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Sharp Tone Shift In-Coming. (Aren't Shez and Parns gr8 tho?)

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14 September 2019 3:13 AM

Hey, I like your art and story so far, I just wanted to clarify something? At first, when those guys were trying to get in, I figured the idea was they were obviously men pretending to be trans women so they could creep on the women in the club because they did seem really suspicious. However, after that explanation if what a trans woman is, it seems like you’re actually trying to say that real trans women aren’t actually women. Is that the case, or am I reading into it?

21 October 2019 9:59 AM

Having been confronted by men obviously appropriating lesbianism like such and then getting violent with lesbians for defending themselves— fuck, it is all too accurate and I thank you for writing stories that accurately reflect a lesbian’s experience with trans women.

lesbian with same haircut as Jaden
lesbian with same haircut as Jaden
10 November 2019 3:26 PM

There’s an explanation above— about how trans women aren’t female? And I just gotta say, you put it in the best words I’ve ever heard it in. Also, I’m starting to feel second hand pain from Jaden’s purple nose ;((( This is amazing art, I really vibe with it!

"Witty" Bootlicker
"Witty" Bootlicker
7 September 2020 6:18 AM

its the transphobia for me!!!

7 July 2021 1:22 PM

I grew up hearing nothing but jokes from straight men about how they’re lesbians because they love women and it honestly had me so confused from such a young age about my own sexuality because surely if being a lesbian was a real thing it wouldn’t be such a joke for the men in my family right? I think of my girlfriend’s little sister, who’s about to turn twelve and everyone can tell that she’s gay, finding out from the internet that straight men have found a way to commit to the joke, and it makes me feel sick. She deserves to grow up in a world where being a lesbian just means being female and exclusively same sex attracted