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20 December 2023 6:22 PM


20 December 2023 7:33 PM


20 December 2023 8:47 PM

His huge shadow towering over little Shez, showing her helplessness, becoming HER shadowed face in the bottom panel full of rage and determination and strength was a genius choice. Your visual storytelling is so so good.

Brazillian Terf
Brazillian Terf
20 December 2023 9:14 PM


20 December 2023 9:38 PM

God poor Shez… I wanna taker her and my family away from that man… I really really hope Shez and Miriam get to see a therapist after all of this…

And I really hope Shez’s sister doesn’t take this man’s side 😭😭 I see that happen so much with kids who don’t have to deal with the abuse themselves

20 December 2023 9:50 PM


essay style comment later this is wild elation comment

20 December 2023 10:20 PM

I’m gonna cheer for her. She’s gonna get where she needs to be.
S-H-A-N-Z-E-Y !
S-H-A-N-Z-E-Y !

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
20 December 2023 10:48 PM

ok, wanting Shez to beat his ass aside… this page is so, so gut wrenchingly sad and also painfully real for so so many abused children.

At 13 your biggest worry should be about like. Sweat in new and weird places lmfao not ‘I have to be strong enough to protect not only myself, but the adults in my life who should be protecting me.’ It’s so sad. My teeth hurt after this page, Rusty. 😔

21 December 2023 1:23 AM

let’s goooooooo – that last panel got me hype!!!!

21 December 2023 1:32 AM

Wait, I remember everyrhing started with discussing a measure of a well-placed balls kick. So does that mean the story ends with Chris never having any more kids ever? If so – Shez is a savior of not only her family, but others as well))

I consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to upbringing, nothing too horrible (phisically, at least) ever happened to me. Yet even I am all too familiar with the feeling of helpless terror mixed with anger that this panel provokes.
I guess no woman can ever grow up free of this shadow in current world…

21 December 2023 1:39 AM


21 December 2023 3:41 AM

We’d better get a sweet training montage to make up for all this trauma.

21 December 2023 5:10 AM

This rom-com has turned into a shonnen for women and I love that for us!

Vitamin C
Vitamin C
21 December 2023 5:55 AM

But seriously, who would even notice? The way I understand it, he has very little contact with the outside world. No blood relatives checking in on him, no friends, no neighbours, no co-workers (except I suppose for other fraudsters, but they’d likely assume he’s hiding from the law or is in prison if he stopped contacting them). Kill him, burry him in the backyard, or feed him to one of those very Australian animals. No one’s gonna know.

21 December 2023 8:18 AM


Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
21 December 2023 12:07 PM

Shez was already my favourite character. Now she’s my even favouriter

21 December 2023 6:28 PM

on one hand I’m thinking “yes Chris NEEDS TO GO”. Shez I’m such a fan B)

on the other hand, I’m so sad bc no child should EVER have to contemplate violence in order to protect themselves and their family… but ofc shez has no choice 🙁 neither did all those girls out there who have resorted to violence to escape their abusers.

I’m betting that shez didn’t actually kill Chris, bc I am not optimistic that she would escape the “justice system”, which is so quick to punish female victims while minimizing the actions of the male abuser. So the fact that she and her family are all together now makes me think that they escaped without leaving a body. Im hanging on my seat waiting to see how events play out!

22 December 2023 4:12 AM

I’m fully on board team Shez Kills Chris as long as she does no jail time for it. (in real life the justice system is so skewed even blatant cases of self defense end with the woman in jail because how outrageous for a woman to EVER defend herself or a man to face real consequences)

25 December 2023 11:51 AM

KAY SO THE COMPOSITION IS SO POWERFUL this has to be like one of the absolute most satisfying compositions for a comic page i have ever seen in my life. I wish every page of every comic could look like this one, though that is not feasible and also this banger of a page deserves to stand out anyway. HUGE thank you to Miss Korry for the suggestion to make the shadow be like. Extended and connect. the power of that visual choice. She has an extremely artistic and creative mind to come up with that. I hope she understands the POWER of what she helped you achieve in this page. And of course she wouldn’t have even thought of that suggestion if you had not already build the composition’s foundation yourself. GREAT work Rusty GREAT suggestion Kory.

Also the visible brush strokes around Shez’s eyes. Lots of little things in this page making this extremely striking composition. If the eyes were Clean the page would lose so much of it’s power. I love that little bit of roughness there and the intensity. Also I can be a huge TEXTURE fiend so I like that it gives the page some texture there.

The text right in-between her eyes? HONE IN ON THE GOAL. The placement of the text here is another little thing that lets us know Shez is going to have unwavering focus in trying to accomplish that. You put so much thought into this composition, and if there’s some of the things you didn’t even Think of are definitely finely honed artistic instinct. 
Reminds me of Shez’s very first time trying to fight him. That page was JUST like shonen protagonist going up against bigger monster she would inevitably fail against AND THEN WE HAVE THIS PAGE. You are so aware of the genre, and also people who are Aware of the genre can also have a very good sense of what’s happening.

It was just so hard for me to get too heart-broken because of the awareness of those shonen-type of stories. I never feel wrecked up over Shonen Young Boy because he ALWAYS trains and wins in the end. It’s just SO COOL to be seeing this with a girl for once. There’s all these shonen boys out there who face SERIOUS trauma no one of that age should ever face, but he’s not broken by it, only made stronger, only made cooler. Men always are made More Cool by their trauma in stories, while more often women end up Broken and Delicate because of their trauma.

Only shonen girl I know if is Maka Albarn, who is everything to me, and who’s manga source treats her so disgusting and degrading as it does all women. The anime is better but still, there’s some Serious Yeuch Moments. It’s so hard to watch anime as a woman, for real. I basically Don’t anymore, because it only seems to be getting worse.

I also love the CONTEXT of this page HAHAHA Like Shez just told a huge group full of women “SO I WAS PLANNING TO MURDER HIM” like that tells us so much about the kind of person she is. I love it. She doesn’t soften it, she doesn’t like, try to make it more palatable, just YEP I WAS DEAD SET FOR REAL GOING TO KILL THIS GUY.

But I know Shez wouldn’t confess being involved in a murder that could get her in trouble. Depending on how the story she is telling goes, I might have to go “hmm, is that what REALLY happened, Shez? 😉 Listen Shez, I know that For Real, it was actually YOU who killed him, and that makes you so much more cool of a character to me…..” straight up I get this image of way later in the story where Shez reveals to Jaden “Nope I actually killed him I just only share that information with people who I KNOW I can trust with it” maybe at some point when Jaden just had to be Really Violent and she isn’t sure it was the right thing to do. And Shez is just like “HEY SOMETIMES WE HAVE TO BE VIOLENT FOR REAL TO PROTECT WOMEN I DON’T REGRET DOING A MURDER” HAHAHAHA but yeah that’s all just my silly little thoughts. If shonen boy can kill a monster or enemy or whatever that is WAY bigger then him then WHY CAN’T SHEZ? Tho I know whatever story you wrote is definitely going to be good fantastic. Shez doesn’t NEED to murder this guy to succeed. She did what she sought out to do for real – she saved her family. She is a hero and we all love her.

I don’t know if this is my Favorite page, my Favorite might be one of the ones with Alex in it. She is an Angel to me. But this is absolutely one of the best pages in LB for real. It’s Very Powerful. As Shez deserves. Congratulations on making this character just as badass as she deserves to be. The AGP have no idea how lucky they are that Shez prioritized checking on Jaden instead of chasing them down.

side note, going back to double-check and make sure I was remembering right, that Shez stayed behind with Jaden and ended up seeing that Ask The Cast page where age 8 Shez wanted to be a RockStar Musician and shfjsdhkfskdh ksjhdfkj hsdf that childhood dream didn’t last very long her priorities changed so fast aaaaaAAAAA