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Sorry to the ladies who thought we were in the clear... This was just the start of a pattern U_U </3

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18 January 2022 12:18 PM

Love your attention to details on Jacob’s onesie and his papoose-like baby carrier. That eye to detail helps the panels feel complete despite the background being rather simple for emotional reasons.

19 January 2022 10:53 AM

aah i feel like you captured a v real dynamic that forms bw overworked, overstressed mothers & their daughters who are adultified too early as a result 🙁 on a brighter note, jacob’s little baby carrier sling is v cute 🙂

16 May 2022 7:39 PM

The fact you have Josie consistently apologizing to Jaden just BLOWS ME AWAY… maybe I already said that in one of my other comments but I’ll say it again because I truly, deeply value this.

Things changed with me and my mom when she started to say sorry.

& like. I am CHILDLESS and will be forever unless that child is four-legged furry and of a different species *kisses my cat* but like, I have to imagine to some level it’s not easy to apologize to your child. This little living person who you are The Boss of, this little person who often doesn’t listen to you or understand what’s going on. A lot of people take saying sorry as some level of. idk humiliation. Like very few of the parents I know would ever say SORRY to their kid, they want to be seen as Always Correct Authority. I LOVE to see Josie doing better then that. Josie does understand Jaden is a human person, not a little robot…. of course Josie still does make mistakes, but gosh

It would be so easy to write Josie like a villain. RAH RAH EVIL MOM DID BAD THINGS. and I think a lot of people are prone to blaming their own parents a lot too, it’s just… Easier to have a villain, sometimes. But you’re not about that, nah nah! You write all these women with nuance… I love to see Josie is trying so hard, trying her best. she does subject Jaden to a lot of awful sexism. She made serious mistakes. Horrible mistakes. But wowie! I sure hope this apology trend continues! I’d love to see Josie at one point apologize to adult Jaden, and give her a hug. MMMM MOM-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIPS HEALING IS SUCH A DREAM TO ME…

of course to some level, I’m sure Josie apologizing does make things a little more complicated for Jaden, HA. Like I said, sometimes it’s easier when a person is a villain. Jaden gets to be very aware that her mother LOVES her. So Jaden doesn’t want to rebel against that. She doesn’t want to be ungrateful. Like I’m worried at some point when we jump to the future Jaden might be like

🙁 i should not have yelled at my mom she was just worried about me 🙁 i yelled at her because she was worried about a bruise? sheesh 🙁

Like a person can really see why Jaden doesn’t push very hard against Josie in her childhood…. Josie makes it clear she has sincere love for Jaden, and Jaden is smart and knows the strain their family is under is not mom’s fault. Mom suffers a lot. Like of course she’s going to have so much crazy guilt when she tries to leave home. Her mom isn’t an egotistical jerk parent who’s easy to leave behind. Mom is humble enough to say sorry to a little kid.

If Josie wasn’t the kind of parent who says sorry maybe Jaden would have flown free way earlier on

But yeah my main point is THANK YOU for writing Josie having a habit of apologizing to Jaden. I love to see it (and hope maybe at some point we can see more. more more more i love apologies)

9 January 2024 6:10 AM

This right here is my favorite page of leasebound.

It’s such a small situation, overall, and Josie apologizes for overreacting… But it’s the way you can already tell that Jaden is learning not to ask for help, not to take up too much space, not to be a burden.

And yet, can you truly fault Josie? She is stuck in a terrible situation, constantly exhausted, still grieving, and doing the best she can. This page really manages to encapsulate a lot of complicated feelings that most of us end up having towards our parents, I think.

Sometimes I remember being a child and I think: You should have done better. And then I think about my mother being twenty-one years old with a baby and I remember BEING twenty-one and I think. I couldn’t have done a better job. She did amazing.

So there isn’t an easy answer, ever. And this page really does a good job at showing exactly why.