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Second rule in Shez's gym:  No Self-Depreciation!
(first rule is no males, obviously)
Speedpaint on Boosty

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Miss Moira
Miss Moira
5 November 2023 8:08 PM

Two muscley gnc women in one comic panel…I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀

now a shez simp
now a shez simp
5 November 2023 8:40 PM

Shez is big everywhere it counts

5 November 2023 8:43 PM

Help they’re both too cute… Poor Jaden still beating herself up about what happened kills me tho 🙁
Also omg the lil podium for Shez so that Jaden can reach her 🥺

5 November 2023 8:47 PM

Aw m*n, I can’t believe I missed the last update! Well, I’m here now and looking very respectfully at Shez and Jaden, they’re so pretty and strong 😍

Speaking of strong, you wouldn’t believe the nostalgia I got for Chapter 4 seeing that purple Venus door again, I really needed a little trip to Yonique after spending so much time in the circus tent 😅

It’s a little bittersweet, seeing Yonique be such a loving and supporting environment for Jaden (even if she still struggles to accept that support) in contrast to Riley getting her brains scrambled in the QT club. I’m sure Shez can fix her! In fact Shez can fix all of them (well, most of them, one of them is a lost cause)! I vote Shez for QT President! 🤩

Miss Kory
Miss Kory
5 November 2023 9:43 PM

This page is so niiiiice ! The composition is so good, it’s so fluid and easy to read and it’s still has nice details (that board next to the door… With the help pamphlets and the pictures of women becoming strong ;_;)

And then we have arm candy ! I mean jaden’s very nice arm in full display huhuhijuhuujujejzkaksjdrheuzi

And Shez on her little stool it’s so cute !!! And noooo Jaden is still (understandably) beating herself up for being beaten up 😠
Shez should hug her ! For comfort ! And science !

Jaden's lover the lover of buff women
Jaden's lover the lover of buff women
5 November 2023 10:17 PM

I have big crush on Shez she’s so big and short 😭😭😭
This chapter is about to be delightful I can’t wait!!

Kory (should check if she's ovulating)
Kory (should check if she's ovulating)
6 November 2023 12:12 AM

Also I must note that Jaden’s hands look deli… I mean very well drawn !

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
6 November 2023 1:53 AM

First, the sexual tension on the second panel; mmph. Then I cracked up seeing her in her little stool LMAOOOO sorry Shez!

But then I took another look and GODDUM!! Shez is built how I like them, mm! I’m getting the sense she is assertive but- mother gracious the things I’d do to her, WHOO, lawd have mercy.

6 November 2023 3:43 AM

“Over 4000 women stronger!” on that poster. Shez and Yonique have been around for so long, and made a difference in so many women’s lives!

Also, wow Shez and Jaden’s arms look gorgeous 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩 they’ve been working hard! Jaden may be down on herself but I believe in her abilities (and Shez’s encouragement) so much!

Cath (Is looking so disrespectfully)
Cath (Is looking so disrespectfully)
6 November 2023 3:48 AM

I need Shez to pick me up like a cat for scientific purposes

6 November 2023 4:34 AM

The zoom out to Shez on a stool 💀 So psyched for this chapter!

6 November 2023 5:19 AM

Finally, good food.

6 November 2023 5:32 AM

I love the super short representation honestly. Tall lesbians are always seen as hotter and more desirable, but Shez can get it ❤️

Normal person
Normal person
6 November 2023 6:51 PM

Loving the environmental scene-setting here, the contrast of this door with the QT collective’s. The gym has pamphlets and information that’s directly relevant to women, whereas the QT’s door was plastered with twee little pride flags, “FUCK OFF TERFS”, “safe space”, an incredibly long list saying “before you enter please read” and only one small sign with information about meet-ups on it.

Now enough crap about the QTs who fortunately aren’t going to be in this chapter – so glad we get to see Shez again! I’m really hoping that this pragmatic approach to dealing with the fallout of the AGP attack helps restore Jaden’s confidence, since everyone’s kind words sadly didn’t seem to help before.

No words just Sobbing and Mirin' (SBD)
No words just Sobbing and Mirin' (SBD)
6 November 2023 6:56 PM

hhhghh 🤐😭😤😭 (I need her calf routine)

… (inb4 it’s calf raises while carrying Parni or Ruth on her shoulders like 💀💀💀)

7 November 2023 12:56 AM

This is such a lovely page, Shez being supportive and cool as hell (and also hot as hell).

And Jaden is doing well! Even if she can’t see that yet! Hopefully she can heal with enough time and fully take it to heart that no, it really really wasn’t her fault and she did a good job and she’s a lovely human being who deserves good things and isn’t a burden and is loved and is deserving of that love!

Also, I love the little flyers with helpline and support group and the last one that I can’t quite read (women’s something), and the utterly charming poster with everyone flexing, and the advice to please lock your heels in the lockers.

Once again crying over the fact that Yonique isn’t a physical place I can visit (yet?).

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
7 November 2023 1:25 AM

Where can I take this class?

7 November 2023 10:57 AM

sorry i haven’t commented on stuff in like FOREVER but i really love jadens cute little focused face i love how she kept these little mannerisms from when she was young. like she really looks like her child self in such an endearing way. so precious and focused 🥰🥺 she just looks so innocent.

obviously she’s very strong but it really just speaks to the life she’s lived idk makes you think about the tiny overachiever trying to keep it together for her mom.

the cover for this chapter also just looks SO badass and dramatic. so excited to see where it goes 🙏 so many amazing pages in the last year, it’s really been such a treat to see even though i basically dropped off the face of the earth haha but yeah you’ve seriously made sooo much progress with the story n it’s been so exciting to read!! 🙌

Crypty (NOT looking respectfully looking HORNILLY and with ADMIRATION)
Crypty (NOT looking respectfully looking HORNILLY and with ADMIRATION)
7 November 2023 12:20 PM

They make me want to go for a run and work out so much. I want to know their home-work out routine!!!!!!!
Also the cut to Shorty Shez is *chefs kiss* for comedy timing lol

8 November 2023 4:10 AM

Short queen Shez 🥰

8 November 2023 10:16 PM

the site finally works for meee. sniff-sniff hmmmm

10 November 2023 9:34 AM

It’s a small thing but it’s so nice to see butch women who aren’t just physically masculine. Larger chests, shorter, different proportions… Shez is such a beefcake!

10 November 2023 5:14 PM

I cannot wait for this arc, Rusty!! I want to know more about Chezzzzzz.

10 November 2023 5:19 PM

Wow!! I love seeing how your art improves. It’s genuinely so nice to look at!

Also, these comments have me really excited to see Shez’s story. It seems like you’re implying we’ll get to see a bit of sexy time between Shez and Parn.

As a huge romantic, I’m eagerly awaiting their scenes together. But even if I’m wrong / even without it, these comments warm my heart.

I’m very happy to know that there are lesbians being fed with this buff woman platter. And I’m happy to see this representation in general. Keep up the good work, Rusty!! ❤️❤️❤️

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
13 November 2023 12:47 PM

normal about this page