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Sorry to the ladies who thought we were in the clear </3

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8 December 2023 7:53 PM

I will get his ass for you Shez

8 December 2023 8:06 PM

Hope Chris dies painfully.

8 December 2023 8:10 PM

Ohhh fuck. Fuck this evil moid! 😡 What a disgraceful waste of oxygen 🙁 ugh, only thinking for a moment now this girl’s poor mom feels right now…how utterly heartbreaking. Poor mom, poor Shez 🙁

Y’know, just this past week I actually suffered a domestic violence assault (not trying to make it about me or anything, it just adds more relevancy to my thoughts -) but I’m already psychologically and emotionally turned upside down, and am also having to move to a shelter rather quickly. I have some support from family and some great social workers, however; and no children to worry about – and the man is in custody for now.

And I cannot IMAGINE how awful it would be going through this while being so alone and trapped like this woman is – dependant on the abuser and isolated by him; and all alone with no family, in a country you’re not native to; and with three goddamn children to worry about… two of which are quite young!
Absolute nightmare fuel. Gods, women are so strong. And yet, we shouldn’t ever have to be so strong through such things as these.

8 December 2023 8:45 PM

I expected something like that, but it’s still a gut-punch. Poor Shez. Poor Meriam. They must both feel even more hopeless now, and both like they failed to protect each other. And both of them are pretty badly bruised, so clearly it wasn’t “just” that one hit either.

8 December 2023 9:04 PM

What I find really concerning is that little Shez isn’t in the hospital, she needs to be looked at properly especially if she potentially just lost her sight, now I just clocked Meriam might not be able to drive… What a horrible situation for the both of them

Jaden's lover you know the one
Jaden's lover you know the one
8 December 2023 9:26 PM

(Yeah I knew what was coming but I’m a hopeful woman okay 😔🍯) poor baby 😭😭 I can’t wait to see how they escaped this horrible situation, good job for making me feel so tense !!

If Chris ends up being unpunished I will personally invade this story and kill him myself 🔪👊🏾🔥

8 December 2023 10:10 PM

The bruise marks 😭😭😭

And then he got hit by a car and lived just long enough for his organs to be donated to a bunch of women who needed them right Rusty????.

8 December 2023 10:57 PM

That hand print is just…

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
8 December 2023 11:38 PM


9 December 2023 1:21 AM

The marks on Meriam’s arms is totally from Chris holding her back from defending her child

Normal person
Normal person
9 December 2023 2:28 AM

Jesus, this is dark. Poor little Shez, and holy crap, Meriam…

I REALLY hope this doesn’t come off the wrong way, but seeing that Meriam was obviously hurt (more than the initial strike, at least) protecting Shez, and is there immediately after providing care for her, does provide a bit of comfort in an otherwise utterly bleak part of the story. In the most awful possible way, it shows that she did her best to protect her child, and even if she failed at least she tried.

Fixing damaged eyes is something that doctors are generally pretty good at, so when I saw Shez’s seemingly-blind eye I wondered what’d happened, but I feel this answers it – it seems Shez didn’t get appropriate medical care in time because that would’ve led to Chris being asked some tough questions. Oof.

Blais (traumadumping)
Blais (traumadumping)
9 December 2023 2:49 AM

It hurts to see her hurt like this, especially at the hands of this selfish, evil man. Even though I should have expected it, it hurts.

I’m also hurting for Meriam. That’s more than one bruise on her – did Chris punish her for Shez taking a swing? She’s completely isolated with him, and Shez still has one more sister after Crystal and Karissa, so I’m guessing she can’t leave, no matter how much she wants to.

I REALLY hope Chris does not bring out the ~flowers~ and ~gifts~ and ~showy apologies~ to manipulate Meriam into thinking he’s sorry. He’s lied to her enough.

Though, I wonder if he will go the other way, pretending it never happened and intimidating Meriam, Shez, Crystal, and Karissa into pretending with him.

This got harder for me to read now that I know Chris was hurting Shez too. If I didn’t know Shez had saved her family from this man, I probably would be sitting this one out.

(I hope it’s okay to talk about this?) My own father did not raise a hand to my mother – well, he stopped that after I was born – but he would hurt me when I was a young kid. He liked to pretend everything was normal after an incident and get angry if anyone brought it up, because it was our fault for acting in a way that made him respond with violence.

I hope Shez and her mother and her sisters never internalized this as “normal” or “deserved.”

9 December 2023 4:17 AM

Bruuuhhh these pages are ROUGH. I know Shez and Miriam and the three sisters are gonna make it outta this but god DAMN. Also as awful as it sounds to say: you did really good on the bruises here ;o;

I hate men
I hate men
9 December 2023 5:04 AM

So is this why Shez has her scar and her right eye looks blind? 🙁

Briefly Unlurking
Briefly Unlurking
9 December 2023 9:21 AM

I have never commented before because I don’t feel like it’s an appropriate or necessary thing to do – I’m someone who would probably be considered a “gendie” and I check in on this comic regularly for access to a perspective I fundamentally disagree with.

I’m breaking my longstanding rule here to say that the Shez backstory arc so far has been heartbreaking and so well done. I can feel the empathy behind each page and your use of color is lovely, and I’m genuinely impressed by how much thought you’ve put into this character since the comic began and how much your art has improved over time.

I also think it’s incredibly kind how forthcoming you’ve been with plot spoilers to help readers prepare for/avoid potentially upsetting subject matter.
In conclusion: fuck Chris!! I can’t wait to see Shez and her mother and sisters thriving and out of harm’s way.

9 December 2023 9:56 AM

At least she lived

/sarcasm obvs

9 December 2023 10:35 AM

This just makes it so much worse knowing that Shez has yet another sister coming after this 😟 I’m hoping that Chris is either dead or out of the picture before the next sister is born though.

I’m just so glad for Shez and all her sisters that at least they’re all girls, so none of them have to suffer from having a brother who’s been influenced by a violent misogynistic father. Sibling abuse is so much more common and more serious than people think.

My father was out of the picture from when I was pretty young, but my brother had been influenced enough by his violence and misogyny that I spent my teen years covered in bruises from my brother.

Cath (Sobbing, crying, throwing up)
Cath (Sobbing, crying, throwing up)
9 December 2023 12:21 PM

Ough, I havent been able to catch up until now due to work and studying (junior in hs and doing duel enrollment in college) and just…

Rusty I adore your storytelling and that these past few pages have HURT- I agree with every gyn here that we should hunt down Chris but knowing how the real world works, moids like this usually get off scott free (Source: My mom had to deal abuse from my sperm doner and even after they divorced she got harassed and my sperm doner got no repercussions)

I also agree with others saying that at least Shez and her sisters have no male siblings- my older brother definitely was there for the worst of our moms abuse and uses it against her and me when hes home from college despite whining that he was also affected (Even tho the most my sperm doner did to him was to tell him to stop being a lazy fuck)- so yes. ALL men, even if they say otherwise.

(Also beautiful work on these past few pages! And congrats on finally gaining financial support for LB! Once i get my next paycheck I’m definitely throwing you a 10 or 15 for keeping up this wonderful comic,, also if I was there in Shez’s class I would already be in tears with her telling her story)

The most excellent car driver
The most excellent car driver
9 December 2023 3:26 PM

I want to steal Chris’s car and first of all, drive Shez’s family away from Chris and towards medical care.
And after they’ve found a place to stay for the time, come back, find Chris, and his car can give him a nice shove that will send him flying

10 December 2023 6:03 AM

Long-time reader, first-time commenter. This arc is heart-breaking and as a fellow artist, I appreciated the way you drew Meriam’s expression. It’s clear she’s experiencing so much guilt and regret for this encounter when it’s not her fault at all, and likely hating herself for being unable to protect her daughter and get her to a hospital.

I’m glad for the increased frequency of your update schedule, I’ve been following very closely. Hoping for a swift and violent end for this nasty moid.

10 December 2023 3:20 PM

Long time ago, when you mentioned there’d be an actual explanation of Shez scar, i thought it was gonna be a result of her job as a bouncer, a burglary at her home or some other kind of encounter with random entitled abusive men (cause you know how bold they can get in groups), you know?? But now that we got to this point, looking back i’m glad you didnt choose that route cause this one hits harder and is more cathartic. Childhood experiences can have great impacts in our future routes and this narrative weaves a wider net as it involves her mom and sisters, not just her.

Thank you for the page as always

11 December 2023 10:32 PM

Now THIS is “gritty realism” in terms of portraying abuse. A lot of the time in media violence is oddly glamorized, it has this feeling of emphasizing how SHOCKING it was this woman got hit, or worst of all it can be shown as Sexy or sexualized in some way. I often think there is some kind of sadistic delight in men portraying violence against women. Like they like it, like it is Fun for them in some way to show off a woman or girl being harmed.

Meriam’s face though? That is Raw, that is Real. It’s about the Impact that the abuse has on those who suffered from it. Focusing on the act of the woman getting hit honestly seems to be servicing the abuser sometimes. Look how strong he is, look at his power display. But instead showing the way it effects Meri and Shez feels much more focused on their perspectives. Showing Chris hitting either of them would just be letting Chris Show Off in some ways. I’m sure there are men who see scenes of men being brutal and think “what a cool guy he is”. ew ew ew.

On an artistic level, Meriam’s face is Art Goals. The level of wrenching agony you’ve portrayed here is such vivid intense artistic talent. I cannot see a single way you would visually make her look more in pain then that. And the ANGLE of her face. That is not an angle I can see myself drawing personally HA. You’ve nailed the placement of her facial features and just. Everything there absolutely phenomenal. The use of shadows. just geezums Rusty. Incredible artwork. Also in staring at her face in pure artistic admiration I can’t help but think also “wow great foreshortening on the arm too”.

3 October 2024 10:56 AM