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25 thoughts on “CH12P32

  1. When Chris wasn’t here, Shez seemed so big. She’s taller than Meriam now, she’s gained all this muscle, her hair is gigantic, and all her sisters are so small that she look much bigger in comparison. I think it’s genius because she FELT big, too. She really thought she could take him, or at least present enough of an obstacle to buy everybody else some time.

    This panel is such a stark reminder how much bigger than her he still is. How much stronger. And how little of a chance she ever stood.

    Also, I hope they sue him for attempted murder (unlikely as it is). Actually, I hope they run him over with a car.

    1. Yesss omg, that’s exactly what I was hoping to come across! Especially when Shez was rushing towards Chris.

      She looks big and bulky, especially next to Meriam and her sisters. She looks strong, definitely edging into power fantasy. Because that’s how she felt. How capable and grown many of us feel at 14.

      I think you will very much enjoy what awaits Chris in future pages 🥰🥰

  2. Aaaa I can’t wait for this freak to die for doing this shit, I really hope present day Shez and her family got therapy for all of this hell they had to put up with

    1. 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Hope I’m correctly guessing what’s coming and don’t want to say in case I’m right.

  4. Now this is starting to get a bit evil. Each update leaves poor Shez in a worse place than the previous page.
    But seriously, I am so glad you decided to do this special Shez event with multiple updates a week. I think I’d be losing sanity if I had to wait a full week between the updates

    1. Both things absolutely by design 😅
      The original plan was to release a page each day so I reaaaaaally leaned into the cliffhangers!
      Glad I’ve got you gyns on the edge of your seats, makes all the work I put in to this chapter very worth it 🥰🥰

  5. This is kinda off topic haha but is the ballroom night chapter going to be after this chapter possibly? Cuz I have been looking forward to it 🙂 no pressure of course!

    1. It sure is! I’ve been working on pages since finishing CH12. The plan is for it to come out as normal right after CH12 – but I am dealing with some medical stuff that may require a small pause between chapters.

      Either way, I’ll keep you ladies posted when it gets closer to that date. CH12 has got a ways to go yet – and after the flashback portion we will be returning to a regular weekly upload schedule.


  7. 😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😢😢😢😢😰😰😰😥😥😥

  8. Sad reality of being a girl.

    Don’t worry though, he’ll suffer. Eventually.

    1. That is a promise ✊️

  9. dasfeministmermaid

    Omg omg omg OMG 😭


  11. Oh my god, she’s so little still. :'(

  12. Please, male character syndrome! Do your charms on this moid!

  13. This page is truly painful. Immediately made me recoil my neck like a tutle. At this point I think you could make him get the awaited nutkick, spontaneously combust then be shat by koalas and devoured by ants and it still would not feel like enough punishment

    on a more real life note and why his move was so heinous even if somehow his intent was to scare and not truly to k*ll Shamzey (i doubt it):
    “The level of control is rapid. It only takes 6.8 seconds, on average, to render someone unconscious.” from https://ifas.org.uk/let-it-be-clear-there-is-no-safe-way-to-strangle/


    “While approximately half of patients strangled will sustain no immediate physical injury, strangulation has potential significant sequelae such as carotid dissection, hypoxic brain injury and laryngeal injury. Non-fatal strangulation by an intimate partner increases homicide risk by 7.48 times.” from source https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2022/november/management-of-non-fatal-strangulation/

    Awful awful awful 😭😭😭😭😭

    1. Completely agree! It was difficult to draw as well. Especially finding non-sexualizes reference photos 🤢🤮

      Very important information to consider too. The fact there’s swaths of people who’ve been successful in rebranding strangulation to “breathplay” is insidious.

      1. Yeah fair like, IDRC if some people out there find it hot to caress feet or get blindfolded and tickled or playing with gloves/fur/leather/lace/etc even if i don’t partake due to having zero interest (just respect boundaries and keep it on your bedrooms yknow? know your audience and all that) but I was never sold on the idea of practices as “safe choking” and “safe burning” and the like. I’m sorry but i find that insane.

        Some things are just plain damaging and there’s no way around it. Someone who loves you should care about your wellbeing and in some cases that means saying No, we are not doing that, period.

        1. Exactly! Consent is the bare minimum, not an immunity to criticism.

          You can consent to many things that harm you, but the harm is not negated. Imagine if people responded to “smoking causes lung cancer” with “Well some people LIKE it!! What if they CHOOSE to get lung cancer??”

          My judgement lies heaviest with those willing to harm. “But what if she WANTS to be harmed”, then that’s an issue that needs professional, mental help. The question that gets left unasked is “Why does he get off on/ agree to harming her?”

          If you remove the sex from the equation, what behaviour are you left with? Is it someone enjoying the sensation of their feet being touched/the texture of a fabric/heightened sensitivty by closing your eyes… or is it one partner beating the other?

          A world of difference.

  14. I hope we get to see all grown up (ish) Karissa, Rocky, and Krissy! As great as this storytelling is, I’ll be glad to get away from all the darkness of this scene/mini-arc.

    1. Completely understandable ❤️
      And yes, you will be seeing everyone’s present day selves later in the chapter 🥰

  15. What’s your opinion on the situation of women in Palestine?

    1. I’m not taking unrelated political questions like this under comic pages. Maybe the FAQ section if it relates back to the comic in general.

      I will say I am pro-palestine tho. There’s no other way to look at the situation but horrific, unnecessary, criminal and tragic.

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