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For those who might have missed it this is the maneuver Jaden used to restrain Ginger.

17 thoughts on “CH3P18

  1. Oh shit the Australian dickbag is salty because I don’t like her caricatures that look like it was drawn by a white supremacist. Everyone watch out

    1. Yeah it was very white supremacist to draw white men ugly.

  2. why is hating trans people your whole personality

    You make me wish I wasn’t Australian. You’re an embarrassment to the LGBT community

    1. Good, keep wishing.
      Just like being born Australian, no amount of wishing will change your or anyone else’s biological sex.
      If not protecting rapey male behaviour is what it takes to be an embarrassment, then I guess I’ll have to keep being an embarrassment!

      “Whole personality” You say while not even reading the entirety of one work I’ve created, let alone taking the time to understand anything I believe personally. Whatever the call-out posts say must be gospel because you can’t be assed to think for yourself.

      1. A girl who parrots whatever she's told wrote this

        Man do you even know what being trans means? Trans people aren’t fetishists. It’s not about sex, it’s about identity. That’s literally scientific fact. You’re completely ignorant.

        1. It means whatever the person who says it wants it to mean, like being religious. You have faith in your delusions therefore they are true. Blah blah blah.
          Totally not a large swath of men who fetishize the idea of being women and lesbians and call themselves trans. Nope, I made that up in my brain, totally. B)

      2. A girl who didn't read the source material wrote this and thinks it means something

        And no, I don’t care to read your whole comic as the writing’s pretty poor and the plot is boring tbh. From what I’ve read/seen the quality is all over the place, so it doesn’t seem like you put a lot of work into it. Multiple spelling errors, inconsistency in the art. But it’s whatever, the comic isn’t really what I wanna focus on here, it’s your unecessary hatred for a minority that already has so many people against it.

        1. ‘from what i’ve read/seen’, in callout posts I know. Whatever they tell you is the bad stuff.
          You’re on the webbed site for my comic, ma’am. That’s what gets discussed here.

        2. A girl wrote this

          So you admit it’s bad? Also I’m a cis dude, just an ally.

          I have trans friends and not one of them is even interested in women except for like one or two of the transmascs lmfao. It’s not delusion, if it were the medical system would not support it. you’re literally just paranoid.


        3. I’ll give you credit, you’ve definitely practised the “i said it thus it’s true!” attitude men use.

          Yeah the medical system has never supported malpractice ever. And people definitely didn’t think the same things as you about those malpractises because they saw that time as the present and most advanced medicine had ever been.

  3. A girl DEFINITELY wrote this

    I mean fine if u wanna believe I’m a female idgaf lmfao πŸ—Ώ but are you saying the way we used to deal with trans people is better than treating them with respect? Do you believe these people don’t deserve therapy and support? This is literally the same shit gay people have been through. I’ve seen so many trans people hate crimed and murdered violently for purely just being themselves. How is that right? Do you support that? You’re literally judging an entire group of ppl based on assumptions.

    1. An American straight girl wrote this

      Are you also forgetting that black trans women started the LGBTQ movement? Marsha P Johnson? Sylvia Rivera? Major Griffin-Gracy? All people of colour, all trans.

      1. You guys are gonna have to start paying a fee everytime you lie about Stonewall, plus an extra surcharge when you try it on non-americans.

        Liar liar pants on fire

        “LGBTQ movement”? Which one? You’re talking about it like there was one universal movement? Absolute dipshit behaviour.

    2. You’re literally making all kinds if assumptions about me rn, based on a comic you haven’t even read, ma’am!!

      1. This American girl got caught lying about LG activism and has to point the finger at SOMEBODY else

        like you aren’t making assumptions abt me πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€LMFAOOO

        1. A girl who doesn't read wrote this

          all the things ur referencing are clearly biased asf too, but obviously you wanna stay in your little echo chamber forever so there’s no more point arguing with you.

        2. You still haven’t told me about the “LGBTQ movement” Marsha P Johnson self-admitted gay male NOT trans woman started. Just the single universal one and not the historical revisionism you parroted about the Stonewall riots.

          “Bias asf too”. There are people who were at stonewall still alive TODAY (eg:Fred Sergeant). Primary fucking sources that say these people you copy pasted weren’t present. Nor were they the founders of Pride.

          I didn’t make assumptions I called out your fucken lies, ma’am!! You just lied out your ass because just like my comic you don’t READ anything that isn’t approved first. You get all your information from callout posts and canned slogans.



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