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Bonus Mini 7 – Pool Party!

What if the LB cast enjoyed a day at the pool? It'd look something like this.
Yes it would be sex-segregated.
Never waste fun-time painting your faces and struggling into stupid swimsuits, girlies <3


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Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
6 August 2023 10:45 PM

i’m normal about pool party and also Vioden

6 August 2023 10:58 PM

tmj is so real

6 August 2023 11:06 PM

the pronouns on babygirls bikini bra 💀

6 August 2023 11:17 PM

Is it normal to wear clothes to the pool in Australia? 😅

6 August 2023 11:37 PM

Tyler the Ferret is the only danger noodle I wanna see at a pool.

7 August 2023 12:17 AM


and Elisa.. wtf is your swimsuit, why are you wearing sexy lingerie at the pool that cannot be practical.. how can you actually swim in that…

Rusty I don’t understand how you don’t get whiplash from drawing such cute wholesome scenes and then transitioning to the horror that is the agp gang 😭

7 August 2023 4:26 AM

Me: Why are they all wearing shirts at the pool?


Can’t wait to see the Tiffany answer! The answer may shock all of us!

Calling it, she can tell who’s a cis bitch by them looking normal.

7 August 2023 5:52 AM

Violeeeeeeeet 🤫 I know what you’re uuuup to!
And I love Nana 😍

Crypty (Temporary Afflicted by Eli, -2 HP per turn)
Crypty (Temporary Afflicted by Eli, -2 HP per turn)
7 August 2023 6:28 AM

1. Love learnign new things about Australia from your posts! I was sitting here thinking “not even an A shirt? Or a sports bra?”
2. Ruth having a dedicated Swimming Button Up tracks as far as I’m concerned and I love her
3. Violet living our dreams for us
4. God Forgive Me but Elissa would have me acting so unwise irl likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Crypty (Temporary Afflicted by Eli, -2 HP per turn)
Crypty (Temporary Afflicted by Eli, -2 HP per turn)
7 August 2023 6:29 AM


7 August 2023 7:48 AM

Violet acting sly af 😂

7 August 2023 9:39 AM

1. Eyeing Blaire’s thigh tattoo respectfully 👀
2. Why does Parniya look sad 🙁 love Shez and Ari partying it up and don’t get me started on Vioden, the ship that shall never be.

7 August 2023 10:18 AM

Any particular reason you drew a shirtless minor?

7 August 2023 10:57 AM

Honestly LOVE all these details! Ari’s dynamism, Nana glancing the yaoi, Violet totally getting proven wrong by Jaden which was absolutely NOT her intention, Faith on Ruth’s shoulders, Riley’s lil floaties, MUDDLES ON HER FLOAT AAAH…

And over on Moid Island, the AGPs having the “lesbian pool party” that they deserve with their fellow stunning and brave sexy ladies! So happy for them! Weird their thought balloon suggests they don’t realize other women are there though?

Also love Nichola’s dad keeping him safe and away from them lol good move. And the “guy” and “dude” on the shorts….AND THE SHE/HER ON THE BIKINI TOP I CANT!

I must say though, I am REALLY shocked at Blaire sharing a changing room with two NON women! Either she or they are TERRIBLY overstepping some boundaries and must be VERY uncomfortable right now for sure, how awful!

In all seriousness, love Elissa’s getup for the sheer fact it highlights how the women claiming to be gay men are always MORE gender-conforming to an almost comical degree than just normie het women.

Best part though? Ferret!! Love how even it looks confused and appalled at TiMs

7 August 2023 2:44 PM

The Guy and Man swim trunks were a very nice touch, hope Mr Babygirl was very uncomfortable

7 August 2023 3:59 PM

This is so cute! I want to teach Riley to swim, the pool seems shallow enough that even she can stand so there’s no danger, haha. Her little floaties are so adorable. And yes, I, too, would like to be Violet in this one. Please and thank you.

Is Parniya sad that the water only goes to around her knees, or is that her usual exhaustion?

This page reminds me of the one time I ended my swimming later than usual and ran into the old ladies who come there for water gymnastics in the showers. Three of them were chatting about how weird and unnecessary it is to dress up or put on makeup to go swimming and accidentally giving me amazing life advice. To this day when I’m unhappy with my appearance I softly say “eh, so long as it all still works, right?” to myself.

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
7 August 2023 6:29 PM

I have many comments about this one
Parniya is here so this page is an automatic 10/10.

LOVE that this is a woman-only swim event, Ari is so cute I also only wear button-ups in the pool, and DEAR GOD YES KEEP NICHOLAS AWAYYY FROM THOSE MEN-

I… I am not comfortable with that haha and i’m sure his dads are not either

7 August 2023 6:43 PM

I got sad for Blaire and Elisa. They truly have internalized the idea that they are objects to be gazed upon 😭drop that shit ladies, get into practical clothes and go enjoy yourselves.

7 August 2023 10:54 PM


Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
8 August 2023 4:32 AM

Nana can’t remember the date sometimes…but she sure remembers her top 5 sasunaru doujinshis (DONT LIKE DONT READ)

8 August 2023 6:44 AM

Does Blaire’s tattoo having any meaning or did she just like how it looked?

Kory who wishes she could lift Violet to seduce her v_v
Kory who wishes she could lift Violet to seduce her v_v
8 August 2023 12:35 PM

Nobody is commenting on it, cause we’re too blinded by the wonderfulness of Violet’s smooth flirting but… Riley is looking very respectfully at Jaden’s very surprising and not at all expected beautiful fit of strength.
She’s being so respectful and darling. Not at all thinking of maybe going into the water and ask Jaden if she can help her stay afloat and teach her how to swim.

birthday girl
birthday girl
8 August 2023 1:19 PM

HAPPY (belated in australia) BIRTHDAY BRICK!!!

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
8 August 2023 1:25 PM

Awwwww Muddles on her little float!!! AND YAY ANOTHER GLIMPSE OF ARI!!!! 😀

I see what you did there Violet. (IDK who I’m more jealous of – Violet for getting picked up by Jaden, or Jaden for getting to pick up Violet!)

…Elissa why are you wearing lingerie to a pool party, what the hell.

8 August 2023 6:32 PM

A pity Clancy isn’t at the pool party, I could imagine she would have had a blast there.
I was personally apalled at the idea of putting make-up for swimming, like I’ve never seen that kinda thing in person… but then I remember the women in the self-defense course who would wear make-up and long fake nails and now the idea of make-up for swimming seems less wild sadly.

8 August 2023 11:27 PM

Pool Party Sequel confirmed?! 🤯 But jokes aside, I guess I forgot Clancy is still a new kid, haha.

Being mostly asocial IRL and spending time in radfem-circles online makes it easy for me to forget just how COMMON self-hatred and bodily insecurity is among women, every time I encouter instances of it it hits me like truck. 😓

9 August 2023 4:30 AM

(Imho the double standard is so ridiculous, women are mammals too not reptiles, I’d rather spend my time and money in something more fulfilling)
Ruth and Faith have my heart ;;
Nicholas (and any kid for that matter) must be protected from AGP gang🤢
Oh, and bonus Jacob is so cute too

9 August 2023 5:37 AM

This comment isn´t about this page, but I was rereading parts of LB and just remembered the feelings I wanted to express, but didn´t have time back then.

I can really relate to Jaden because I´m also a med school dropout (not a doctor, though). The decision to go there also was born from a childhood wish misinterpreted by adults in my life, slowly convincing me to choose a career path I wouldn´t even consider otherwise.

Medical school is brutal, I remember at some point it feels like you stop sleeping, just fade in and out of consciousness, which was one of the many factors that brought out many other latent problems, common for Gifted Children™.

And it took years after the drop-out to finally feel like I was on some kind of track. And it´s just so refreshing and motivating to read about two women, navigating life off the trodden path, and to see myself in a bright lovely story, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for creating it.

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
9 August 2023 8:41 AM

Jacob: These dudes doing a tik tok challenge…?

Tāne: This is like that horrible drag show all over again.

12 August 2023 10:35 PM

Unrelated to the page but last night I dreamed Rusty sent me a message on WhatsApp asking me to send her Leasebound fanart. A sign from the Universe perhaps???

Also she spoke fluent Portuguese for some reason lmao

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
13 August 2023 10:52 PM

Lmfao gross and creepy moids will be shoved into the tiny pool to atone for their sins.

Also I love everything about the top half of the page!! ♡

Teenage Mutant Ninja Bisexual
Teenage Mutant Ninja Bisexual
14 August 2023 11:49 AM

Reading instead of swimming is such a vibe though. (but yaoi? uh, no.)

14 August 2023 9:43 PM

Omg how come Riley being born and raised in Australia cant swim?? Isn’t it life threatening to not know how to swim there??

16 August 2023 6:53 AM

Do the AGP gang and Timothy know eachother?

4 February 2025 11:56 AM

Oh no!! Nana’s reading yaoi! 😂