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CH11: ASK THE CAST Rusty Faves!

((Edit: days after posting, this post from 2016 came across my dash. Exactly what I was going for with Blaire's answer))

And that concludes the Ask The Cast portion! Next week, the start of a surprise I am SO fucking excited for you gyns to see >:33333


This week on LB's Boosty:

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25 September 2023 12:17 AM

Poor Jaden πŸ™ and Clancy πŸ™ everyone is suffering so much. Also is that quote from Tumblr? I feel I saw a post on there like that.

25 September 2023 12:19 AM

STOPPPPPP not that god forsaken tumblr quote 😭😭😭. I’m sad for Clancy’s situation but I’m glad she’s not like, unhappy I guess?

And yeah Blaire’s reaction tracks. The progressiveism really leaves the body of some when it comes to women.
And poor Jaden πŸ™ I want to hug her. But also I’m glad to know I would meet her criteria πŸ‘€

is blaire like...... okay
is blaire like...... okay
25 September 2023 12:33 AM

is blaire like…… okay?

25 September 2023 12:54 AM

I really want Blaire to eventually get better when she’s done being a really interesting villain for the story… you can tell she has such a kind heart and that she really does want the best for other people πŸ™ even if she is rather misled…

same goes for Clancy I really want them both out of there, the future collective is not a healthy place especially for women who genuinely mean well..

Also damn I really wanna give Jaden a hug that poor woman… Alexis’ situation really cut her deep πŸ™

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
25 September 2023 1:25 AM

‘Did you know I don’t have whatever you’re about to say’
Welp. My question to Jaden really went south for me😐 haha….πŸ˜”. But, well I should’ve saw it coming, no wonder Rusty is taking her sweet time with all that romance stuff. Poor Jay Jay.

And Clancy…. sigh…she has a very passive energy for someone who plays sports. I don’t think she’s ever going to be that deeply to all this gender stuff, but I do think it might take. Long time for her to see it’s pointless.

Now, I don’t speak about Blaire, mainly because I’m not that interested in her besides her being a comedy bit or a shit-stirrer; but seeing her inside her little group convinces me more and more she will never get that ‘ peak’ moment so many people like to poke at.

Like…she will never admit. You could present her with tons of solid evidence, take her by the hand and spoon feed her; other members could desert first and she would just clinger to her ideology because she’s way too in the deep end. Admitting she’s wished death on women who fairly critized something? Hell no. She’s staying an ‘ally’ until that culture bubble pops.

Kory (sharpening her knives)
Kory (sharpening her knives)
25 September 2023 1:26 AM

I remember that terrible quote about the gay man and the lesbian on the shoulder ugh… WHY WOULD THEY BE KISSING ???? WHY??? YOU DUMB DUMB DUMMIES STOP !!!!

Anyway, oh Clancy, oh Blaire… being surrounded by homophobia and not realizing it’s draped all over you in pastel colors v_v

Also that enby lady is wearing a pussy hat ! crypto terf sighted!

Jaden v_v my dear sweet Jaden v_v no wonder that’s how she replies to any question involving romantic life. It’s still so fresh, only a few months since it happened v_v it takes a lot of time to recover from a relationship that ended normally, but from one that ended so brutally, with so absolutely no closure and with such a real and vivid reminder of how cruel homophobia is…

We feel so much for Jaden because of her broken heart, but herself probably minimizes her own heartbreak because in the end, she’s still safe and has her family worrying about her, while Alexis… Who’s to say that Alexis’ mother doesn’t work with her husband to marry Alexis while she’s away too…



25 September 2023 1:30 AM

People really do hate terfs more than they hate child m0lesters.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
25 September 2023 1:54 AM

Jaden my beloved πŸ’

oh blaire…
oh blaire…
25 September 2023 2:36 AM

I guess blaire would put me to death, despite her being the most relatable character to me here (like my past uneducated libfem self) ohwell can’t wait to see her downward spiral even further tho.

Also Jaden’s. </3

25 September 2023 2:36 AM

I want a Clancy plushie so bad, I need to give her a hug… and also a Blaire plushie to kick down the stairs πŸ˜‘

25 September 2023 5:03 AM

For the love of all that is holy and divine, what is that quote. Judging from the comments I have clearly been in blissful ignorance.

I’ve heard of the “queer is not a slur” people but have we evolved into “fag is not a slur” now?
(Unless you are in the UK/Ireland, in which case a fag is a cigerette)

Lina (who is single for almost two months now and doing really well!)
Lina (who is single for almost two months now and doing really well!)
25 September 2023 6:48 AM

This comic strip is a great wholesome conclusion of ask the cast! Even while Blaire is still being, well, Blaire, I like how we see little new bits of everyone’s personality. Looking forward to your new work (don’t forget to take any needed time time to rest though!) and thanks for cheering me up every sunday. Have a lucky week πŸ˜‰

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
25 September 2023 7:33 AM

Poor Clancy… I relate a lot to her I still haven’t hit my full peak yet.. I still feel like I should be a TRA some days as a detransitioned woman but reading this comic helps me to keep going as a rad-fem.

Now Blaire, I hope she ok too. I know we should hate Blaire but there’s a difference in male misogynists and female misogynists and Blaire obviously has some internalized misogyny, as a feminine woman she believes she is only a woman due to the gender roles placed onto her by a heteronormative society, I mean she genuinely believes a masculine woman in a relationship with a man is gay.

And now onto Jaden, I relate a lot to her as well, I’m in the same position right now. I’m waiting for this girl I really really like to come out to her parents so we can be together. She said it’d feel like lying if she dated me without telling her mom she was bi yet. She kinda scared me when she said I will be the first β€œafab” person she’s dated so we will see how this plays out, not many 19 year old TERFs in this world so I can’t be so picky-choosey.

But I guess that’s why I love this little web-comic so much, it’s relatable, it uses real life situations, it’s centered around same-sex relationships, so it feels like home to me. I’m new to this type of feminism and if my friends found out I’d be all alone, so this is probably the only place the most open I will ever be on the internet.

25 September 2023 9:38 AM

Am I hallucinating or is Clancy meant to have dark undereye cicles like L and i just noticed?? Raccoon Butch crew cutiepie.

I think i want to join the Hug Clancy International Union, tbqh πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Please make Clancy plushies merch, not fair haha

Also does the cat ear beanie wearer have a name? is the character meant as mtx or ftx?

TY for the page! How was your weekend, author?? Looking forward to the upcoming surprise hoping its not another sucker punch but at this point you’re like a Pro-Boxer lmao πŸ’€πŸ‘»

Cath (Clawing the walls, chewing the couch)
Cath (Clawing the walls, chewing the couch)
25 September 2023 1:08 PM


I remember seeing that quote when I was still in my TRA phase (Read: Being an autistic female is hell when it comes to online social circles bc everyone is either treating you like a toddler and the other being like ‘have you considered that youre ~more than a girl~?) and even then being,, very disgusted- 0/10 experience would rather eat my own leg than meet those two irl

Also one more thing- Miss Rusty how would you recommend publishing a comic like yours nowadays?

I’ve finally gotten a passion project ive been working on for a few months done writing wise and before I start sketching or inking I want to see If I’d need to put effort into making my own website, implementing an anti-DDOS system (Bc unfortunately that’s a very real threat when it comes to comics that don’t follow the current cult-), and what have you.

Ty again and feel free to take your time responding to this! I think I speak for all your readers when I say that you’re a big inspiration and your unwavering effort and tenacity is very admirable!

underwhelming trainwreck
underwhelming trainwreck
25 September 2023 5:53 PM

Hello I just finished binge reading your webtoon today and I have to say I am disappointed that there hasn’t really even been a hint of romantic feelings between Riley and Jaden yet.

This whole story is so slow and I can’t even tell where you’re going with it. By the summary I would assume it’s about two lesbians falling in love in a meet-cute apartment situation, but they haven’t spoken to each other since chapter 9, and even then it wasn’t much.

I get that you enjoy what you do and clearly like audience engagement but I think you need to pump the breaks on all the extravagant world building and put your focus into developing the two main leads.

I feel like out side of constant wink-wink nudge-nudge hints at backstory I know next to nothing about either of them, yet you’re dedicating the entire next chapter to an unrelated side character?

I was under the impression that this was some anti-trans magnum opus by the way terfs continue to blow smoke up your ass, but I find myself completely underwhelmed by everything you have offered.

26 September 2023 4:28 AM

Ok, curiosity killed the cat… I (sadly) recognise every other reference in this panel but what are the “Degrees of Transphobia”? (wondering if I’m blessed to have missed out on this particular bit of gendie lore and should maybe quit while I’m ahead πŸ˜…)

Fuck you Blaire
Fuck you Blaire
26 September 2023 10:53 AM

Oh goody…. Blaire being a vile misogynist yet again πŸ™„
Women wanting sex segregated spaces to protect their anatomy and overall well-being “dEsErvE tHe cHaiR”
Absolutely disgusting.

26 September 2023 6:29 PM

Is Blaire being serious here? Jeepers…. I think you did a great job with the art making her look unhinged, but I find myself less scared and more just… confused and sad…

27 September 2023 9:36 AM

gosh dangit darnit Blaire.

At this point, I feel like she is going to get her own content warning. Wishing death on feminists, lesbians, and just REGULAR WOMEN… heck i’ve seen men get called terfs too, though it’s more rare…. but yeah, Blaire, you are so in for it. you’re gonna get Content Warned. you’re going to be someone who makes enough threats and says enough bad things to get content warned… ARENT YOU?

I mentally wrote a fanfic a few days ago while I was at work. In which Blair Gets Her Wish sort of, and all the meanie feminists disappear. Not just the modern feminists, but those Bad, Problematic Feminists Of The Past, who were so obviously Evil As Well. and of course, the Rights of women also disappear along with them. I imagined how that would effect the gendie club, Kai being like “tee hee women are In Their Place… WAIT. We are also being oppressed? WE ARE NOT WOMEN” oh poor gendie club. alas alas, it was feminists who fought these rights for you, not a man who threw a brick in the United States. Meanwhile, the Cursed One, Mr. President… he’s all “tee hee women are in Their Place”, and of course none of the female oppression applies to him, but then He ends up in danger as well, because feminists and lesbians end up being the ones who loosen gender restrictions and let him safely exist as a “wrong male”. (Gay men of course also helped loosen these restrictions of gender conformity, but in the LeaseBound Universe, the gay men are in their own little sphere having a party.) I imagine him frantically being like NO WAIT NEVERMIND MY NAME IS NOT BABYGIRL I AM MAN I AM MAN NORMAL MAN

I got caught up in doing Job Stuff so I did not create the ending. Perhaps it is all just a dream, and Blaire wakes up. Does she learn anything useful from her dream? Or does she say OH NO, THIS IS A SIGN OF THE INNER TERF ALL CIS WOMEN HAVE INSIDE THEMSELVES. I HAVE TO KILL HER WITH MORE BRAINWASHING… Probably the second one! Probably the second one. Oh blaire. oh silly blaire.

I simply don’t have the time to write out the silly little story, so into the comment section it goes v_v

How cool is it to know you created something that lives in the hearts and minds of other women? Someone like me will be doing my job and create some kind of silly cartoon episode in my head about your characters!

Also, I remember you used to get a lot of comments about how unrealistic normie Jaden is, but now you have a lot of “I didn’t know that….” in the comment section about certain Gender Beliefs. I was also listening to a podcast by some gender critical women last night, and one of the women told the other women a story I thought all of us were familiar with… The other women didn’t know, was shocked and appalled that transgender people sincerely believe that…! There are definitely levels to this knowledge, and the amount someone knows or doesn’t know definitely influences their ideas about Gender Ideology….

HUGS FOR JADEN!!! Looks like your dream girl has a family who’s far enough away that it doesn’t matter anymore!!! Whoo hoo woo hoo wooOOO HOOOOO….

though perhaps Riley might be… Both of those things? My guess is toward the second one. there’s no way riley would have felt safe enough to come out, given the hints we have about her upbringing…. Though it would be interesting if Riley…. HAD come out to her mom, and was crushed for it. What a brutal lesson of “don’t speak up for yourself, don’t share your real thoughts and feelings” that would have been. Who could expect Riley to stand up for herself easily after that…?

I’m fairly convinced at this point Riley was crushed in some way, and taught to always place the feelings of others over her own comfort. Riley probably thinks she escaped her childhood and isn’t aware it’s influencing her this badly still….

Like she’s not dumb she does know she was effected, but “oh crap my crappy childhood is influencing almost all of my choices and informing how I interact with my girlfriend” is another level

1 October 2023 7:09 AM

Will LB ever have autistic representation?

I personally headcannon Blaire as autistic, what with her special interest in trans issues and social interaction misteps, but it makes me sad to see her as the only one because she’s villianized.

3 October 2024 10:46 AM