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CH12.5 – PART 3

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2 June 2024 8:15 PM

Aww, yeah! Loving the sudden Nelly cameo, hating that this made me go “Is a guarantor the same as a co-signer?” and end up Googling it at 6:30 in the morning. (It’s not: “A co-signer is responsible for every payment that a borrower misses. However, a guarantor only assumes responsibility if the borrower falls into total default.”)

3 June 2024 12:01 AM

Oh my god Ruth ToT She has such a big heart under her grumpy exterior ToT (i mean we knew it already but she really does everything she can to help and protect women around her ToT

And to think she was still the bouncer until Shez arrived, damn. Also Nellyyyyyyy <3 she's so cute !

Loyalty and trust are earned through actions, you bet Shez is gonna protect Yonique and extend her hand to struggling women like Jaden after the help she received from Ruth.

I know this epilogue is about Shez but it's giving us such an amazing insight into Ruth too !
Gosh it's just so beautiful and comforting to see how after such an isolated childhood, Shez found such a great surrounding of women around her to help her and her family.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
3 June 2024 12:08 AM

Oh Ruth. You’re just prickly with a heart of gold… 🥹

3 June 2024 5:37 AM

RUTHHHH ;-; i’m not crying, you’re crying. but for real, she’s such a good character + i love her helping shez <333333

3 June 2024 9:09 AM

Nell is my fan fave so happy we’ll soon see more of her! I really want to see a flashback to the early days at some point! Or Ruth and Nell wrecking some scrotes in the current year, I’m not too picky.

3 June 2024 10:53 AM

WOO HOO TIME FOR SOME RUTH POSTING. For a long time Ruth was my favorite. Now it’s not so easy to pick who the favorite is, and I can envision that getting more difficult to decide as we get to know the other characters even better.

She is so silly and so tsundere. Oh Ruth you don’t need to be like “I’M ONLY DOING THIS COS I DON’T LIKE HEARING YOU COMPLAIN V_V”. Though definitely a person gets the impression Ruth is the rougher one between herself and Naomi-Grace. Ruth is the one who choose to be the bouncer after-all. And it is SO COMPLETELY BONKERS that Ruth was STILL doing bouncer work… STILL???? Nelly has to be the most stressed person at Yonique. Or at least she had to have been before Ruth finally retired from that.

But you know, the fact Ruth was being a bouncer for SO LONG really gives more context as to why she hired Jaden on the spot. She definitely was feeling that Jaden was saying was like… Deeply sincere and deeply relatable, I suspect. She has to have a special spot in her heart for her bouncers.

I also almost wonder if the gruff demeanor is almost strategic. I have to think being at the center of a woman’s community is HARD and STRESSFUL work. Just from the way Ruth has talked in other scenes she’s been in, I think she has put up with a LOT of crap over the years. Lots of nasty people attacking her for dumb reasons. And probably of women who aren’t necessarily nasty, but want her help with different things.

I really do think it’s easy for Ruth to get a lot of responsibility piled on her. The more intimidating and off-putting personality means people are less likely to bother her about different stuff. I really think it was all a lot easier when Ruth had her other half with her. I bet they made a great team building Yonique together and handling all the different aspects of the business as well as the needs of the community around them. Noami-Grace no longer being around had to have been a huge loss for the community. In my local community we had an elder lesbian who was running a local gay organization and certain things really fell apart without her around. (Stuff I didn’t really know much about first-hand, a friend who’s older then me told me.) I kind of suspect that by working on LeaseBound you’ve been given some insights as to the things Ruth has had to deal with. What greater inspiration can there be for the eventual attack on Yonique more then the activists having tantrums over the comic itself?

Overall I am so glad we get this little epilogue. I really enjoy this cute art style you use for the extra bits of LB, always a delight to see. And I’m glad you have a way to show us extra information that doesn’t fit inside the story of the comic itself.

It’s SOOOO nice to see this family no longer living in isolation and getting to mingle around with other women, to build a life through the new connections they are making. Overall I want to see these messages shown in more stories. A lot of the time there’s this sort of DO IT YOURSELF attitude that goes along with things, a person goes and makes their lives better by training alone in the mountains (or by doing heavy lifting with a bunch of boulders lol) and those stories can be great, but a lot of the time our best opportunities in life come from meeting and being supported by the right people. I love seeing this happen for Shez and Meriam. I love that Jaden is experiencing the same thing, too.

and now here’s a question you definitely don’t need to answer if you don’t feel like it… I’m trying to make my own little website, and of course I’m no web designer. I’ve seen you say that LB is built by wordpress plug-ins. Any chance you might be able to let me know which one lets you do that effect in the cast page where you can click their name and the text appears? Thanks a bunch if you can let me know. If you don’t want to, that’s totally fine. Thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask! 😀

As always thanks for sharing your creativity with us. Really great well thought out story, gorgeous art, always a delight to get an update here.

Shinra Rhul
Shinra Rhul
4 June 2024 3:07 AM

I’m loving Nell so much already 🥰

Also, I finally got the wig for my Riley cosplay. Thankfully, th gendies haven’t gotten me banned yet

6 June 2024 3:08 AM

Happy pride month to everyone! Shez, Nell and ESPECIALLY Ruth 😭😭😭