----- Got a burning question for one (or more) of the LB Cast? Here's your chance to ask them! The first three commenters will have their questions answered (in drawn form) at the end of Chapter 6! I have so much fun doing them, I thought it'd be fun to have a few more to reply to come the end of chapter :D. So ask away!
Posted on 12 May 2020 by rustyhearts
Awww, Riley is so sweet! And intensely conscientious. Lol I’m dramatic tho I can’t wait for them to get close enough to talk for real. And poor Jaden
I’ve been in a position where I had to pretend a bruise on my face was ‘no big deal’ and ‘didn’t even hurt’, trying to hide it from people if possible… And like, the emotional turmoil. Best of luck to Jaden getting CATHARSIS in future!
Oh my god, I relate to Riley so much. Really loving this so far. Looking forward to reading more, and once you have a reprint of Volume 1, I’ll totally buy a copy!