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CH12.5 – PART 7

This one goes out to all the horse girls, and girl horses <3
My dear friend Miss Kory was an instrumental part making the horse page look as good as it does! She picked out all the horses' fur patterns and gave very helpful suggestions when I was picking the poses for the collage.

She has also written a very sweet little fanfic about Rocky and the riding club, which you can check it out here. LB's first (of two) works on AO3! It's only got one chapter at the moment, but I bet with some kudos/comments, she'd be encouraged to continue <3


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Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
30 June 2024 8:38 PM

I love Rocky a lot, she reminds me a lot of Riley

30 June 2024 8:44 PM



I’ve just finished catching up and, as soon as I refresh, like a lesbian angel I see A NEW UPDATE… god is real and she’s a lesbian…
I LOVE ROCKY SO MUCH I JUST WANT TO HUG HER AND RIDE A HORSE WITH HER INTO THE FAR OFF SUNSET 😭 (and trample a few men while we’re at it-) I’m loving these little snippet comics, the colors are FIRE and learning about my favorite lesbians family is a plus-

You’ve inspired me so much :] I recently got out of gendie stuff (with my SUPER LOVELY girlfriend-) and your comic is the reason why 😭 I used to be a massive TIF and your comic was like being pulled out of cold water 💀 now I’m just a happy lil lesbian working on a comic HEAVILY INFLUENCED off of yours because your stuff motivates me a lot to make my own lil comics with communities where lesbians can just read and have fun chatting AWAY from all the nonsense outside of my little lesbian bubble 😭


30 June 2024 10:31 PM

she looks so adorable with the horse 😭😭😭 it made me so happy for her. she’s so sweet. she deserves those serene moments. it looks SO good!! petition to let that girl own a horse god bless 🙏 also, i see the riley energy too!! something about the careful way they carry themselves, like neither of them are fully comfortable but are very still very sweet.

that girl romanticizing jacob…. girl don’t do it he’s boymommed you’ll never recover 😭

Shez is a warrior
Shez is a warrior
30 June 2024 11:07 PM

LMFAO not the romance book author’s name being Hettie Bettie 😭 clever one!

30 June 2024 11:13 PM

Now that it’s considered canon that Tina writes fanfiction, I like to think she also writes ” erotic friend fiction” like Tina from Bob’s Burgers, so she definitely wrote something about the mysterious, broody stranger she saw on the train to get it out of her system.
I can also see how Rocky and Riley have similar personalities. Does this mean Riley’s true calling is having her own cat cafe? I’m just imagining her looking as happy with a bunch of cats surrounding her as Rocky looks with her horse friends, no longer policing her own thoughts to please the gendies and finally at peace with herself.

1 July 2024 12:00 AM

(warning long comment incoming)

oh the art on this page is so beautiful. I love the delicate line work and the gradients. The first panel looks like a shoujo manga! I imagine tina is romanticizing this moment, maybe channeling it into a story. (I can’t blame her for admiring jacob he has josie’s genes after all…) She seems like a sensitive, kind dreamer type and I’m glad that she’s surrounded by more experienced women who will help keep her teenage fantasies, just that, fantasies. I wonder if Kai started out like this, daydreaming about her yaois lol.

and oh the second panel looks so good too. you drew the horses SO WELL, majestic and strong. I love rockys joy. I see resemblance to shez! I know horse riding takes athleticism, coordination, being in harmony with your own body and the horse. i think rocky and shez might’ve bonded over their love of their respective sports; it would be so cute if shez got riding lessons from rocky! in any case I also wanted to point this out because imo engaging in physically-grounded activities rly helps women feel connected to their bodies and wards off gendie beliefs

I think it is so nice that meriam encouraged her daughters to pursue their own individual interests. I grew up alongside many families of immigrants; my own immigrant mother was a single mom for most of my childhood and I was pushed into attending university and studying STEM. she always emphasized that girls should never be dependent on their husbands. and to secure financially independence, we should work in highly educated fields. I do not regret the path I chose but I wish I had had more time in my childhood to fantasize about being an artist/author/botanist/etc etc without feeling guilty. Rocky, you do you and pursue your passions.

1 July 2024 12:12 AM

Ahhhh what beautiful horses! I can really see Rocky bonding with animals much more than people, does she like cats and dogs too or mostly just horses? Also smh poor Tina feeding into such a narrative at such a young age…

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
1 July 2024 1:23 AM

Oh my goooood ROCKY <3<3<3<3
Girl is a cowgirl for real omg I love her so much. She needs to have some adventures as the silent but kind bandit. But I'm so glad she still got to have a fulfilling childhood afterwards. Love the horse drawings too, they actually look pretty natural along with your style. Farmer/Rancher Rocky is my future headcannon and she will live happily forever after looking after these noble but fragile animals.

Also….hettie bettie is craaazy 😂😂😂 You know this girl writing mafia boss wattpad fics. "My subway crush can't do laundry?!" fanfic headass. I better not see Jacob in Meriam's house kjskjskjskjs

1 July 2024 1:48 AM

God dammit Jacob!!! Jaden must’ve been frustrated with him for all those years. Josie probably is deep down but he’s her baby boy who can do no wrong! I’m also so glad Rocky has her horse(s) to bond with.

1 July 2024 2:59 AM

Im not a horse girl myself but I believe in their ideas. Love to see aome rep for the horse girl besties 💜💜💜

1 July 2024 7:12 AM

you beat a great evil here – drawing horses as an artist who (i assume) doesnt usually draw horses. adorable page!

1 July 2024 6:02 PM

that guy tina looking at looks like a boy jaden lol

1 July 2024 8:09 PM

i can’t even put into words how much i love every single part of this page but im leaving a comment anyway

Terf chan
Terf chan
2 July 2024 3:04 AM

Riding therapy is actually a great outlet for traumatized and abused children. Rocky is in great hands (or should I say.. Hooves? Lol)

13 July 2024 4:51 PM

bro cant even press a button. tina stop looking at that. dude isn’t a prince he can’t even press a button. girl he can’t even press a button

ROCKY being a HORSE WOMAN is basically one of the greatest gifts you have given us in LeaseBound. hum when I say “one of the greatest” what does that mean. there might be like 50 or more Greatest Gifts out there. Anyway I love this a lot it is VERY SWEET.

Horses are a great choice for her to be fascinated with. Very POWERFUL animals but also very skittish. Very HARDY animals but also oddly delicate in a lot of ways.

They really suit her, they really fit. Animals are so great in helping women heal. Like one of the many things I love about animals is their resilience. So many animals in the most wretched abominable abusive situations bounce back with some love. And you know despite the way that so many animals make a 100% recovery from their abusive situation to a point where one would never guess they’re abused, lots of animals still hold onto their sense and the lessons they’ve learned. We hear so much about certain animals who are scared of or hate men.

I hope Rocky has had the chance to meet a very smart man-hater horse and been like “she’s just like me”. Horses can understand Rocky, they are more intelligent about reading her body language and gestures then most people are I’m sure. Talking to a horse doesn’t matter so much, Rocky doesn’t need to talk to them to be loved and respected. The horses don’t care that Rocky doesn’t speak! The horses will not look down on her at all.

I mean except literally looking down because they are tall. there could easily be a whole movie about Rocky’s special connection to horses. let’s become film-makers. lets make Rocky’s HorseWoman movie about healing and trust between women and horses let’s GO. seriously this was such a great choice for Rocky’s character haha the situation fits so flawlessly. I’m SO glad that Rocky gets to live her Best Life working with her passion. her life is so rich and vivid and she don’t need anything else to be special and have a big impact on the horses

i really like rocky a lot for real. some of these characters will barely do anything and I am like Well I Just Love Her And Adore Her. rocky rules. thanks for rocky

15 August 2024 3:59 AM

I’m loving all of the Shez backstory! It’s been so sweet.

9 September 2024 4:25 AM

shes just like me fr