at you with big wet eyes

18 August 2024 10:17 PM

Gosh, these comments are a bit wild lmao. Maybe my theory as to what happened keeps me from understanding why so many comments are up in arms for this boy. Personally I get a very sick feeling from the fact that Faith has become withdrawn since the incident with that boy. To me, that speaks to sexual harassment. If not that then I fully believe he harassed her in a very specific way such as attacking her on basis of her race.

Faith becoming withdrawn speaks to a whole lot of shame. This boy did something that makes her not want to disclose it because it’s embarrassing for her to have to admit what happened to her. The incident with this boy gives me a really sinister feeling. All that being said, I don’t understand the people going to bat for this kid. Faith is a child, too. Go to bat for her.

P.S. Is the driver practicing male solidarity? That’s the vibe I get.

18 August 2024 11:39 PM

Seeing that there are a lot of comments already: Intrigue. Seeing that some are jumping to defend Lil Shithead because they think these women will actually full-on threaten a kid and not just, y’know, intimidate him by just being there, as a group, practicing the female solidarity we all wish we had more of in this world: Sorrow. (And even if they do actually threaten him with violence… should we really care? The boy isn’t even real. 😅)

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
19 August 2024 1:19 AM

Bro imagine next page is just these three jumping the fuckin’ kid jejejejeje

Guys relax, it’s fucking Rusty, chance has it they just gonna walk Faith to school and make presence to let her know they got her back and indicate to other kids she ain’t alone with her mama only.

Ya’ll really made it look like they planning a drive through on the kid’s block; CAMAN….

19 August 2024 3:28 AM

I get the impulse to give some benefit of the doubt to a no-name boy we’ve never seen before who only acted offscreen. But I also want to save that same benefit of the doubt to Violet, Ruth, and Best Bouncers Crew. If I’m not willing to assume the worst about what that random boy did, it makes no sense for me to assume the worst about what Violet is planning either. After all, I’ve seen how Violet looks out for Faith!

She didn’t get into an argument with Blaire, even though it would’ve been very easy to blow up and tell her off, because her daughter needed her to rest and not get dragged into a fight. Violet puts Faith first, and that means choosing her battles and fighting them wisely. So whatever she’s planning, I bet it’ll be calculating, proportionate, and satisfying.

(Also, depending on what he did, I may or may not care if the ladies take Drastic Action like some commenters fear. Boys who do vile things and get sheltered from consequences by family and authorities… grow up to be men who do vile things and expect no consequences.)

19 August 2024 4:09 AM

Yeah, I agree with Lottie honestly, even if he has done something bad to Faith (which obviously I don’t condone), the solution shouldn’t be a bunch of adults honing in on a 10 year old , that’s just messed up. The best way to address this would be to talk to the boy’s parents and maybe to the boy himself if they think he’s mature enough to have this conversation.

19 August 2024 5:50 AM

LMAO, why is this the thing that sets people off? I guess I can’t be too surprised, considering how much interest there was in Nicholas back when he showed up, too, but this one is more baffling because we’ve only seen this shithead do something to provoke Faith. Fuck ‘im, he needs to learn a lesson, and sometimes scaring the shit out of a kid (not even with violence, necessarily!) works wonders.

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
19 August 2024 7:34 AM

Yesss more Violet! She’s one of my favourites 🥰 hope that kid learns his lesson but more importantly I hope Faith feels better and can move on from whatever nasty business! 💜

19 August 2024 10:30 AM

By one hand, I hope that lil’ shit and his parents aren’t “he beats her because he loves her”, because I’ll go find them and taught them a lesson to not make your kid a next Chris.
By other, I want to smoosh Faith and tell her this is not her fault and she’s a wonderful kiddo. I’m glad she has a strong bond of adults willing to stand up for her rather than telling her “boys will be boys, am I right?”.

19 August 2024 11:08 AM

ffs A 10 yr old boy is not going to be traumatized for life by a group of women threatening him, if that’s even what’s going to happen (we don’t know). He’ll be scared off from bothering Faith. That’s it. There’s absolutely no guarantee the parents will do anything–parents of bullies usually don’t–and giving that kid a scare is probably in his best interest since if he keeps up this kind of behaviour, someone else might do a lot worse than scare him.
Anyway, when I was 8 a boy close in age punched me in the stomach. I went home crying and my mom went back to the park with me and marched right up to that little shit and put the fear of an angry mother into him. He never touched me again.

20 August 2024 6:53 AM

Honestly what I see is Faith gets off the bus and a) lights up at the fact that she has a solid support system waiting for her and b) her little
bully is gonna know that anything he does won’t go unnoticed. They don’t have to do anything to make their point besides be there

20 August 2024 9:06 AM

violet in that last panel! be still, my heart <3

curious usamerican
curious usamerican
20 August 2024 4:37 PM

Don’t want to fish for spoilers but just curious could you explain how school buses work in Australia

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
21 August 2024 1:59 AM

rusty i meant to say this a few pages back with poppy but… what green eyed girlie hurt you 👀 (this is completely me being silly, i just noticed that the only green eyed girls are Poppy, Blaire, and Alexis… and there’s a trend here…..)
the real LB agenda: anti-green eyes…..

21 August 2024 7:10 AM

Just gonna wade in as le token gay man here.

I really understand people not wanting the grown adults to go vigilante on a child, but from my experience when women confront a child, the child is rarely in actual danger. This is why the “man or bear” and “woman or bear” questions have doff responces.

Idt anyone, including rusty, would be okay with women cntrl-alt-deleting a male child. But scaring a child off? Yeah do it. Women stuck up for my gay ass many times, and their protection is v. Effective

what is important
what is important
21 August 2024 6:54 PM

Everyone sleeping on Jaden calling Violet ‘Vi’. This is what we need to be focusing on and discussing.

21 August 2024 8:00 PM

Some of the comments here are wild… anyway I vote shallow grave.

25 August 2024 1:22 PM

Everyone’s fussing about the hypothetical nameless boy being “threatened by grown women”, it’s embarrassing. First of all, we don’t know what Violet has planned. And second, as an older sibling, sometimes a bit of a scare for the bully is what the situation needs. Stuff like “touch my lil bro/sis and you’ll have to deal with me” is normal, after all. This would show that Faith is not alone and has others backing her up.

Jaden Is My Favourite Character
Jaden Is My Favourite Character
17 September 2024 4:33 AM

I get some of the other commenters here, I guess? – but really, it’s not like they’re going to do anything actually violent to a child that young, just scare the hell out of him!

However, as someone who would’ve loved to have women around me like the Yonique crew at Faith’s age the secret hope in my heart of hearts is still “trebuchet that little shithead into the sun”.