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This week's lineartist is: the highly insightful comment section regular, Miss Kory!

The thumbnail I gave her: [here]

My favourite thing about this page: I love how Kory added so much more to the panel 2 pose by putting Blaire's hands around Riley's neck, rather than on her shoulders as I originally envisioned. It's so subtle but sinister. She is also responsible for Brick's much more pronounced clown nose!

Mushy Stuff: Kory is an incredibly kind, thoughtful and intelligent woman. I am so thankful for how often she has offered advice on how to make LB better (and worse in a good way, hehe >:3), and also that by making LB , I had the good fortune to meet her at all.

Shout Out: Kory has her own webcomic she's working on the first chapter of! It's called Chevaleresses, and she describes it as a feminist, lesbian fantasy story. There are already several pages to enjoy - so please send some love to her inbox!

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Miss Kory
Miss Kory
8 October 2023 8:33 PM

*incoherent excited rambles and noises*

8 October 2023 8:42 PM

Oh man, Riley has no idea what a bullet she just (at least temporarily) dodged with that absolutely adorable non-answer. I love her. What a sweet, smooth thing to say.

It’s really creepy how Blaire puts her on the spot like that, especially the phrasing. Sexual boundaries as “obsession” and same-sex attraction reduced to “what’s in people’s pants” as if it wasn’t so much more than that. Sadly an attitude I’ve encountered plenty.

No, it’s not just about what’s in her pants, it’s also about voice, and scent, and general shape, and all the million little details. (But it also is about what’s in her pants, haha.)

Very fitting and typical of Brick to be disgusted by very very mild same-sex affection, too. But she’d lose her shit for sure if anyone implied that might be homophobia! She’s ~queer~ after all and couldn’t possibly be homophobic, you aphobic bigot, or something like that.

8 October 2023 9:15 PM

The artstyle in this panel reminds me of Coraline by P. Craig Russell, very fitting, saying that I think I’d rather take my chances with the Other Mother than the QT club πŸ˜…

8 October 2023 9:23 PM

Riley: “because we’d have to break up for that to happen”
Me: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/265/962/2b6

8 October 2023 9:39 PM

Brick: Hello lesbian woman I’ve just met… YOU WOULD HAVE SEX WITH A PENIS RIGHT???
Also Brick: ew stop being affectionate with your girlfriend in front of me that’s inappropriate!!!

Why you gotta be so accurate Rusty πŸ˜‘

8 October 2023 11:21 PM

Miss Kory did a delightful job on the lineart, both with the poses, face expressions, and with Brick in all her clownish glory!

Brick seems to think lesbians are attracted to she/her pronouns and (mtf men’s) self-image. Noticing the shape of someone’s body? Their voice? The parts of their body they’d touch during sex? A nonfactor, Brick is sure πŸ™ƒ

I really wish Riley had said “that was PDA?” out loud. I understand why she’s afraid to stand up for herself, but it’d be satisfying to watch Brick sloppily explain why it’s not homophobic for her to show disgust at Blaire saying “aww, baby” to her girlfriend (in what was formerly a gay org…).

Also, they have her in a chair while they saunter around like the “good cop bad cop” routine in a police interrogation. That’s so telling. (Is it just me, or does the trans movement employ this tactic a lot? “It’s oppressive and wrong and boring at best for cis girls to do (a given thing), but that same action is unquestionable, beautiful, and revolutionary on a trans man/enby.”)

Rusty does justice to the “Emperor’s new clothes”/upside-down paperthin-veiled-homophobia of the “TQ Union” every time the gendies appear, and now that they’re interacting with an actual lesbian, I wish I could reach into the screen and pull Riley out of there.

Also, it’s unnerving how anytime Riley is visibly confused about gender ideology or having cognitive dissonance when she tries to integrate the beliefs, Blaire never really answers her questions, instead opting for caressing her, initiating sex, or similar (iirc the “maybe exploring your femininity in a non-traumatic way will help” panel shows Riley’s face covered in her lipstick marks).

I don’t like it, and can only speculate what’s going through Blaire’s head in those moments. Something tells me Blaire barely thinks it through – something like “she needs my affection so she feels reassured” – but that doesn’t make it any less creepy.

Blaire gives a talking point, cuddles Riley so she doesn’t concentrate on the lesbophobic/misogynistic implications, and feels no need to discuss it or think about it further. After all, that might make either of them come to new conclusions, and those have to be preapproved by the trans movement.

8 October 2023 11:27 PM

How would Brick react if some transwoman forced a relationship on her? I’m talking a creep who keeps persisting to wear her down to date her? Would she keep up being asexual sex averse, or would she double down?

9 October 2023 2:16 AM

Omg Bricks face in the first panel πŸ˜‚ she’s such a clown, her disgust at such mild affection between a same sex couple is so incredibly weird as well
This artstyle is rly good tho, I look forward to checking out Korys webcomic!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
9 October 2023 4:29 AM

How some of you find Brick too is beyond me, my dear gyns.

9 October 2023 10:49 AM

Brick: You are a lesbian but would you sleep with a TRANSwoman???? You are a TERF if you don’t.
Also Brick: Keep the PDA to a minimum! Ew!
Girl just asked a lesbian if she would sleep with a male and then got mad when said lesbian is sweet with her gf 😭

9 October 2023 11:01 AM

I’m a pro-trans detransitioner and I really love this comic. I think LB does show a lot of the homophobia and more insidious sides present in the trans community, and it helps me understand the pain that GC lesbians feel as their community feels pushed aside in the wake of trans activism.

I know plenty of trans people who aren’t like the QT Collective and I hope someday there can be a happier medium. Keep up with the beautiful art though. I love Blick and I LOVED Chapter 9.

9 October 2023 11:51 AM

Now that I’m not using my phone, I can leave a better comment! Brick reminds me so, so strongly of someone I used to be friends with who showed disgust towards lesbians/bi women and hid behind her label of asexuality to get away with it.

Like, full on visceral UGH the moment I saw the last panel. She always went out of her way to say things along the lines of DON’T WORRY, I’M NOT GAY!! no matter how innocent my statements were, cos eww, sex.

It all likely came from her older sister more or less being disowned by her (very religious) family, but boy, was it sure something.

Brick, regrettably, is true to life in more than just her Gendie ways.

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
9 October 2023 9:41 PM

I’m loving this guest pages project. Great art from Mare and Miss Kory 😁

Ew, Brick is a nasty piece of homophobic work. I don’t look forward to the big blow-up at all but at the same time, I just want this crappy relationship to end so Riley can drop these homophobes from her life.

Normal person
Normal person
9 October 2023 10:37 PM

God, we were introduced to the Gendies when they were in home territory and weren’t dealing with any issues more significant than a children’s cartoon – they were dumb, but they (mostly) came off as mostly harmless.

This bonus material has been great to ease people into just how trans activists tend to be when challenged in any way (or even when they AREN’T challenged, as seen here) and I’m starting to worry about how bad things will get. Tiffany is by far the uncontested Worst of them but Brick is effortlessly giving her a run for her money lmao, can’t wait to see more.

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
9 October 2023 11:46 PM

Marcie: I don’t like dick, how DARE you force me to like dick, I am ASEXUAL!!

Riley: I don’t like dick.

Marcie: what the fuck?

10 October 2023 2:34 AM

Miss Kory you did a fantastic job on Brick’s emotions. Actually everyone’s emotions! I esp like Brick Yuck face (v punch-able) and Riley’s That Was PDA? face (I wear that face often when seeing certain Hot Takes online).

And yessss another comic to follow!!!

11 October 2023 7:54 AM

Riley’s face at the last panel is everything. She tried to contain the shock but the whiplash was too strong.

Truth be told i am not sure if Riley’s answer was swiftly smart or a lucky brainfart moment hehe. Regardless that was very smooth. Will tha be enough for Brick though?? Will things get calm for now or escalate?? We’ll see πŸ’€…

Miss Kory, in the chance you read all the comments, great job!!! You’re really talented when it comes to drawing hands, it was the first thing that drew my eyes in on the page. Best wishes for your project too!! πŸ€—β€β€

13 October 2023 2:34 AM

Riley be looking like a female version of the “Chad” hahaha. Such masterful deflection!

13 October 2023 7:43 PM

I have given up hope on Blaire having a redemption arc since, well, you said to give up hope…

I still admire how you made her into such a complex character… so important for making it understandable why Riley is attached to her, instead of being left wondering why she puts up with her. Also seriously deepens the upcoming hurt 😐

Brick by contrast is a walking caricature, truly worthy of mockery. Is it safe to assume all the brainwashed QTs stay that way throughout, or is one of them gonna have a “are we the baddies” moment? I look at the comment section of this page and genuinely wonder if such a thing is possible, they are so so brainwashed and painfully not self-aware.

4 May 2024 4:43 AM

Sorry my comments are all over the place, the first time I was able to find this comic my introduction was by a Haterℒ️ and I basically went over it multiple times processing it before letting myself simply peruse the comic the way I would normally, and I’ll randomly be like “Oh there was that other section I had thoughts on”, and so It’s everywhere πŸ˜…

I have experienced a similar vibe to how they just got treated for having affection around a ‘friend’, when I was stealth (predominantly for safety purposes, I wasn’t stealth to my partner or medically), me and my partner could basically do Anything in front of people without anyone doing so much as throwing a judgemental look (the vast majority of the time), but when I’d been off HRT long enough to no longer pass, it was quite noticeable how it went from we could basically do anything, to simply locking arms, holding hands, or me affectionately checking in on my partner became A Bit Much, stare worthy, or would make even our [same + opposite sex attracted company] act uncomfortable as in if something wrong was happening, whereas others who were on the same page still gave as little of an F as they did before.

It’s very disheartening, because it shows the claim that gender/ [sex] etc doesn’t matter to them show as clearly bogus and performative. Someone always says about how it’s not everyone who does that, but in my life, the life of my partner, and many others, they are the overwhelming majority.

4 May 2024 5:33 AM

Ohh ok, I understand the preference to not use the slur, I’ll keep that in mind for future comments!

They all use it to self reference so much that I tend to default to it for them (Though don’t for those who don’t),

I tend to use AGAB as a term for sex for two main reasons, one being I’m (actually) intersex who had an atypical puberty, where people tried to put me on testosterone blockers even though I’m afab, and just saying “female” doesn’t very well encapsulate my experiences medically/biologically even though it covers a lot societally speaking,

the other is because of old academias concepts of male/female feels like a joke, one that somehow is still perpetuated (predominantly, tying in things as simple as colors, hobbies, etc, as in if it’s intrinsic to things like estrogen/testosterone, vulvas/penis etc, I liked things that were labled “male” and people sought to “fix” it),

I wish that after a fashion, our language could have a term that simply referred to original or current biological state that didn’t have the same history to it that was used to oppress people who would fall into the category they made for “female”, so I do believe sex exists, but I always think about how our norms and history created monsters like the ironically named Dr Money, and end up preferring to use a more flexible term, even though that term is also flawed

(I don’t expect that it’ll be the most agreeable perspective, but I hope that the reasoning for my own semantics conveys the difference between denial/hatred and just stuff surrounding one’s own experiences)

4 May 2024 6:25 AM

I feel that, I do think observed sex at birth would work out well for people who have those differing sex conditions while still working within that framework, I’ll still have my own reservations purely because even if I know certain things, like you, to be true, I know others still are working in an entirely different framework and my words will have a wholly different meaning to them.

It is nice regardless to have that perspective laid out clearly, helps since many people will talk about these matters in a more generalized sense and as a result, they could really mean anything.

You saying you find sex to be more concise means something completely different to someone like Ben Shapiro saying he finds sex to be more concise, I only wish these more in depth conversations could be had rather to reactionary rhetoric that seems to be prevalent everywhere at this point (at least online, I do tend to find a lot more nuance is had with real/personal relationships).