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Bonus Mini 11 – Up Above The Clouds

This page goes out to the 168 (as of writing) Parniya fans <3
(And possibly Parniyez fans, hehe).

Special thanks to commenter 'K' - although this mini was already planned when you asked: "What’s it like up there in the clouds, queen?", you absolutely inspired the title!

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Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
3 September 2023 10:45 PM


I love her, and as a hopeless romantic I am definitely excited to see how this relationship plays out, I think it’s cute, the dynamic Parns and Shez have going on.

Shez is teasing Parniya because she wants to see what she can do being all like β€œhaha I bet you can’t beat me” in a playful loving tone, but Parniya has never *had* someone tease her in a not-mean way. It’s so cute 😭

Kory (the shez lover but on parniya's side there)
Kory (the shez lover but on parniya's side there)
3 September 2023 11:08 PM

Poor Parniya I relaet so much to her misadventures for being tall T_T The fact that she’s being shamed for being hungry and to pass after her brothers uggggggggggggggh

No wonder she reacts that way to Shez’ teasing, she’s been putting up with teasing and bullying about her height all her life, she wouldn’t take nicely to having that wound being toyed with.

GET SHEZ’ ASS, PARNS ! (and her pussy also)

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
3 September 2023 11:50 PM

God, he first panel literalky was like a punch in the teeth. it reminds me of a video i saw on tiktok of a mom packing lunches, and everyone was saying how she was giving her daughter β€˜too much food’ (but nothing about her son, mind you lol) and how she was going to make her β€˜unhealthy’ and overweight. Girls are so often treated like they aren’t β€œgrowing” as well.

4 September 2023 12:29 AM

OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG THIS PAGE IS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love shez………….. i love parnia…………………………………… *dies*

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
4 September 2023 12:50 AM

Shez is so badaaaaaass. And Parniya is so cool and brooding, ugh, I wanna go in and be her friend through it all, she’s too lovely to be teased.

This is the type of lovestory we need in lesbian romance omg…as a short queen I approve.

4 September 2023 1:17 AM

The yuri shonen manga we all deserve ❀️❀️❀️
I wish Parns had had like a single nice peraon in her life growing up though πŸ™

4 September 2023 2:24 AM

The last panel with Shez is the hottest thing I e read in my LIFE. Also uggggh the first one though!! Love these two. Perfect ship. No notes.

Cath (Losing her MIND over these two)
Cath (Losing her MIND over these two)
4 September 2023 3:57 AM

HOUGH Miss Rusty this page hit me like a semi going 100 on the interstate- i’m not tall by any stretch of the imagination but ive always had a huge appetite due to high metabolism and being active and I got that whole spiel from family and other adults even when I was neck deep struggling with anorexia ,, hand in hand with Parniya I am making her so much food and her and I will feast like queens

(Also that punch panel just,,, chefs kiss,, i am eating the linework,, AND SHEZ,,, HER,, HOLDING HER SO GENTLY IN MY TEETH I LOVE HER)

4 September 2023 4:10 AM

Ok, I know this is supposed to be a sort of solemn page for Parniya but that last panel with Shez is so πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅ sorry but my mind is immediately in the gutter please give us some steamy scenes with them!! Being tall is the best blessing as a lesbian Parniya needs to realize 😭

4 September 2023 5:04 AM

I also would have immediately fallen in love

4 September 2023 5:41 AM

I have not yet figured out how to post emojis here, so please imagine an entire row of heart-eyes!!

I love these two so much. Thank you for the page! And the shoutout! And for more Parniya and Shez! Please more of this, Rusty! I’m so in love with them both, they’re the best.

I want to give Parns the biggest hug and also watch the match between her and Shez over whether she has to take the class or not (I’d spar with either of them too, it’d be so hot, just please don’t kill me), and I really really really want to read more about how they got together! And I may be small, but I want to fight everyone who made fun of or bothered Parniya about her height ever.

And to cook for her and let her eat as much as she wants! The food criticism is incredibly familiar to me and I hate it so much that women aren’t supposed to eat until full or to be tall or to take up room in any sense, that we’re supposed to be small and quiet and decorative and to not need or want anything. We all deseve better, dammit.

When I asked that question, I was thinking about being able to reach the top shelf but having to stoop in doorframes, not about the bullying that comes with doing girlhood “wrong”! D:

4 September 2023 8:05 AM

Ahhhhh Parniya is so so good, as a fellow tall lady I had a similar upbringing to her :'( can’t wait to see her and Shez fall in love

4 September 2023 1:18 PM

hhhhh!!!!! πŸ’€

No thoughts, just incoherent huffing howling and yelling of joy over our scarred powertank…


ok one thought: Thanks for showing the “mean girls in class” dynamic. And how not fitting with most girls doesn’t necessarily mean the boys welcome you with open arms. Sometimes you just end up in a lonely stresful limbo that eats at you.

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
6 September 2023 2:17 AM

Don’t mind me I’m just admiring Shez’s arm muscles… πŸ‘€

Miss Woman
Miss Woman
6 September 2023 8:42 PM

what do you think about keeping a little tuperware of dead spiders around to, throw at misogynists i think it’s a good idea, i’ve found several brown recluses that would work marvelously, am thinking of bringing them to work

8 February 2025 4:50 PM

I mean…the taller you are, the more nutrients you need.