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And that's a wrap ladies! Chapter 6 is finally dooone!


A fun fact: When I started LB I wrote out 13 chapters worth of story before drawing anything. Chapter 2 onwards have seen DRASTIC changes, but one thing that has remained, throughout all the changes are those last three speech bubbles worth of dialogue.


I've been waiting since Mid-2017 for this reveal, and now it's finally here lmfao! There's a few extra pages after this one, just as a treat, and then I'll be moving onto Ask-The-Cast stuff next update!

Moving forward I'm going to be making myself stick to a maximum page count per chapter. P

robably in the 30-40 range. This chapter got a little out of hand in terms of page number and that the pacing has suffered a little for it :/. But it's all a learning process, so! Can only go up from here :D

My wife and I are going to be moving house over the next week, so there might be a bit of a delay with chapter 7, but I'll keep you all posted!

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7 July 2021 2:59 PM

I just want to let you know, every time your comments say something about “my wife” it makes me smile