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Some very big questions there, Riles..😬


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2 February 2025 9:03 AM


More seriously, love how Riley is acting as an adult here even if she doesn’t really know what to do. Her concern for Faith is so big that it pushes her into action.

2 February 2025 11:23 AM

I absolutely love that Riley is peaking herself without any confrontation from Blaire or Violet, which I assumed would happen! I’m really excited for Riley to be the one to protect Faith (and Jaden!?) and confront Blaire with strong convictions, instead of being afraid and confused when the inevitable breakup happens. We love character growth!

2 February 2025 11:39 AM


Blaire didn’t say it to Riley, but her ~conversation starter~ for Violet was about her not wanting to wear skirts and dresses.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it πŸ™

I’m starting to wonder, after Riley peaks and her beliefs finally come out to Blaire, if Riley will be the one expressing how it feels like Blaire betrayed her and kept her true values and beliefs from her. Riley is always thinking about Blaire’s anger, but finding out your girlfriend has similar beliefs on women (the same really, just with extra steps) to the community that controlled and shunned you, and is trying to paste those beliefs onto a ten-year-old, has got to be a hell of a feeling. “Betrayed” doesn’t cover it.

K is really appreciating Riley right now
K is really appreciating Riley right now
2 February 2025 6:45 PM

I love that what’s making Riley stop and question is seeing the whole ideology applied to someone else (and specifically a child). In my experience, a lot of conflict-avoidant women have a much easier time standing up for others than themselves, so it makes a lot of sense imo, and especially with how she grew up, she probably has strong feelings about any child going through similar pressure.

When Blaire tried to put that pressure on her, it seemed that she just kind of folded and assumed Blaire has to know better despite it feeling wrong (because Blaire went to uni, because Riley just “doesn’t get it”, because she doesn’t seem to trust her own perception very much), but when Blaire puts it onto someone else, even someone Riley barely knows, she can see that it doesn’t just feel wrong, it is wrong.

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
3 February 2025 1:37 AM

Me on my way to just vote Parns 5 times on the poll: πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€βž‘οΈπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€βž‘οΈπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€βž‘οΈ

3 February 2025 5:12 AM

That poll was harder than I expected… had to switch up a few characters, and I’m still not happy about having to leave a few out (shout out to Nana and my beloved Nelly, but Meriam and Rocky HAD to be in my vote).

As Blais said, Riley is not going to like Blaire’s reasoning on why Faith is trans for sounding exactly like her mom’s cult. (“Woman is when dresses. Man is when pants.”) Since this is Riley we’re talking about, I’m guessing she’ll still confront Blaire as gently as possible, but now that she’s started questioning the ideology, there’s no going back. I’m excited to see where Riley’s peaking takes her.

3 February 2025 8:09 AM

I love the natural emphasis on ‘she’ for Faith because of the flow of the sentence ALSO emphasizes the friction between what Blaire has TOLD Riley and what Riley truly believes and is confronting.

Riley thinks, because trans ideology/idolatry doesn’t make sense, the problem must be with her being too stupid to understand, a point of view which is constantly reinforced by how Blaire treats Riley whenever gender comes up.

But Riley has the pamphlets now, and if she reads them they’re not at all going to be as confusing as Riley’s expecting.

They’re just going to be classic sexist cult talk of ‘dresses for girls, pants for boys’ except with the added ‘and if your child doesn’t conform you are a bigoted monster for letting them be gnc instead of medicalizing them’ and ‘if you don’t medicalize them as early as possible your child WILL kill themself!’ scare tactics to get parents to comply.

They’re just going to be pamphlets telling parents their gnc children are Doing Gender Wrong, a sentiment Riley knows extremely well.

3 February 2025 10:46 AM

The guilt is real. I remember wanting to be a good ally but growing angry because things did not make sense and I was not “allowed” to think for myself. It is harsh. Especially in her case where it is someone she loves while being rejected by her family. PLEASE BLAIRE SEE SENSE. PLEASE. YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEEDS YOU TO GET BETTER MENTALLY!!!!

jaden appreciator
jaden appreciator
4 February 2025 1:06 PM

jaden sweep let’s fucking go!!!

4 February 2025 4:37 PM

I feel like Riley is always so good and kind to everyone around her, it’s about time she was finally good to herself. It’s not your fault gendie stuff doesn’t make sense to you Riles, it’s just nonsensical at its core, and you’re doing yourself a huge service by finally recognizing this 😌

4 February 2025 10:43 PM

oh girl, i just noticed the miniatures of the pages on the right of the website page, and how it highlight the simetry of Riley looking at Jaden, then looking at Faith from those last two pages and it’s such a gutpunch ! Riley feels weird about gender being pushed on Jaden and how she’s an adult who would most likely be able to manage to be confronted directly about the gender stuff and yet Riley sabotages the infantilizing way Blaire is going about it (with the kid show), and then she looks at little Faith and how she’s too young to probably understand any of it and would be influenced by the adults around her.

Riley is torn between a woman and a girl who are quite similar and so targetted by Blaire’s ideology. But she saw that Jaden was happy in being a woman and not at all buying the gender stuff. She sees that Faith can grow just as much into a happy adult woman as Jaden is.

(i’m rambling but i needed to vomit my messy thoughts xD)

4 February 2025 11:04 PM

my votes were:

  1. jaiden (her backstory really spoke to me)
  2. violet (she’s really cute to me, same for faith!! can’t wait for the follow up on the bus situation)
  3. josie (reminded me of my own mother πŸ™ )
  4. blaire (love a complex villain)
  5. alexis (tie between her and shez)
Faith merch cap WHEN
Faith merch cap WHEN
5 February 2025 3:48 AM

Oh gosh 😭 this gives me flashbacks to when I read two popular “Trans books for kids” all by myself just out of curiosity

I Am Jazz – “I have a girl brain but a boy body”… “Pretending I was a boy felt like telling a lie”… “Being Jazz felt much more like being ME”… What is meant by that information? What illustrations are used to convey these ideas? How does the Reader connect the dots?? Well, Jazz fave color has always been pink, Jazz loooves mermaids and princesses and playing pretend as one, Jazz playing with a doll ignoring a truck, Jazz showing off painted nails along girls doing the same, Jazz wanting to do ballet in a pink tutu, Jazz being allowed to wear girly clothes out in public and grow long hair…

Jack Not Jackie – “I Am a Boy”… (Mom) “Jackie has been trying to tell us that for a long time” oh sweet! Okay, Transness evidence?Β Disliking fairies, eww to hair ribbons, and dresses. Being more attached to your dad than your mom. Liking ties and mud and superhero capes and insects. Feeling happy with a short haircut and stereotypical boy name.

Don’t believe it?? I’m not even a radfem but it’s OK, you can save the money and the library trip by looking for the free read along videos available online, and see for yourselves.

Also this article, so much quotable: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/i-knew-from-the-age-of-3-that-i-had-a-boys-brain-but-a-girls-body_uk_5df26a28e4b0def04007ba96

The thing is, it never even registered to me as wrong and antiGNC at the time when i read them. Felt a very mild offness yes, but I was alone and could not actually tell why so just shook it up to “well maybe because i’m not trans and it’s a Taboo topic in general” and called it a day 🀷 Like, i seriously read girls-is-when-pink-&-boys-is-when-blue prose and thought it was progressive. Amazing.

I really feel for Riley crashing, it’s going to hurt badly when the bandaid is ripped. But at the same time i think i could have had my own Blair Moments had i been more involved with the topic and coached on it. It could have happened easily. Like I could have seen myself buying those books as gifts and all thinking i’m being noble. All without fully processing anything. The power of the gospel truly compels you πŸ’€

Hang in there Ryles!! You’re not a criminal for questioning stuff, i promise. Keep those gears turning

5 February 2025 8:38 AM

Been absolutely adoring this chapter and its adventure into Riley’s character!! Also hi hello I’m back again haha! Got engaged to my soon to be wife and got a new job to life has been a bit hectic but I’m glad I was able to catch back up!! Loved seeing the rest of the Yonique crew and the exploration of more GNC womyn + seeing Riley (hopefully,,) peaking/ at least starting to question the rhetoric her girlfriend is entrenched in- overall; wonderful page, wonderful chapter and hopes for a donation site that wont drop you,, Shalom!

5 February 2025 10:40 AM

rileyyyyy you’re so close !!! πŸ™Œ

6 February 2025 12:48 PM

Clancywives rise up

7 February 2025 12:47 AM

I’m up to date! Just in time to vote in the faves poll (Riley is somehow underrated:(( she is my fave) For context, the last webcomic I read in one day was an Undertale AU back in 2018 lmao

I’m a straight woman and radfem who saw this comic mentioned online. I came to take a look and I was hooked immediately! You are doing an awesome job and I’m excited to read more

Last edited 1 month ago by Apples
7 February 2025 11:09 AM

Totally unrelated to the current page, but I’m desperate for the next update. We all know Blair was getting ready with her club, we know she was probably hyping up this very affirming Lesbian only dance.

SO…when is “Baby Guwrl” going to show up and demand access??

I’m on the edge of my seat!