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Dearly Breastie Beloveds, we are gathered here today to offer our condolences to one of my dear friends, Miss Sunny, who was so excited to learn her birthday fell on a Monday (aka LB Update Day) U_U.
May the rancidness of Mr. Mummy Milkers' visage be inversely proportional to how wonderful the rest of your birthday is <3 Mwah!

To anyone who says I don't show men in a positive light - um Mr. Baby Girl here literally interrupted Elissa before she could share her homophobic DingDong handle, so?? idk what more you could ask for.

And of course, special thanks to LB's MVP, Miss Arbustorum for assisting in the drawing of Mr. Mummy Milkers, as well as Miss agps_that_make_you_want_to_die on instagram for providing highly accurate references. They did make me want to die :/
Please direct all your blame their way, I am not liable :3

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Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
30 April 2023 10:50 PM


Miss Moira
Miss Moira
30 April 2023 11:23 PM

Rusty, I love you and I love your webcomic, but why did you make me look at this 💀

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
30 April 2023 11:30 PM

I hate this shit with every fibre of my being.😂😂😂 You wrong for this Rusty, shame on you, here i was expecting some more Tiffy quirkiness and you hit me with them double D rubber bombs. Though I gotta say, I’m surprised this is the only Tim in the club, in a city like melbourne I always imagine there must be more of these type of males. AND NO, THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO MAKE MORE.

30 April 2023 11:42 PM

I hate him so much!!!!

30 April 2023 11:45 PM

Elissa looks so adorable here. So cute! <3
A shame she's homophobic.

And there he is… Mr Baby Girl. With the UwU speak lmao 🤣 that's really common with TIMs, isn't it? Cutesy talk. It makes them sound so creepy. Like sir, you're a 40 yo man, why are you trying to sound like an anime girl?

And oooooh boy. Timothy already looked cursed as a picture, but seeing him in the flesh is way worse! I don't know how some of these women don't peak instantly just by being on his presence lol.

30 April 2023 11:54 PM

“Cis gay men’s Transphobic Dating bases”

Damnit they discovered my grindr didn’t they

1 May 2023 12:11 AM

YES! YES! You have delivered! The man! The myth! The cringe! Timothy! Oh lawdy I’d hate to be around him and his uwu speak. That’s setting off red flags that he likes to spike drinks to get uwu time with the lesbians.

1 May 2023 12:21 AM

Noooooooo Rusty why must you do this to us 😭

1 May 2023 12:34 AM

THE FACT I COULD JUST,,, HEAAARRR, HOW HE WOULD’VE SOUNDED COMING INTO THE ROOM OMFG 💀 im glad you gave me the greasy, unwashed, dyed hair like that cause i know one in real life who does that with his hair too 😭

1 May 2023 12:40 AM

My brain often does this word association thing by default, & this post made the phrase, “Fawning is a trauma-response” spring to mind… depressing.

1 May 2023 12:45 AM

HELP NOOO THE BREAST PADS, literally every tim I’ve met irl have had those disgusting pads 😭 such a horse’s caricature of what they think women are ew ew ew
Also Blaire rushing off to complete his order 🤣 literally the strongest gendie warrior, can’t wait to see her get even worse

1 May 2023 1:14 AM

AAAAAAAAAA (great page)

1 May 2023 2:13 AM

My eyes! I can’t wait to see the hell of his character page lmao

1 May 2023 4:01 AM

May the lesbian deities bless Faith so she never has to interact with a man like this ever in her life 🙏

Blaire's Wife
Blaire's Wife
1 May 2023 5:43 AM

every time you post a page featuring Elissa me and my gf despair over how cute she is despite being a a gendie

1 May 2023 6:24 AM

You know the panel is great when I feel like I got smacked with a newspaper

1 May 2023 6:42 AM

psychic damage inflicted upon me aside, 10/10 job drawing the scrote. i kept having to go back and make sure i wasn’t misunderstanding what was going on because my brain literally could not compute that they were all calling this obvious moid a she.

1 May 2023 6:50 AM

ow ow ow ow psychic damage

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
1 May 2023 7:13 AM

To distract ourselves let’s participate in fandom and make some pocket bios gyns:

Name: Clicker (when im feeling nasty/ Ms.Clicker (If you nasty 😉 )
Pronouns: BO/FA (please always ask me about my pronouns!)
Preferred Adjectives: Glutten-free, Serendipitous, green card-refusing, tax-evading.
Kinks: …..LOVE🥺……………………………………………..big knockers.

Your turn theydies!

1 May 2023 7:21 AM


1 May 2023 7:28 AM

One of my core values is consent. If someone isn’t interested in dating a person or a class of people the discussion ends there. No shaming, no coercion, no “explanation” about why they should if they don’t want to. Any attempt past the “No” deserves increasingly rude reaponses

1 May 2023 7:29 AM

Soooo do we finally get his bio up now? 🥺🙏

1 May 2023 7:46 AM

You killed me, Rusty. I’ve taken an instant 10d10 psychic damage and have been slain. I can hear this page, loudly, and it sounds like warbling falsetto and plastic on a cheese grater. I can probably smell this page too, honestly.

1 May 2023 8:08 AM

Can’t add onto my comment on mobile but I don’t know why it autocorrected male to horse 😅

1 May 2023 12:07 PM

It was me! I was that barista!

1 May 2023 2:47 PM

This page made me actually physically nauseous. This is the most cursed content you have ever posted. 🤢🤢🤢🤮 I need a psychic cleanse.

1 May 2023 3:06 PM

What a horrible day for the human race to have evolved eyes.

1 May 2023 10:42 PM

I changed my mind i woke up this morning and an artist I followed just turned their very cool and interestingly designed female oc into a transbian 😔 this page has now gone from painful to somewhat vindicating

1 May 2023 10:56 PM

I’m more surprised how unfazed I am by this dude, guess being desensitized to ugly shit has its benefits. Also F in the chat for MJ for getting the fake tit right in her face. 😔🙏
(If any lady wants to hide from the horror behind me, you’re welcome to do so.)

Miss terfy
Miss terfy
1 May 2023 11:54 PM

The first thing I saw when the page loaded was those balloon (????) boobs and I was so shocked that part of me died. Thanks Rusty, now I need some bleach for my eyes.

2 May 2023 12:30 AM

Ladies, no 😭 that’s a whole terrible man. I’m Very Concerned (and interested!) for the class of the two worlds. This is a nailbiter!
(Personally, I love the Gendie scenes because I like watching characters get worse. “Will they continue in their nonsense?? Or will they overcome?!”

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
2 May 2023 1:36 AM

Okay just got to check his cast page and I KNEEEEW he would be after Blaire; they always have a gross ass crush on one girl of the group and I knew that Blaire was gonna be it.

2 May 2023 1:51 AM

Okay so there’s this webcomic called What Happens Next written by a TIF. Currently in the comic there’s a conflict brewing between the ‘bad’ TERF lesbian character and the gendie characters from her college (one of whom is her childhood friend). The thing is out of the three gendies, one bears a resemblance to Timothy and another is fucking identical to Martha-Jane. In conclusion you’re a prophet and an artist.

2 May 2023 4:38 AM

Rusty. This is not how I wanted to start my vacation. ☠️ hueRGH

2 May 2023 5:44 AM

Am I the only one EXTREMELY worried for Blaire after reading Timothy’s bio? 😬
I feel like this could also potentially lead to Blaire peaking. One of the biggest factors that led to me peaking was realizing how many TIM’s has been total creeps to me. It became too hard to deny their male-ness when they were still behaving the same way as other males.

2 May 2023 9:25 AM

Thoughts from reading the cast page:

1. Minor typo: should be cosmetology, I’m pretty sure
2. Is his last name a reference to the TIM irl whose last name is Hiscock?
3. Blaire. T_____T. Girl, run.

Honestly, given how revolting he is, I am here begging and praying he’s it, he’s the peak, and you’re not going to inflict the worst of agps_that_make_you_want_to_die on us. The universe was not built to withstand it 🙈 thank Sappho for your “bare minimum male presence” so we don’t (🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞) have to suffer through an ABDL agp more explicit than Timothy’s revolting “babygirl” garbage.

My hope for a Blaire redemption arc has definitely gone up, though! That prospect has cured 0.000001% of the psychic damage inflicted by this page.

(I want the actors AU of all the gendie club women. I want to know what they do to heal themselves from having to shoot this scene, and get a nice scene of them just chilling, no makeup, wigs off, probably getting provided therapy cats to help recover. I hope there’s lots of horsing around between shots just to help release the grossness… Do I remember correctly that the men in the actor AU are CGI? So I guess it’s not as bad because they’re just acting with, like, a broom as a stand in, way less psychically damaging. I’m just gonna sit here imagining this in detail as my fixit for enduring this page. All future appearances of Timothy are now deemed a broom with a gross ratty old costume wig in my head.)

2 May 2023 6:48 PM

This is the most male looking man you’ve ever drawn and I love that for you 💖
Also, Ty for the flashbacks to that one TIM waiter at a bar who was wearing a tiny crop-top with “babygirl” written on it… Scarred for life.

3 May 2023 11:31 AM

Apart from that I’m still floored by how much you’ve improved! Comparing the first chapter to this (no matter the physic damage taken lmao) it’s wonderful seeing your progression! It really gives a baby artist like me confidence to keep drawing female centric art and comics so thank you! No matter the second hand embarrassment from some of these characters I always look forward to reading each installment!
(also mega looking forward to it if you ever make a physical copy or more merch!)

4 May 2023 3:32 AM

How did you manage to make the TIMmy so utterly grotesque. He is the most male man I’ve ever seen: from the creepy-ass bio to the look. I’m disgusted. I feel invaded just by his presence.

Also, girl: Blair, run.

Woman Writes Gaslighty Fanfic About My Motives In The Comments
Woman Writes Gaslighty Fanfic About My Motives In The Comments
6 May 2023 2:36 AM

It’s deeply sad that, lacking any legitimate evidence of wrongs committed by trans people, you made up a scenario so deeply over-the-top as to come across as self-parody.

This comes across as a brain-damaged fantasy on the level of “The Big Bang Theory” – so terrified of ever actually making contact with real people that you’ll just invent an imaginary boogeyman to piss yourself at.

You won’t stop, of course, but it’s important someone point iut to you that none of this is based on anything real – you made it up to make yourself feel persecuted.

Do with that what you will. You’ll spend your life miserable anyway.

11 May 2023 7:57 AM


Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
14 May 2023 1:05 PM

Mmm….wait wait…Im just noticing something here…SO, Tiffany was in the initial pages, but she is nowhere to be seen neither supporting the Double-rubber wonder or worrying in the background…perhaps im just reading too much into it. Perhaps Tiffany left before all this but…knowing Rusty….Mmph. Making me think things.

none pizza left beef
none pizza left beef
18 May 2023 1:40 PM

so true, man. you should show your coworkers this post and then explain what it’s about so they can see how hard you owned the transes and how incredibly sane you are.

none pizza left beef
none pizza left beef
18 May 2023 7:56 PM

A ridiculous, regressive parody of a radical feminist webcomic. Send me your search history, you right-wing tar pit; I must study you for science.

Black Arbor
Black Arbor
18 May 2023 11:03 PM

Never knew about your comic ’til I saw this page posted to Ovarit, This was both hilarious and horrific! You captured the TIM look perfectly, and I hate that I love it hahaha

don't think twice
don't think twice
25 May 2023 4:36 AM

Being trans is self-contradictory. Trans men are poor, misguided lesbians, unless they want to date men, in which case they’re homophobic and deluded. Trans women are cunning, inisidious manipulators, capable of deceiving whole groups, unless they’re trying to enter a bar, in which case they are burly, hairy, and easily defeated. Dating other trans people makes you pathetic and dating cis people means you’re a predator. Transgenderism is a temporary nuisance. Nobody watched Paris is Burning; no trans person suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis. Christine Jorgensen, Lili Elbe, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft itself? Preposterous. Biology is immutable and puberty irrevocable. No one knows what hrt is. There are two sexes – the good one and the bad one – and segregation between them is essential for a healthy society. Despite this terrible truth, feminism shoulders on. REAL feminists know that transgenderism is sexist because it upholds sexist stereotypes, except when it doesn’t, in which case the transes should be mocked for not even trying. The gender menace is strong/weak – they’re coming for your women/they ARE your women – and it cannot/can be easily stopped.

22 May 2024 7:53 AM

NOOOO my eyes!!!!

1 June 2024 1:50 PM

Lmao I’m laughing at the last panel because that Man President looks like he’s trying to breastfeed his little underlings, despite references to himself as “Babygirl” and wants to be babied and spoonfed. Maybe that’s why his fake knockers are called mommy milkers xD

3 October 2024 10:11 AM

jahshahHHhshshahsAHWHWHSHSHEHSHSUDJSJSJDJJSJS LADIES ANND GENTLEMEN, THE CIRCUS HAS COME TO TOWN!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 girl, your sense of humor is GOLDEN! This made my day, thank you

3 October 2024 10:13 AM

But in a more serious commentary, it’s so upsetting to see so many women brainwashed into sucking up to a NASTY BLOKE like that