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Bonus Mini 10 – Identity Defence

This page is brought to you by the split-attraction model not being real + humans cannot change their sex.
Sexual orientation = the sex(es) your attraction orients around. Everything outside of that is a preference.

And unfortunately Miss Clancy McBabyLesbian here has low preference standards U_U.


Also, another CH12 page speedpaint has been uploaded to LB's Boosty!
Thank you very much to the generous ladies who have shown support so far <333
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27 August 2023 8:41 PM

*sets eyes on fire to forget this sight* 🙂

27 August 2023 8:50 PM

mj has no business being this cute

27 August 2023 9:03 PM


Another cute mini comic, I worry for Clancy i really hope she makes it out of the gendie club soon, I don’t blame her for falling for MJ tho.. she is unfortunately rather cute

27 August 2023 9:30 PM

Nooooo when I last checked Parniya was still winning! I was so happy and my dreams were crushed, crushed I tell you! I am going to get nightmares. How much do I have to pay you to never draw “Babygirl” again? 100? 500?

That said, Clancy is a sweetheart and I wish her the best. I feel her. I have definitely done dumber things than that to impress girls/women.

27 August 2023 10:19 PM

Avoiding Babygirl is the one valid reason for a gender identity.

I don’t know what scares me more here, “bathroom buddy” or “another” WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAST ONE?? Don’t worry though Clancy, if Blaire is any indication, Timothy prefers the “shaved and covered in makeup and impractical sexualized clothing at all times” rather than women who just look like their actual selves.

Nothing more unattractive than women who look like women, right?

27 August 2023 10:52 PM

“Yaoi Island” is that a reference to the Yaoi “Dick Fight Island” (if not please ignore this comment and DO NOT GOOGLE IT)

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
27 August 2023 11:56 PM

First …this funny LOL.
Second, at first I was thinking it was unrealistic for a woman to go through all this circus to get some coochie but then I remembered my friend; who met a Catholic girl and went from doubting if god even existed to doing catechism for almost a year and claiming that God didn’t mind homosexuality as long as we had faith….only to be dumped when the girl told her she was trying to get rid of her ‘sin’.

Or another friend that hated the smell of smoke but begin smoking weed because her 420 tinder gf convinced her it’d help her be less uptight and nervous; and she did so even though weed gave her nothing but panic episodes. Kept it up for seven months.

Or another friend who kept defending her on and off when she said some out of pocket shit until the girl made a post on FB that literally dragged on her ancestry before she finally dumped her.

All I’m saying is, some lesbians can get desperate when we realize how small our dating pool is and how little care the world has for our relationships. And maybe that’s why some of us end up clinging to toxic women or changing our world view as quick as we change partners.
Compared to my previous examples, writing some silly shit on your bio to impress a woman is easy peasy people’s pleasing.

So young lesbians: No matter what type of woman, what type of worldview or what type of relationship you’re striving for; you shouldn’t shape yourself just to fit the ideal of the other.

However difficult getting a partner might seem, it isn’t worth your integrity, your autonomy, or your independence as a woman.

28 August 2023 12:00 AM

A love line?! (Like a triangle, but flat)
Now I’m dreaming of all the scenarios where MJ could realize Clancy is RIGHT THERE.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
28 August 2023 12:09 AM

I actually was on here the moment you posted this, hehehe. I just needed a moment to process this. Man, without dumping too much into the trauma that brought me there on top of it, Clancy… I feel for you girl. But that also gives me hope for her.

28 August 2023 1:43 AM

In an alternate universe I’m bursting through the doors of the QT Club, grabbing Clancy bridal style (in this au I’m actually strong enough to do it) and rescuing her from the gender havers like a knight in shining (green) armor.

28 August 2023 2:01 AM

Aw man, I think my comments are getting eaten by the website, I wanted to know if “Yaoi Island” is a reference to any specific Yaoi? I find the Yaoi references in this comic so funny, Yaoi being such a big thing among female gendies is so telling cus it’s all just straight female fantasies, tifs discovering they’re a gay man through reading Yaoi is like tims discovering they’re lesbians from lesbian p*rn lol, peak hetero behaviour!

28 August 2023 3:22 AM

Clancy is so real for this

28 August 2023 4:41 AM

lol – Funny, but not funny…

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
28 August 2023 4:42 AM

I love this ship so much!! Thank you for drawing them <3 But I just have one question… Why does a GROWN MAN think he needs a bathroom buddy?

Also, *votes Parniya, votes Parniya, votes Parniya, votes Parniya*

28 August 2023 3:58 PM

A while ago before voting, seeing Clancy: 😍😃🙃👏👏

Me after seeing the page: Aww Clancy 😢💔😣

Should’ve been more patient and voted for Parniya against all odds. Fell too easily for that bait thinking it’d be something happy and comforting, something outside any QT club setting. Too soon, too soon

btw, “the split-attraction model not being real”, would you elaborate on what is meant by this??

Thank you for the new page regardless! hope the boosty initiative is going well 😊

Normal person
Normal person
29 August 2023 1:03 AM

God, poor Clancy… Now I’m wondering, though – is MJ herself victim to this sort of crap making her adopt a new ‘identity’ for acceptance?

Her utterly toxic friendship with Tiffany sadly reminds me of some of my old friendships with gendies – they made it very clear that the worst possible thing anyone could ever be was a “cis female”, so I admit I took the path of least resistance and said I “didn’t really feel strongly identified as a woman” and “all pronouns were fine”.

While the other comic showed that MJ and Tiffany were friends before, I wouldn’t be surprised if her best friend/crush openly despising “cis bitches” helped push MJ into her own nonsense, especially since (so far, at least) it seems MJ is one of the few gendies in the group who actually seems like she’s an overall decent and functional person instead of a spoiled brat – Marcie is a bully who was horrible to Riley, Elissa is incredibly creepy about gay men, Tiffany would be the worst character in the comic if it weren’t for the TIMs, etc.

MJ hasn’t really done anything bad I can think of except enable Tiffany, which was done with good intentions… Maybe I’m being too charitable, but it feels like MJ’s more a victim of social contagion . But regardless, great comic and very on the nose lmao.

29 August 2023 1:09 AM

Oh no this page made my heart hurt.

Need some Clancy/MJ post-peaking fluff to heal my wounds…

30 August 2023 9:02 AM

I started reading LB yesterday and I can’t believe I’ve already gotten to the last update!! It’s so good ty so much for your hard work!

30 August 2023 11:45 PM

Omg MJ’s GLOVES 💀 man, I hate to admit this, but I totally relate to MJ. I never fell into the gendie nonsense myself, but was raised very “traditionally” and when I got to college, I joined all the campus LGBT+ groups. I never felt gay enough for my college friends as just a lesbian and wondered if I was internally homophobic since I couldn’t wrap my head around the non-binary stuff. But most of my friends, by the time I graduated, were trans-identified females in one way or another. Had a BIG crush on a TIF who hated on “cis people” and thought about just saying I was non-binary to fit in. Very glad I didn’t now, but the gloves? Those were a good choice and I stand by that.

31 August 2023 3:12 AM

Is “Baby Girl” the only male/TIM in the entire club?

My college campus is as liberal as they get and TIMs seem to be just as common there as TIFs if not more so.

I get there’s a point to be made about why everyone fawns over that bastard who declares himself president though.

31 August 2023 1:50 PM

Eye bleach! Take here your eye bleach!

2 November 2023 11:36 PM

This one is too real omg 😂😭

13 June 2024 5:27 AM

I’m curious about your stance on intersex people. If they have an intersex condition where they really just aren’t assignable male or female, do you think doctors should assign them one anyway, so that they can conform, or do you think they should just be cisgendered their own way, since they aren’t male or female on a biological level? (This is a genuine question btw)