54 7758

Bonus Mini 8- TMJ2

Are you satisfied, TMJ voters? Are you finally quenched? >:T

This Mini was inspired by all the gendies who didn't like there wasn't any chestbinding/testosterone/double masectomy rep among the female gendie cast.

On a meta level: I'm staunchly anti-transition, like any other elective, cosmetic surgery (breast implants, fillers, botox), because it is treating a person's body as the problem, rather than addressing the root cause - an illness in the mind (dysphoria, body-negativity, crippling self-esteem). The gendie characters exist to make jokes about trans ideology, particularly it's homophobia and misogyny. I would take no joy in cracking jokes at the expense of those who've experienced medical malpractice, and bodily harm via transition.

In-Comic Level: I thought it'd be funny to use Tiffany's Won't-Talk-To-Women as a roadblock to her getting things she desires.

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13 August 2023 11:11 PM

1. This lead me down a rabbit hole to find out that Mx is pronounced as “Mux” and I’m not sure I was ready for that.

2. “Valid and manly” will be my new Tinder bio.

3. Plot twist, the receptionist is non-binary and Kai is now a confirmed exorsexist.

Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles
14 August 2023 12:30 AM

When you say: “I’m staunchly anti-transition, like any other elective, cosmetic surgery (breast implants, fillers, botox), because it is treating a person’s body as the problem, rather than addressing the root cause”, I would mostly agree with you. However, if a breast cancer survivor underwent a mastectomy to remove the cancer from her body, I would have no problem with her seeking breast reconstructive surgery, even though it is an elective procedure. Other than that though, I would agree with you.

As always, thank you for the wonderful comics! Great job! 🙂

14 August 2023 12:54 AM

tmj real

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
14 August 2023 12:57 AM

This is set in Australia, right? Can’t we just….feed this “”twink”” to a dingo already?

EDIT: I see mixed reactions, and I just wanna say…It can be a croc if you prefer!

14 August 2023 1:21 AM

Well, now, seems like being mega misogynistic helped Kai dodge a mutilation bullet – Yay?

Mx. #1 Kai Hater
Mx. #1 Kai Hater
14 August 2023 4:35 AM

I want Kai to accidentally do this to someone who ends up identifying as nonbinary or male. And then ideally she’d get lectured about how trans people don’t owe you gender nonconformity and also don’t have to come out to you to be valid and worthy of respect. I want her to learn the valuable moral that it’s not very nice to assume things about people.

And then I want her to get hit by a car! 😀

14 August 2023 4:59 AM

Oh no.. I can feel myself like tmj even more.. they’re both so cringe but they could be cringe together… The way Tif can’t even function without MJ though omg, how does she plan to go through life not talking to women?

14 August 2023 5:20 AM

Voted for all 3 options lol I want to see them all

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
14 August 2023 8:50 AM

Thank you desk-lady for (unknowingly) saving Tiffany from doing irreversible damage to her body <3

Also rest up MJ, get better soon 😘

14 August 2023 10:13 AM

Their relationship is adorable in a really fucked up way

14 August 2023 1:54 PM

“I would take no joy in cracking jokes at the expense of those who’ve experienced medial malpractice, and bodily harm via transition.“
As someone who wanted to medically transition (and thankfully desisted before I could do that), I really appreciate this <3

Normal person
Normal person
14 August 2023 11:12 PM

Jesus Christ the fact that she rang up her sick friend JUST to whine and rant about her own nonsense… I feel worse for MJ every day.

Also given what testosterone does to the female body it’s pretty fortunate particularly in this case that she didn’t go on it – I can already imagine her reaction to starting to bald while getting thick body-hair and going full panic mode, I’ve seen this happen to dozens and dozens of delusional, feminine, trans-identified girls who thought that HRT would turn them into anime boys.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
14 August 2023 11:16 PM

Rusty i know this is a day late but i had to step back for my blood pressure’s sake seeing Tiffany lol
N E WAYS…… the irony of Tif’s misogyny literally causing problems for her and everyone else around her is soooooooo

15 August 2023 12:59 AM

Not gonna lie, the more I see Kai’s shenanigans, the more I think Blaire is not the main villain of Leasebound.

15 August 2023 3:57 AM

Ive been enjoying this story a lot- just the very real commentary about whats going on in our community.

And how while Jaden is normie enough to be oblivious, Riley is feeling this guilt and anxiety about her own common sense, Blaire is the absolute image of the well meaning woman who is making it all harder, and then theres the nature that Blaire and Brick apparently have been to the lesbian club before- but didnt have issues but were prob annoying to the people who were polite to them.

Just like how Violet knew damn well what Blaire said but stayed polite and firm. I wish best for MJ in this very demanding friendship, and how MJ fell into this all after her upbringing. I hope after college entering workforce and maybe expanding her horizons she gets to peak in peace. Girl can dream, I know 2 years out of college multiple nb/trans who went back to being women once it was done.

15 August 2023 9:06 PM

Hmmm, but Kai, how do you know that receptionists a woman? Did you just…*gasp* assume their gender??🤨🤨 That’s quite ciscentric of you…

Poor MJ tho 🙁 I swear if I had enough time/writing skills I would definitely turn it into a healthy relationship… Like others have said, in a better world they are just bi girlfriends

16 August 2023 11:58 AM

Everyone else has commented on Tiffany’s hypocrisy around the assumption other women are “cis”—and at a gender clinic of all places! —so I’m going to bring up something else:

Notice how her boyfriend is nowhere in the picture. I said it before on her last comic, I bet he never offered to speak to women for her like Martha Jane. While I get that it’s more “Rusty can’t draw men and doesn’t want to focus on them plus it would NOT be funny if Tiffany succeeded at this” I must say that as someone who has lived among the gendies a long time—-a sort of Jane Goodall of the gender identity cultists, you might say—this is very true to life in my opinion.

Not only will gendie women hold TiMs up as handmaidens, they will also hold each other up, supporting one another as only women can.

It’s the ultimate in a good quality used for a bad purpose. Of course, there’s always the ones like Tiffany, who seem to be more takers than givers; I know we haven’t seen much of her and MJ, broadly speaking, but it does seem to be only MJ doing things for her and not vice versa, and while it’s certainly possible we just haven’t seen yet what Tiffany contributes in return, my assumption for the time being is “very little”.

The “uwu I’m a cute gay trans twink and women are icky!” brand of trans-identified woman is always steeped in narcissism and a sense of superiority to other women, far too much to ever truly be a good friend to them even if they’ll accept the fruits of friendship FROM them as Tiffany does.

As I’ve also said before, I don’t want anything bad to happen to Tiffany. I just want for her what I want for all gendies, male AND female both: For the realization of their bigotry, delusions, and overall shitty and absurd behavior to hit them like a ton of bricks.

For them to just suddenly (or gradually, I’ll settle for that) come to grips not just with biological reality, but the reality of why they were trans-identified in the first place, and recognition of any/all nasty behavior and harm they caused along with it.

I would find Tiffany having to face herself to be MUCH more satisfying than her getting hit by a car or eaten by an animal, because in the latter case she’d be dying with her bullshit beliefs and self-important “gay trans twink” misogynistic homophobic self-image intact. That’s far too kind a luxury.

But, if nothing else, I’ll also love laughing at her bullshit! After having known more than one woman like this, it is SO cathartic!

17 August 2023 5:33 PM

Rusty, thank you for being a source of light and laughter in these dark times! I really love your work and I’m always waiting patiently and excitingly for an update! It makes me happy seeing artwork and thoughts of other wonderful and wise women out there.

I know it can be inappropriate to write offtop, so sorry in advance. My girlfriend of 3,5 years broke up with me because she fell in love with another girl, who happens to be trans-identified and undergoing HRT. That’s really sad for me because of many understandable reasons, but I want to cover few. Maybe it could serve as an inspiration for some story in your book, who knows!

We were gender-crytical together with my ex-gf, but soon after breaking up with me she messaged me that she changed her mind and sees that girl as a boy, in order to get a chance to be in a relationship with her (they have mutual feelings but that girl said that being loved by a lesbian causes her gender dysphoria). Also, yes, my gf always talked proudly about being a lesbian, but now she said that she is bi, because being with that “boy” doesn’t feel wrong.

I am devastated at how the most close woman to me could change that fast (or lie that she changed), and for what? It’s not normal to change your views to fit another person. She also wrote hyperbolized awful things and lies about our relationship on her blog instead of talking things out with me, but that’s just a cherry on top. I can’t believe that this is the person that she had become.

7 February 2025 9:29 AM

Tiffany is the best character in this story and you cant tell me otherwise