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What could paw-sably go wrong! {insert bubsy bobcat image here}

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4 June 2019 7:05 PM


7 July 2021 12:18 PM

Riley reminds me so much of my girlfriend and this chapter makes me think it even more

10 August 2021 1:35 AM

Muddles looks so proud of herself ??

26 July 2024 8:29 PM

Been reflecting on different things I saw about the comic early on and one thing I can’t get over currently, is how people would have a go at things like “that’s too many lesbians, it’s not realistic that there would happen to be that many lesbians” And “Even the cat is a lesbian? How?”

My thoughts on those types of responses feel infinite given the stuff I’ve seen, but to start, people saying it’s not ‘reasonable’ to have a lot of lesbians are holding a double standard, I have seen an absurd amount of media that’s about gay men where everyone is a gay man except for the rare evil straight woman (usually) or at times they even just don’t appear to exist at all, I have rarely seen anyone criticize that aspect of different MLM media, and said criticism is usually quickly shot down, but suddenly it’s an ok argument to make when it’s specifically about lesbians/WLW? Hmmm…
If their issues were truly just with AGP or feeling like it’s too underhanded etc, one would think that’s what they would focus on, not on how it has “too many lesbians” to be “practical”.

On the cat, it’s lighthearted and silly, but even that aside, non-human animals have been shown to have preferential and mating behaviors for reasons other than reproduction, or are we just going to forget gay lions now that it’s specifically a light hearted character that is called lesbian? Seems sus to me.

Also also, even the “realism” argument on people having a problem with the amount of lesbians hits a wall IMO, because gays tend to stick with gays, I’m intersex, GNC etc and my entire friend group, business connections, family I stay close with are all of some form of shared or similar experience, like damn, even our realtor is gay. Maybe it would be unrealistic if we’ve been living in a utopia for the last 10+ years where we didn’t have to worry about things like male violence, homophonic violence etc, but we do, in turn we band together and so, even in real life you have “too many lesbians” all gathering and connecting around the same places and events.