86 7045

Bonus Mini 5 – Chore Chart

Just when you think you've got the perfect roommate situation U_U
Surprise! I never said the most voted for option was the winner of the poll. This week the least voted option coming in at 68 votes (as of writing) is the winner!

Cannot believe (As of writing) Pool Party and TMJ-2 were at a tie tho... dang..

Hope you all enjoy domestic #Jail tho!ย  (That's their ship name now, lmao. Because you gyns only ever get to view Riley/Jaden through the bars of a jail cell.)


To mix the polls up a little bit, I'm gonna let last weeks' votes determine the order the other 3 comics come out and give you something else to vote on in the comments. So:

(๐Ÿ˜ณ86)Gardener Woman - August 3rd (Bonus Page Thursday)

(๐Ÿ˜Ž135) Pool Party!ย  - August 7th

(๐Ÿ™„136) TMJ-2 - August 14th

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30 July 2023 6:11 PM

EDIT: me rn

Miss Kory
Miss Kory
30 July 2023 7:10 PM

Look at them being so cute and compatible ;_;
At least they donnt bother to iron the laundry which is smart !

30 July 2023 8:42 PM


question for kai
question for kai
30 July 2023 8:51 PM

i have a few questions for kai: why does your โ€œcis bitchesโ€ protocol of not talking to cis people only apply to women and not men? and how do you distinguish โ€œcis bitchesโ€ from trans women and nonbinary people?

surely eli and any other QT members who look like women (but totally definitely arenโ€™t) find it a bit uncomfortable. i know the โ€œOMG KAI ASSUME GENDRR IDENTITY ! PROBLEMATIC LOLโ€ joke has been played to death but id still be curious to hear a justification, even knowing itโ€™d likely be an incredibly sexist one.

i feel like kai would ignore this question if it seemed like it was coming from a โ€œcis bitchโ€ so id just like to declare that im agender in the TRANS way, totally not in the i-donโ€™t-have-a-gender-identity way

30 July 2023 9:27 PM

Aw, cute! Fan of the slow-burning but I also can’t wait to see their relationship develop

For ask the cast, I would like to ask Clancy if she is okay ๐Ÿฅฒ

30 July 2023 9:45 PM

Smh… Imagine not liking laundry which is by far the most fun and relaxing chore. You get to make all your clothes clean again, you get to have a nice laundry pod to laundry sauce combination and you get nice smelling clean clothes…
And I have a question for MJ, what’s your type in a romantic sense?

30 July 2023 11:08 PM

For Riley and Jaden: (or everyone!) What’s their ideal date?

atheist mantis
atheist mantis
31 July 2023 12:43 AM

Always so cute <3 And ooohh this one HITS HOME. Sheets are my nightmare, I never want to get started with them ;__; But once I do, the relief is huge lmao

(Who wants to bet that not liking the obvious chore for the woman gender is a part of Blaire's man diagnosis,,,๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

31 July 2023 2:11 AM

this is ADORABLE i love the jaden & riley fluff pages so so much!!

31 July 2023 5:41 AM

Omg they were roommates

normalcore ordinarypilled
normalcore ordinarypilled
31 July 2023 6:30 AM

It’s insane how normal Jaden and Riley are.. especially after that last page. It feels like whiplash! They’re really out here just maintaining their little household together!!

31 July 2023 6:39 AM

Thank you for the Jail fooooood!!

Question for Riley: What’s the best thing about being short?

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
31 July 2023 7:43 AM

1) i know you saw my tumble posts already rusty thank you for my life ๐Ÿ™
2) can the questions be for ANY cast member? ๐Ÿ‘€

31 July 2023 7:52 AM

I know Rusty asked for questions to be aimed at one character but I’m curious. We know that Parniya has a flair for interior design and Faith loves books and video games and Ari is a music buff, what are some other favorite hobbies of the main cast +Yonique crew?

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
31 July 2023 7:59 AM

I am disgusted and appalled that Jaden and Riley both enjoy doing the dishes more than laundry. And to think I found them relatable up until now!!! SO disappointing. >:(

Also I know it’s probably a t-shirt but for a second I thought Jaden was wearing a crop top in the second panel lmao. And I initially misread “BRAND” as “BRAINS”. So a crop top that says BRAINS. (Zombie fashion?)

(Question for literally any QT collective member: What are your thoughts on yaoi?)

31 July 2023 9:02 AM

loving how colorful these bonus pages are โ˜บ๏ธ
hmm.. questions.. โ€˜eliโ€™, what was the worst part of your โ€˜terf phaseโ€™ and/or what finally โ€˜woke you upโ€™ to your โ€˜โ€™internalized transphobiaโ€™โ€™ (totally because i want the evil warning signs and not because i want a laugh)

31 July 2023 9:04 AM

Finally, some eye balm after the last page.

And a question for Riley: Capybara, Tasmanian devil or Thylacine?

31 July 2023 12:11 PM

question for riley and jaden:
Do either of them like video games and if so whats their favourite genre?

31 July 2023 12:25 PM

I don’t feel this merits an actual drawing response, so pls don’t do one for it (I’d rather it go to someone else’s much better question!) but I’ve been meaning to ask, did “Brick” choose her trans moniker after the legendary First Brick Thrown At Stonewall?

Which was, of course, thrown by Our Lady of Kweerness Marsha P. Johnson, who definitely did that and was definitely there at that time and was definitely a trans woman and who definitely gave us all our rights?

And if you doubt this easily disproven narrative, you will be sent to hell er I mean be problematic for all eternity?

Seems like the kind of thing she’d do to “pay homage to our queer elders and to remind us of the debt we all owe TRANS WOMEN FOREVER” but also I can see it just being coincedence bc gendie girls pick the most rando shit.

31 July 2023 3:28 PM

For Parniya, from someone Riley-sized: How does it feel to be so tall? Is it nice? Does it ever bother you?
What’s it like up there in the clouds, queen?

1 August 2023 7:36 AM

For Faith: what do you want to be when you grow up?

MJ fanatic
MJ fanatic
1 August 2023 7:56 AM

It’s mentioned that MJ had a strict upbringing and if I’m reading her bio correctly moved quite a bit of distance away from her family? Basically, MJ, what’s your life story? I’m the #1 MJ fan btw

2 August 2023 2:14 AM

To “Babygirl” Hecox: how did you realise you were actually a brave and stunning lady?

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
2 August 2023 9:41 PM

For Jaden, what do you think would be a deal breaker even if the girl was otherwise a ten?

Also, did you know that I don’t have whatever you’re about to say? Bbygrl

4 August 2023 2:11 AM

are any of the leasebound cast a fan of horror movies? ๐Ÿ‘ป

6 August 2023 5:57 PM

Q for Shez: What does it feel like to be the best of the world? ILYSM I can’t breathe ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ญ

OK not that one, not that one, sorry.

I am aware you said to just pick 1 but I am unable because all the cast is too darned vibrant and magnetic. It is way too hard, therefore if you feel like doing any of these at all, you select which 1 in the end โคต

Q for Clancy: as you play in The BallKickers, do you have any favourite or most-admired team mate?? (i’d like the answer to reflect why she likes that woman even if you cant say who, not just a yes or no kind of deal)


Q for Ari: What is something a woman can do to impress you?


Q for Faith: what do you like the most and the least about your mom?

That aside, if it’s allowed, also Qs for Author:

1.- Have you ever considered making Horny Hubris the name of a band (maybe even Yonique performers) and a fave of Riley as a running gag?

2.- is TMJ also a play on words? in this case on how witnessing their dynamic can be painful, desperating and cause jaw clenching or just coincidence?

3.- Will we get to meet that mysterious freckled tomboy in chapter 12 along with more Shez or will it have to be in 2024?? At this point, IDEC if you make that unnamed character asexual or some evil mastermind, i am about to steal Kai’s sweater because the Yearning and intrigue is eviscerating me

Regarding the mini chapter, I will just say thank you author for the entertainment, and that laundry is simply the devil incarnate. It just is. Those two know whats up.