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*Catwalk music* Fun's over, tho :/

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6 October 2019 5:22 AM

What a nightmare. At the same time, it’s almost kinda funny how spot on and realistic these designs are. Even though the reality isn’t funny at all. Would it be weird to say that I like how you lit the scene? Good colours.

Gender dumbass
Gender dumbass
7 April 2020 6:45 AM

jesus fucking christ this is bad. i did not expect such blatant transphobia here, lol

7 May 2020 7:39 PM

Jesus christ seems like the only ‘trans’people you saw were Jessica Yaniv and the gamestop guy(And yes they are guys,look at blaire white for a depiction of a real trans woman)

Audrey K
Audrey K
27 May 2020 5:39 AM

I really appreciate you painting TIMs like how they actually look, instead of the sickly kawaii avatars they like to put as their profile pics.

Strawman Parrot
Strawman Parrot
7 September 2020 6:30 AM

we love using transphobic caricatures of trans woman to vilify and dehumanize trans people

18 October 2020 1:01 AM

anyways lesbians don’t owe men sex ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

29 January 2021 6:28 AM

i laughing so hard, this is great representation of those imposters, i’m glad that you decided to do this!!! also your comic is wonderful and adorable 🙂

12 June 2021 6:49 PM

lmao at some ppl in the comments thinking a lesbian comic author wouldn’t touch on the subject of TIMs, who have rlly been causing issues for homosexual women in recent years with their regressive ideas

8 August 2021 10:22 PM

A perfect representation of AGPs and their fetish.

Red Rose
Red Rose
5 October 2021 10:58 AM

I feel you gotta white as shit to think these features only belong to males

Red Rose
Red Rose
5 October 2021 11:00 AM

But then again terf ideology has white supremacist roots :/

It's All True Though
It's All True Though
7 January 2022 7:02 PM

Omfg this is exactly what I’m confronted with on every dating app these days! Scarily accurate!

22 June 2022 2:06 PM

I love it omg this is so funny. I hope Jaden will be no nonsense with these guys and kick em straight out

none binary with left gender
none binary with left gender
13 July 2022 8:19 AM

damn that’s crazy. stream 100 gecs

comic enjoyer
comic enjoyer
26 July 2022 7:01 AM

LMAO this took me out!! their faces im crying 😀 this is such a relief seeing them how they look lololol.

I think I wrote this to convey my feelings? Lol idk.
I think I wrote this to convey my feelings? Lol idk.
4 August 2022 4:13 AM

I dunno if I’ll get a reply here, but I’ll my comment by noting that I understand the why of this, and frankly this form of representation is something that was probably earned… most likely meaning that it really is up those who’d be decent people to change such interpretations if it really bothers them… but seeing stuff like this can be so frustrating…

I guess I’m a gnc gay guy, and saw this comic somewhere else and thought it looked cool, and I feel it’s really unfortunate that this has pretty much become THE IMAGE for any gender-nomconformity that pops up in one’s mind with males… and I know, a different perspective would very obviously peg guys like what would be depicted here a VERY gender conforming in their attitudes towards women, but considering that many people aren’t quite as nuanced on the subject stuff like this is always difficult to see… this rant aside, I honestly am not even condemning this…

it really is up to me and others like me to set things right if we have such a negative perspective… perhaps this is the particular Karma we’ve earned by, albeit unwanted, association with these people…

the funniest comment I've had in a while
the funniest comment I've had in a while
26 February 2023 7:57 AM

What makes Miku a fictional woman?
Her (non-existent) chromosomes?
Her (non-existent) womb?
Looking like a woman?
Sounding like a woman?
Where does an android get a womb from?
Where does an android keep their chromosomes?
Some terfs (like one I could link to right now) say being “designed” to have a womb, (as if nature is sapient and not just a force that can create oddities in humans, like being intersex) is enough (those who even bother including the CTF (close to female) ones, I.E a woman with everything (a “small stature” (since it’s ok for women to have big builds but the second intersex or trans ones do it it’s proof they’re men) a vagina, primarily estrogen-based puberty but no womb.

womb = woman?? transmahogany blood on this woman's hands smh..
womb = woman?? transmahogany blood on this woman's hands smh..
26 February 2023 10:32 AM

That’s irrelevant.
And she is technically real. As a hologram at concerts in Japan. So you still haven’t answered my question.
What makes Hatsune Miku a woman?
She is at most a hologram. No womb or design for a womb.

26 February 2023 11:18 AM

What makes hatsune miku a woman tho?

it's my website and I'll delete what I want to 🎶 (your comments have to be approved by me before they go public, miss)
it's my website and I'll delete what I want to 🎶 (your comments have to be approved by me before they go public, miss)
26 February 2023 3:26 PM

Stop deleting my comments and answer me. What makes hatsune miku (a literal hologram celebrity) a woman?

empty brain girl
empty brain girl
27 February 2023 7:31 AM

Yes, but you said that [she] was imitating a fictional woman (derogatory). [[Citation needed]]
1. They are called hot wheels and gummy worms, because they are modeled after cars and worms despite not having the proper parts.
2. What makes a character cis? If it hasn’t been confirmed or heavily implied or almost outright stated they very well could be trans.
3. A fictional character is trans because they were confirmed trans or heavily implied (i.e showing a picture of someone younger presenting as the opposite gender and or having the creator confirm they were trans)
They could also be trans in someone’s subjective headcanon. Which isn’t canon but is still just a way of projecting or just expanding on themes in the source material by assigning a trait in your idea of the characterization or lore of a character.
3. And whack is slang, metaphorically. And has no actual relevance in this conversation.
Although, I do have to ask, if Miku can be a woman without being designed to have the proper parts, why can’t trans women?
So I suppose you did answer my question, (although I suppose you wouldn’t like it if someone deleted your comments about your “terf truth”.

Piss On The Poor Reading Comp + Reasoning Skills
Piss On The Poor Reading Comp + Reasoning Skills
2 March 2023 11:08 AM

Then what do you think they’re modeled after?
A toy car is literally modeled after a car that’s why they’re called toy cars.
Also you might wanna tone down the mocking. Even IF we were wrong, you outright admitted they (trans people (at least the afabs) and supportive women) were products of society in your eyes. And yet you degrade them and insult trans people and their (supposedly just harmed and brainwashed) female allies instead of getting them the help you think they need. How are you supposed to connect with these supposedly harmed women unless you show them kindness? How are you supposed to make them trust you?
You can’t. Because if a women was taught to think something was normal when it wasn’t insulting them for believing how they were taught and told their whole life is going to make them clam up more and go back to the situation.
So i suppose you should answer the question, assuming you had the good faith not to skip.
What makes Miku a woman?

Girl Out Here Talking To Herself
Girl Out Here Talking To Herself
3 March 2023 1:30 PM

Where’s the fallacy the if you’re so smug?
Toy cars are modeled after cars.
You literally say you should be nice to and respect women and
degrading hurt women (like how you see trans men and female trans allies) is wrong, surely you agree?
Are you out of arguments?
Where’s the lie? 🙂

Red Rose
Red Rose
19 March 2023 9:50 PM

ya know
looking back at this “accidentally” antisemitic jewish caricature is so fucked
especially when you see nazis supporting GC’s at their rallies. this comment is probably not gonna show because op is an aussie coward but still
