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34 thoughts on “CH12P56

  1. Tina’s bio is now up!

    Lease Bound’s first fandom week event is accepting submissions (fanart, fanfics, essays, memes, ect). Click here for details on how to join / check out entries.

  2. Wants In On That Group Chat

    Who else is in the group chat?! I nEED To KNow!!!!

    1. Muddles is the Admin, along Shez.

  3. Asdfghhjkl I love so much that this is apparently a common reaction! Also, that is a very tangible way of leveling up your friendship, and I am genuinely so glad for Jaden. She has been closing herself off for so long now, and it is genuinely joyful to watch her form these deep connections to the women around her.

    1. Yesss!!! Honestly loved that it was a suggestion on the last page, even! The readers in the comments offering were the women in Shez’s group chat all along 🥺🥹🥺🥹

      Felt very good to give Jaden a friendship level up too. Basically the whole goal of this chapter. She just needed someone else to take that first step into vulnerability first ❤️

  4. Rusty I’d risk it all for Jaden. Me x Jaden.

    1. I know this, and I love you for it, breastie. You X Jaden all the way ❤️❤️

  5. Murder plot with the girlies LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO

    1. 👏👏👏 this falls under the “friendship ensues” part of the LB summary. Essential in any female friendship group😤😤

  6. omg Tina’s bio! ‘waiting for her prince charming’ and loving romance novels, which are a completely inaccurate representation of men 😬
    Chris presented himself EXACTLY as a Prince Charming type, acting like he was sweeping in to rescue Miriam.

    Men USE the kinds of naive expectations set by romance novels and such to trick and trap women, to get them to fall for them and defend them despite how many red flags start creeping up.

    I feel really bad for Miriam that 2 of her daughters, despite everything she went through to protect them and save them, don’t seem to take her (or Shez’s and Rocky’s) experience seriously, and think she’s being unreasonable. It’s also sad because all you can do is hope they realize she’s right naturally as they mature, and never have to learn the hard way 😞

    On a lighter note: I absolutely LOVE that Shez has enough amazing and supportive women in her life that there’s a whole group chat’s worth of them willing to be an alibi for her pest control operation! (and love that Jaden’s actually that committed to protecting other women)

    1. Indeed 😔
      Puts me in two minds about romance novels. I think its a lot more viable for het/bi women to seek out romance novels (written by women) rather than real relationships with men. But more often than not it seems they take the fiction for fact and start looking for the prince charming novel characters in real men 😔 Case and point with Tina.

      Definitely hurtful for Meriam, but yes. They’ve still got room to grow and figure it out. Unfortunately becoming aware of the true nature of men doesn’t seem to be a lesson that’s easily learned from the experiences of another woman 🙁

      And yes! It felt like the perfect ending to Shez’s backstory, to show she’s no longer alone. She has so many women on her side now, and Jaden’s coming into the fold too 🥰

  7. Ehe add me to the group chat too, I’m really glad Shez and her family have a good support system!

    1. Added ✍️✍️

  8. Ohhhhh! She said it, too! Jaden, this is why everyone loves you; you’re the voice of the people (when you’re not being too hard on yourself.)
    I, too, would like to join the Hide Chris’s Murder Group Chat. Is this going to become a real thing if enough of us ask? 😂

    1. I can see it now! Shez Alibi Discord Server 🤣

  9. As concerned as I am for Tina I love hearing she’s got the goal of publishing her own novel 💖💖💖 I want her to succeed and keep that joy of creation and romance but still learn to be more uhhh realistic with her expectations of the real world 😭

    also I need to know what her ao3 handle is cause I KNOW babygirl has one!!! Tine show me your Star Shifters 50k slow burn fanfic!!!!

    1. Yess! With any luck she’ll heighten her standards so much that no real man will be able to meet them 🤞🤞

      And omg, I didn’t even CONSIDER the idea of her writing fanfics. It’s cannon for real now ✍️✍️

  10. So Tina is the bookish type confirmed. It’s sad NGL she must feel so split and it wasnt even her fault 🙁 i wonder if she ever feels resentment towards Shez cause Parniya can visit their house but whatever BF she may acquire cannot. Maybe the epilogue will shine a light on how she feels about the other sisters nowadays

    Thank you for the new page. BTW on the matter of GNC lesbians, might let ya know of this interesting interview with an israeli desister+poet? https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZkGWxe6m8Tg if you have time LMK what you think of it 😊

    1. Very very interesting conflicts you mentioned. Think you’re gonna enjoy some of the epilogue a lot! 👀👀
      Tina thankfully doesn’t have a boyfriend, but Rissa does 💀

      Thanks for the link, I’ll leave it up for anyone who wants to have a watch/listen. Thanks for thinking of me ❤️

      1. You’re welcome! tbh I wasn’t gonna link anything at first as I jumped in with 0 expectations BUT when it got to the part where the woman described how she basically had no sense of north navigating the world because decent media rep of gnc/butch lesbianism was absent in her life (so could not picture herself in the future and understand her feelings unless as a ftm) I gasped and immediately thought of you and this comic and the lil talk we had a while ago of GNC trajectories. She could not be what she could not see, the culture failed her by a mile 🙁

        1. I’m touched you thought of me, thank you! It is a very sad, yet common occurrence tho, re: reasons GNC women transition 🙁

  11. Parniya’s biggest fan

    A group chat for just wanting to kill Chris? Can I get in on this group chat? 😈

    1. Consider yourself added ✍️✍️

  12. I too would like to join the group chat please! Ideally there won’t ever be a need for this, given the group alibi coordination, but should Shez happen to need a lawyer at any point… Pro bono. It’s a very good cause.

    What a chapter, Rusty. I had tears in my eyes more than once, but for this page, they were happy tears. Neither of those two is alone anymore.

    1. You’re too kind ❤️ and also correct, don’t think Shez is going to go about this deed in a way that will require a court case. She’s much smarter now.

      Thank you for being along for the ride. I’m so flattered my work could evoke such an emotional response ❤️❤️.

  13. OoooOOoOhH My goooooooddness!! I just spent my afternoon reading all of Lease Bound and I absolutely loved every bit of it! I cannot wait to see more of this in the future! Shez has grown to be one of my favourite characters now and I really aspire to be a strong woman like the ones you portray in this series. <3

    1. This makes me so happy, thank you so much for reading 🥰🥰🥰
      I hope you continue to enjoy my work 🩷🩷

  14. Tina, girl, from a straight woman from another… Live your life like you want, you don’t need a prince charming to rescue you. Trust me on this one.

    And this ep was amazing and an amazing breath from the Gendie party thing. Sure, Chris and his moids issues were horrible, but I’m still glad that this comic is still focused in women for women and now we know why Meriam was crying when Shez could bought her a new home. TY for this amazing chapter.

  15. Waaait, Rissa, at what KIND of medical practice does your boyfriend work? (🤞please don’t say cosmetic surgery🤞)

    1. Ooof didn’t even consider him being a cosmetic surgeon. BRILLIANT idea breastie ✍️✍️✍️ by the power vested in me: it is now canon.

  16. Oh my god I need the ballroom dancing page

    I started by hate reading this but now that I’ve binged the whole comic I desperately want more. Except now I’m not hate reading… I’m invested.

    1. Sweet, welcome aboard! Hope you continue to enjoy reading 🥰

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